Strengthen gums and teeth with the help of oak bark: the best recipes

Nature - the source of life: it not only creates the conditions for the birth of people and animals, plants, mushrooms and much more. Everything in it is interconnected and combined in an ideal way.

Therefore, if a person wants to improve his health, first of all it is necessary to seek help from nature, because in it there are absolutely all medicines that will help not only to recover, but also to become even stronger.


  • The healing properties of the oak bark
  • The use of oak cortex in dentistry
    • Efficient and safe use: recipes and tips
    • Use of bark for "pinpoint strokes"
  • Getting rid of toothache
  • Preparing raw materials for yourself

The healing properties of oak bark

There are many resources in nature, which found their spread not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. So, for example, the bark of oak due to its useful properties is used for various diseases and for the prevention of violations.

The structure of the oak bark includes tannins, the percentage of which is the lion's share: 20%, pentosans - 15%, which are responsible for anti-inflammatory properties, kehitin, destroying microbes, pectins.

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But on this useful properties do not end: the bark of oak is used as an astringent, bactericidal, disinfectant.

Based on these properties, the spectrum of those diseases from which the remedy helps to get rid of is quite wide:

  • hemorrhoidal bleeding is eliminated by lotions, syringes infusion with oak bark;
  • for all kinds of skin injuries : burns, wounds, inflammation will help compress from the bark;
  • female problems : cervical erosion, vaginitis should be corrected using infusions;
  • excessive sweating of the feet will be eliminated after several procedures of rinsing the legs in the broth;
  • decoction and infusion will help in the fight against diseases of the oral cavity ;
  • mask and rinsing for hair will help restore their healthy shine, structure, strengthen.

Use of oak bark in dentistry

There are several options for getting rid of tooth problems:

  • the most important thing, naturally, is going to a dentist;
  • purchase and use of expensive pastes and rinses for the oral cavity;
  • folk remedies, the most effective among which is the bark of oak.

Thanks to its properties, the products made on the basis of oak bark are used as anti-inflammatory, astringent.

Efficient and safe use: recipes and tips

The most commonly used for the treatment of gums and teeth is decoction, an infusion of water and alcohol spirits based on the bark of oak:

  1. For the preparation of , the decoction of requires two glasses of water per large spoonful of raw material. Oak bark should be placed in prepared dishes and pour boiling water. After that, boil for 10 minutes and let it brew for about half an hour. At the end of time, drain and you can use.
  2. Infusion of bark. Pour a small spoon of crushed bark with 200 milliliters of boiling water. The holding time is one hour. After that the filtered infusion is ready for use.
  3. Tincture for alcohol is prepared simply, but longer: it will require a small spoon of crushed bark and 400 milliliters of vodka. Pour the raw materials with alcohol, clog and leave to infuse in a dark place.

Use of bark for "pinpoint strokes"

The use of infusions, tinctures and decoctions of oak bark for the oral cavity makes it possible to cure many diseases:

  1. Stomatitis and bad breath from the mouth is a common problem that can be dealt with through the purchase of expensive drugs, or a simple and proven tool based on oak bark. For this purpose, you can use both decoctions and infusions as a mouth rinse. The procedure is quite simple: after brushing your teeth, simply rinse the mouth with the selected remedy. The rinse time is from fifteen to twenty minutes.
  2. Bleeding and inflammatory processes on the gums of the , which resulted from a decrease in immunity( most often in the spring, when a lack of vitamins makes itself felt by various problems).So for the recovery of gums, except for inclusion in the diet of vitamins, use decoction of the oak cortex, which need to rinse your mouth at least six to seven times a day.
  3. The damaged oral mucosa can be restored by rinsing the mouth with oak bark decoction.
  4. The periodontitis is also easy to eliminate if the mouth rinses are properly performed: the first condition is that the infusion should stand in a cold dark place for at least eighteen hours. Before use, lightly heat up to avoid injuring teeth and gums. What is characteristic, you can use this drug even for pregnant women, for whom the use of many drugs is prohibited.
  5. Problems with tooth enamel have a sharp pain and susceptibility to cold, hot, spicy, salty dishes. Therefore, to strengthen it, use decoctions and infusions of the oak cortex.
Rinsing of the mouth with various diseases should be performed at least seven times a day for two weeks.

Get rid of toothache

To soothe the soreness of teeth and gums, decoctions of the oak bark can be used. A more effective tool will be if you add a couple more herbs: chamomile, sage in equal proportions.

It is important to keep it on a small fire or on a "water bath" when preparing the product. Thanks to this yearning, the ingredients fully reveal their useful properties.

Do not allow a strong fire - in this way you will not get an effective means.

Rinses with this decoction will help to remove inflammation, strengthen sensitive enamel, increase blood flow to nerve endings.

Even in cases where rinsing can not be used: after tooth extraction, the oak bark takes place to be. If other products can damage the resulting bag, then the decoction of the oak bark will help in the shortest possible time to strengthen the mucous membrane, heal the wound.

Naturally, the most effective is rinsing infusion, and the longer it is infused, the better the treatment will be.

Whatever the cause of the pain in the teeth: flux, stomatitis, bleeding gums, inflammation, injured mucous, gum tissue, rinsing with oak cortex means an ambulance.

We prepare raw materials for ourselves

It is not a problem to buy oak bark: in pharmacies it is sold without prescription and restrictions. If you want to prepare the raw material , the ideal time for this is the early spring.

For preparation, twigs and tree bark are taken no older than twenty years, before it becomes cork. It is at this time that the greatest amount of useful properties is concentrated in the bark of oak.

After collecting the young bark, place on a plywood or natural fabric. It is necessary to place such a dryer under a canopy or in an attic: in a place that is well ventilated. It is important to mix the raw materials daily, and when it is almost ready, warm in the oven.

After qualitative drying of raw materials it is ready for application: manufacturing of infusions, tinctures, broths. Restrictions on the use of funds based on the bark of oak virtually no, with the care it is necessary to use it only for children and women in an "interesting situation".

But, if you neglect the rules of use, you may experience side effects:

  • after rinsing for more than fourteen days, you may experience vomiting, nausea;
  • if a person suffers from constipation, the use of broths is prohibited;
  • should be careful and those with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Problems with the oral cavity and teeth are remediable by using decoctions, infusions, tinctures of oak bark. Naturally, ideally, first you need a consultation from a dentist who diagnoses, writes out a prescription and tells you how to rinse the mouth cavity with and what exactly to add components to make the remedy much more effective.

What is characteristic, even teeth whitening is possible by applying oak bark. This tool not only spares, heals tooth enamel, but also strengthens the loosened teeth, removes inflammation, heals the gums.

It is also important to gently rinse your teeth to relieve yourself of pain in the teeth, swelling, bleeding. In order to avoid problems, always for the sake of prevention, use a decoction of the bark of oak.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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