How to apply Rotokan for rinsing your teeth and throat - complete instructions for use

Rotokan is a medicinal product of natural origin.

Available in liquid form, has a dark brown color, is sold in vials of 25 ml, 50 ml or 100 ml with the possible presence of sediment on the bottom.

Rotokan contains vegetable components in the following ratio:

  • Calendula officinalis - 1 part;
  • Chamomile Pharmacy - 2 parts;
  • yarrow common - 1 part.

So, to make 1 liter of solution, use 500 grams of chamomile and 250 grams of calendula and yarrow. As an auxiliary substance, ethanol is included in the formulation.


  • Therapeutic effect of
  • components The scope and limitations for the use of
  • solution How to use
    • After tooth extraction
    • Treatment of stomatitis
    • Application of Rotocan with
    • flux With bleeding gums
  • Side effects and cases of overdose
  • Consumer opinion
  • Purchase and replacement with analogs

Therapeutic effects of

components The medicinal properties of the drug due to its composition:

  1. instagram viewer
    Calendula contains caroinoidy and flavonoids, it determines its pharmacological activity. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, is active against some viruses, promotes tissue regeneration, removes spasm of smooth muscles( mainly in relation to the stomach and intestines).
  2. Yarrow , along with flavonoids, also consists of alkaloids of achilles, azulenes and tannins. This explains its hemostatic effect( it does not lead to the formation of blood clots), anti-allergic and wound-healing effects.
  3. Flower baskets chamomile have 0.2-0.8% essential oil, one of the components of which is chamazulene. Thanks to him, it serves as an antiseptic and helps fight inflammatory processes.

Rotokan solution can be used as:

  • antiseptic;
  • is a remedy for fighting inflammatory processes;
  • hemostatic;
  • agent with the ability to heal wounds.

Application and limitations for the use of

solution The use of a rinse solution based on Rotokan will be relevant in such cases:

  • of periodontal, mouth and throat inflammation ( periodontitis, gingivostomat ulcerative necrotic, stomatitis aphthous, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis);
  • diseases of the digestive tract ( for example, gastroduodenitis), enteritis and colitis in chronic form.

For the treatment of these diseases rinse the mouth, teeth and throat with Rotocana solution.


  • intolerance of the drug components;
  • age to 18 years;
  • liver disease of various etiologies;
  • alcoholism of different forms;
  • diseases of the brain, incl.and his injuries.

How to use

The first step is to make an aqueous solution of Rotokan.

For this, the vial is shaken, and in 1 glass of pure water dissolve 5 ml( 1 teaspoon) of the drug.

In the absence of allergy reactions for further treatment, concentration can be increased by diluting 15 ml of the drug in a glass of water.

In the dentistry Rotokan can be used in several ways:

  • as a solution for rinsing throats and teeth take an aqueous solution and rinse the mouth for 1-2 minutes, it must be repeated 3 times every 24 hours for 2-5 days;
  • as applications is applied for 15-20 minutes several times a day;
  • also make quilted turunders , which are wetted in an aqueous solution of the drug and placed in the gingival pockets for 20 minutes, can be repeated once every 24 or 48 hours, during treatment 4-6 injections are administered;
  • for gastroenterological diseases you can use both orally and rectally : inside take for 2-3 weeks for 60-100 ml 3-4 times every 24 hours;enemas do 3-6 days using 50-100 ml of solution, 1-2 times every 24 hours.
In cases of pregnancy and lactation it is not recommended to eat due to the presence of ethanol.

Usage after tooth extraction

Many are wondering what to rinse your teeth after removing a colleague so that you do not wash the blood clot. This can be done using the Rotokan solution as follows:

  • 15-20 minutes after the procedure, remove the gauze swab that the dentist put in the hole( as long as it is in the well, an inflammatory process may develop);
  • during the first 2 hours after removal it is advisable not to take food and water;
  • not to drink alcohol;
  • can apply cold to the cheek on the side of the removed tooth;
  • to avoid the development of pathogenic processes( they are frequent in the presence of a tooth cavity with caries) it is necessary to make baths or gargle rinses with antimicrobial antiseptics, for example, Rotocaine, which helps to maintain sufficient sterility in the hole itself, on the gum around, and also creates a local defense against manyspecies of microbes, the healing process is much faster and with less pain.

To prevent complications, rinse your mouth, observing such rules:

  • it is advisable to rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day after eating, pre-rinse your mouth with clean water to remove food debris;
  • rinsing movements should be smooth, otherwise there is a risk of rejection of the scab from the hole, for example, you can dial the solution into your mouth, then gently tilt your head in turn to the right and left shoulders;
  • in case of accidental swallowing the drug is safe enough( it is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, taken internally), but it is better to avoid getting it together with purulent-blood secretions into the stomach.
Sometimes after tooth extraction complications arise, for example, after extraction of a tooth of wisdom the bleeding can not stop for a long time. In such cases it is possible to apply applications with Rotocan, has a hemostatic effect.

