The use of Bonofotton ointment in the treatment of viral diseases of the lips and oral cavity

Bonofotton Ointment is an antiviral drug for topical and topical use.

Widely used in dentistry for the treatment of herpetic gingivitis and stomatitis.

The treating substance bromonaphthoquinone effectively fights with herpes viruses.


  • main active ingredient
  • Dosing and Administration
  • Indications
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Cautions
  • Product form and storage conditions
  • Analogues of drugs and cost
  • views of experts and consumers

main active

curing agent ointment substance is bromnaftohinon 0, 05%.After getting the drug on the affected mucous membranes, bromonaphthoquinone starts suppressing the synthesis of proteins necessary for the vital activity of pathogenic organisms. As a result, viral pathogens die.

Dosage and administration

According to the instructions for use, Bonafont ointment is prescribed by the doctor for inflammation of the mucous gum caused by herpetic gingivitis.

In this case, about 1-2 grams of ointment is applied to the affected areas. After the procedure, you should not eat or drink for at least 15 minutes. The drug should be used up to 6 times within 24 hours.

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In order not to harm the body and not to provoke the development of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to apply the medicine only after the appointment of a specialist. There were no cases of drug overdose.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat the following diseases:

  • viral diseases of the mouth( stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • eye diseases caused by viral etiology;
  • diseases of the genital mucosa caused by viral pathogens;
  • viral skin diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

Ointment is contraindicated in the following persons:

  • for pregnant women;
  • for children and teenagers under 18;
  • lactating women;
  • people who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Minor allergic reactions may occur if ointments are used. If the allergy does not pass within a short time, you need to contact your doctor.

Negative interactions with simultaneous use of Bonaphone with other drugs have not been established.

Special instructions

When applying ointment for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, care must be taken when working with dangerous machinery or driving a car, as the drug can cause short-term vision disorders.

Form release and storage conditions

Bonaphoton is available in an aluminum tube of 10 g, which is packed in a cardboard box.

The preparation in the packed packing is stored 24 months from the date of manufacture, at temperature no more than +20 degrees.

After opening the package, the ointment is suitable for 3 months. Bonafon can not be overheated or frozen, because after that he loses his healing properties.

Analogues and the cost of

Bonafon has analogs used to treat the same diseases:

  1. Antsiklovir .It is an inhibitor produced in the form of an ointment. After falling on the damaged tissue suppresses the synthesis of the DNA of the virus, as a result of which its microflora ceases to develop.
  2. Zovirax .The drug has minimal toxicity. Struggles with simple herpes viruses due to the antibiotic agent acyclovir.
  3. Virolex .Antiviral drug, according to the principles of action is similar to Antsiklovir.

The cost of Bonofotton ointment in pharmacies in Russia ranges from 90 to 140 rubles, the price in pharmacies in Ukraine is from 40 to 60 hryvnia.

Opinions of specialists and consumers

Bonafton has proven itself in the treatment of viral diseases of the oral cavity, we offer you to get acquainted with the reviews of the patient and dentist:

I work as a dentist in the city of Ryazan for more than 16 years. Over the years of my practice, Bonafont has established itself as one of the simplest but effective drugs against the herpes virus. I think that it is the best in terms of price and quality.

Dmitry Sergeevich, dentist

For several weeks I experienced discomfort in the oral cavity, at first it was easy, but for the 3rd week pains in the gum area started. After visiting a private dental clinic, on the recommendation of the doctor, I bought Bonofotton ointment. It was very easy to apply it - I applied the drug on my gum on my own 5 times a day. By the end of the second day of use, painful sensations disappeared. After a week of use, the gum disease has completely gone.

Elena, 39

Bonofont is an effective antiviral drug for the treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by herpes viruses. Produced in the form of ointment. It is forbidden to use pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The drug has many analogs, similar in its healing properties.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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