Homeopathic solution Dantinorm baby in teething in children

Problems with teething are familiar to all parents, perhaps. Most children during this period are very capricious, sleep and eat badly.

To all the fault is a strong temperature, pain in the gums and rending itching. The condition worsens towards evening, depriving children and their parents of sleep. To facilitate this painful process, a large number of agents have been created in the form of gels, tablets, and solutions.

One such drug is Dantinorm baby. It is a homeopathic remedy in the form of a solution of a thick consistency of transparent color. Has a high efficiency in eliminating unpleasant symptoms when the first teeth appear in babies.


  • Composition and form of the preparation
  • Pharmacological action
  • When and to whom can the drug help?
  • Scheme of application
  • Special instructions
  • Side effects
  • Expert advice and experience of parents
    • From the practice of doctors
    • Word to parents
  • Cost, storage rules
  • What can I replace?
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Composition and form of the preparation

The composition of the Danthinm baby solution includes the following active ingredients:

  • Chamomile drug eliminates irritation symptoms, normalizing the behavior of the baby;
  • rhubarb pharmacy eliminates abnormalities related to the digestive system;
  • Indian ivy effectively relieves pain, swelling, inflammation;
  • auxiliary component - purified water .

The content of all the main active substances is in an equal proportion - 333.3 mg per 1 ml of solution.

Danthinm baby is manufactured in the form of a solution intended for internal use. The product is packaged in separate packets with a single dose equal to 1ml solution. Each package contains five such sachets.

Pharmacological action

Dentinorme baby is a homeopathic remedy, which includes medicinal substances that provide analgesic and calming effect on teething.

The drug includes chamomile, the action of which provides removal of puffiness of the gums, elimination of the inflammatory process of the oral mucosa. In addition, the plant has a slight analgesic effect.

Immediately after the beginning of the use of the solution in babies, improvements in behavior are noted, and the state of the nervous system is normalized.

Clearly decreases salivation, passes gingival itching and pain. If the background of teething increases the temperature, then taking the drug contributes to its decrease to the prescribed parameters.

When and to whom can the drug help?

Indication for the purpose of the solution is the eruption of the first teeth, accompanied by painful sensations, itching, fever and disturbances in behavior.

Dentinorm is allowed for all babies, whose age has reached three months.

The drug is allowed to be used by women during pregnancy and during lactation.

Initially, the Danthinhm baby was created specifically to help young children during teething, but it is tolerated and even recommended during pregnancy, if a woman has a wisdom tooth erupting. In adults, this process can also cause a large number of unpleasant sensations in the form of severe pain, swelling of the gums and fever.

Active components of the drug do not carry a threat to the fetal development of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy.

The solution is allowed to be used during the lactation period to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in case of cutting a "wise" tooth. Only in this case it is necessary to be more cautious.

It is proved that the active substances are able to penetrate into the mother's milk, and this can provoke an allergic reaction in the child. When taking a solution during lactation, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the baby.

Contraindication for the use of the drug is the available allergy to certain medicinal plants that are included.

Scheme of application of

Before you start using the drug, you need to make sure that the child has no particular intolerance to the components that make up the drug. For the first time, the drug should be given with extreme caution. It is best to give a solution to the child in the morning and during the day to observe his condition.

If negative reactions of the body are not noted, then apply Dantinum baby is allowed as necessary, strictly observing the prescribed daily dose. If the child has a rash on the body or diarrhea, then the drug should be canceled, informing the doctor about side effects.

To use the drug, you need to open the package and get out of it one bag of solution. In the clockwise direction, unscrew the cover.

Gently pushing on the bag, pour the contents of the package into the mouth of the baby. In the event that the child does not sit on his own, then the child's head must be turned on its side, and gently squeezed the product on the cheek.

Treatment requires three times a day of Dantorma in 24 hours. The most appropriate time for taking is a break between the feedings.

The product can be drunk with water if the child asks. The therapeutic course lasts from 3 to 5 days.

Since the age of three months, there is no age restriction.

Special instructions

The composition includes chamomile medicinal. It leads the nervous system into a normal state, as a result of which the child may experience increased drowsiness. The deviation is not, the baby at this time can rest well from the grinding pain in the gums.

But if the child becomes sluggish, sad, nothing can cheer him, then this is a signal to stop taking the medication and contacting a specialist for advice.

Side effects of

In most cases, Dentinorm is tolerated by small patients well. The presence of individual intolerance to the components of the agent can cause the following negative manifestations on the part of the body:

  • stool disorder;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • redness and itching of the skin.

If a child is susceptible to allergic reactions, it can contribute to difficulty breathing, development of urticaria.

Professional advice and experience of parents

The opinion of specialists and parents' feedback will help to find out whether Dantinarm Baby is effective and safe when teething teeth in young children.

From the practice of

doctors Many pediatricians and dentists have a positive attitude towards the Dantinarm baby and note the effective effect of the drug, special attention should be paid to the natural composition of the product, which does not provoke the development of allergies.

But warn parents that self-medication is not worth it, especially with infants. Despite the safety of the composition, we can not neglect the rules of application.

Unlike local agents, this medication works through the digestive system of a child who is not yet strong. Therefore, before using, always consult with your doctor.

The word to the parents of

When his son climbed his eye teeth, he cried so much that his voice was hoarse. I was so sorry for him, but I did not know how to help him. Fortunately, our neighbor has a pediatric doctor, she then advised this remedy.

I reacted at first with suspicion, but after the first reception the child calmed down for 20 minutes.

Marina, 21

Dantinorm used the solution for the first time, although I already had a third child and also had to deal with the problem of the appearance of the first teeth.

So, after I gave this miracle solution to my son, after 15 minutes the apartment was quiet and calm. For a day I gave the medicine three times, as soon as I started to be capricious. Impressions remained only positive and can recommend it to all young mothers.

Raisa Alekseevna, 43

Homeopathy used to not trust me before. Therefore, when the pediatrician recommended that Dentinorm should be used to relieve pain when teeth appear, at first they did not even want to buy it.

Then I decided to try and was satisfied. The effect did not take long, the daughter began to sleep soundly, eat with the same appetite and almost ceased to cry. Thanks to these drops, the first tooth in our body got out more or less calmly, without complications.

Larissa, 35

Cost, storage rules

Dantinorm baby is in free sale, no prescription is required for its purchase, the price of the solution is within 300 rubles per package.

Store the medicine in a dark place, the temperature in which should not exceed 20C.Since the day of manufacture, the solution retains its therapeutic properties for the next two years.

What can I replace?

As similar agents that have the same mechanism of influence and indications as Dantinum Baby's solution, the following can be noted:

  • Viburkol suppositories;
  • Dentokind;
  • ;
  • Calgel;
  • Pansoral;
  • Denthol baby.
  • Mar 05, 2018
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