Treatment of stomatitis

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, its pathogens are bacteria, yeast fungi or the herpes virus. Depending on the type of infection, treatment( antibacterial, antimycotic or antiviral) is prescribed, and rinses are a mandatory supplement to it.

The rinsing rules are almost the same as after tooth extraction:

  • 2-3 times every 24 hours for several minutes after eating and preliminary cleansing of the mouth with water;
  • after rinsing it is advisable not to eat or drink for the next 1-2 hours;
  • movement during rinsing can be of any intensity, but it is important that comfort is maintained.

Application of Rotocan with

flux Flux is an abscess on the gum caused by various infections( for example, with caries running, inflammation of the gingival pocket).

This disease must be observed with the doctor, but the primary symptoms, when there is no way to quickly get to the reception, can be eliminated with rinses. Before starting the procedure, you need to clean your mouth with dental floss and toothpaste.

If, in addition to the flux, gingival pockets are inflamed, they can be put in for 15-20 minutes of cotton buds soaked in water solution Rotokana, this will help reduce pain symptoms, and will be the beginning of treatment, becausethis drug also has an antimicrobial effect.

With gingival bleeding

gums can bleed for many reasons:

  • injury;
  • various diseases of the oral cavity;
  • hormonal changes in the background;
  • deficiency of vitamin K.

Treatment of bleeding gums usually begins with the removal of plaque, serves as a good environment for the development of pathogenic flora.

Further for the treatment and prevention prescribed rinses or appliques. It is also recommended to change the diet to avoid tissue irritation, and use special toothpastes.

Side effects and cases of overdose

In some cases, allergy reactions are possible.

No official information on overdose, but according to consumers, when taking a dose of Rotokana much higher than the standard, dizziness, a feeling of approaching vomiting, vomiting may occur. For treatment, therapy is used to help remove symptoms.

Opinion of consumers

Reviews of ordinary people who have tried in practice rinsing Rotokan solution.

Used to use this remedy for sore throats, but recently learned about another of its uses: the dentist recommended it when I grinded the tooth before installing the crown.

There were unpleasant, even painful sensations in the gums, to calm them down, I rinsed my mouth with Rotokan. The drug is very helpful, it's much easier!

Marina, 36 years old

A couple of days ago, very unsuccessfully went to a cafe - badly injured her gum about a fish bone. The friend advised Rotokan, recommended as a cheap and, importantly, very effective tool, immediately bought it, began to use, as written in the instructions for use, as a lotion.

The next day the gum was almost not swollen and did not even ache, it was more likely that she was aching. Well, a day later, there was no trace of all the pain and swelling. I can safely recommend this drug.

Catherine, 26

I had to remove the tooth, the extraction was difficult. Desna looked simply awful, and very sick.

The dentist prescribed Rotokan to me, usually I just dialed a little of the solution in my mouth and kept it so that the scab from the wound does not fly off( so maybe if I gurgle too much in the mouth).

On the second day I woke up already without the sensation of pain and bloatedness! Of course, I had to use the medicine for a few more days, but in any case, I'm glad that the effect of his admission came almost immediately and was only better.

Olga, 22 years old

Purchase of the drug and replacement with analogues

The average price of the Rotocan drug vial depending on the volume will be as follows:

  • 25 ml - 30 rubles;
  • 50 ml - 60 rubles;
  • 100 ml - 100 rub.

It should be protected from children and stored in a dark place, the temperature of which is not below +12 C and not more than +15 C.

Instead of Rotokan( if it is not at home or at the pharmacy) the following similar medicines( the same way of use) can be used:

  • Malawi;
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Furacilin;
  • Betadine;
  • Chlorhexidine.

Malavit is a naturopathic antiseptic, for rinsing use its aqueous solution( 5-10 drops per glass of water).

Chlorophyllipt also belongs to herbal remedies, and due to the presence of eucalyptus leaves in the extract it has an antimicrobial effect, its oily 2% solution is used for the oral cavity.

Chlorhexidine belongs to the group of antiseptic and antimicrobial agents of a wide range of action; in dentistry, its 0,05% solution is used, it is not necessary to additionally dissolve in water.

Furacilin is also an antimicrobial agent, you can use either its 0,02% solution, or prepare it yourself: dissolve 1 tablet of 0.2 g in 100 ml of hot water.

Also for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, 10% solution of Betadine can be used as a means for rinsing or compressing.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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