Choose toothpaste without fluoride, relying on reviews and ratings

Toothpaste, which includes fluoride and its components - a common and sufficiently advertised product.

It is generally accepted that fluorine-containing pastes are useful and vital to the human body. Is it really?


  • The role of fluoride for the human body
    • The use is unquestionable. ..
    • . .. but not all so unambiguously
  • What is the alternative?
  • The choice is thought out
  • The best children's products without fluorine
  • From the practical experience of using

The role of fluorine for the human body

Fluorine is an unstable and volatile substance, in its pure form practically does not occur, only in compounds with other elements( CaF and NaF)the composition of the soil and, as a consequence, they can be found in the composition of groundwater.

The animal world receives portions of fluoride from the ground, water. The same sources of this component and in humans.

The benefits are beyond doubt. ..

Fluoride is essential for the human body, especially important in children( over 5 years old) and adolescence during active teeth change and growth. Tooth

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enamel is formed and strengthened as the teeth grow. In adults, the lack of fluoride is expressed in the fragility of bones and in the form of caries.

Fluoride has the property of retaining in the tissues of calcium, which is the basis of bone tissue, skeleton, contributes to the creation of a stronger enamel, form a protective layer on it.

In addition, its ions, compounds act negatively on the pathogenic microorganisms of the oral cavity, provoking the formation and development of caries.

. .. but not all so clearly

The need for an organism in fluoride is negligible. Since it is impossible to obtain the necessary fluoride with food, it is delivered in the most convenient way and accessible - through toothpastes.

It should be taken into account the natural presence of fluoride compounds in the natural environment. If it is contained in local water in an amount exceeding 1.2 mg / l.

Fluorine compounds are removed from the body very slowly, mostly settling in bone tissues, accumulating in the teeth and the thyroid gland, which under the becomes cementous by their action, which prevents the development of certain hormones.

Some compounds, getting into the body in excess, negatively affect the respiratory system, the nervous system.

Fluorides are especially dangerous for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and having diseases of the genitourinary system.

It is enough to "saturate" your body with a portion of 5-10 g( depending on the weight of a person) in order to put yourself in mortal danger.

In areas where fluoride compounds are present in drinking water, the use of toothpaste with fluorine content is strictly prohibited.

In addition, it is necessary to apply measures at the state level to neutralize fluoride, as residents of the districts that consume such water are affected by fluorosis. The disease is an intoxication of the body, obtained in childhood and constantly maintained by the conditions of the local environment.

External manifestations are expressed first with yellow, subsequently black spots on the teeth, leading to their destruction.

Imperceptible, but, in time, mandatory companions of chronic intoxication - memory loss in humans, intelligence, weakened immunity, osteoporosis with age, arthritis. In men, there is a decrease in the level of testosterone production, possibly infertility and the formation of tumors.

We are talking, of course, about the intake of fluoride portions, several times exceeding the permissible standards.

Having found out that the components of fluorine, as a measure of prevention and control of caries, do not give a sufficient positive effect, and sometimes even harmful, they began to look for alternative solutions.

What is the alternative?

To prevent the accumulation of fluoride compounds in the body, elementary preventive measures should be taken:

  • to choose the means for cleansing the oral cavity with minimal toxins;
  • regularly include in the diet products containing calcium - milk, cottage cheese, cheese;

In the world there are enough names of toothpastes consisting of alternative cleaning, bactericidal components: calcium, propolis, baking soda, tea tree oil, myrrh, silicon.

All of them to a greater or lesser extent contribute to strengthening tooth enamel, suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria, the formation of plaque after eating, tartar.

Making a choice is considered

Before you put a box with a cherished tube in the basket, you should carefully study the composition, or memorize the alternative components that are contained in this or that tool.

We offer a list of the best toothpastes without fluoride in the opinion of our experts:

  1. Sunshine Brite .The composition is active: sorbitol of natural origin, silicon dioxide, sodium compounds, calcium compounds, extracts of herbs: stevia, astragalus, Icelandic moss, green tea, elderberry, aloe, myrrh resin. Contains components of vegetable and mineral origin. It does not include synthetic dyes, abrasive coarse compounds, artificial fragrances. Has no contraindications to use.
  2. President of Unic .The composition is active: calcium compounds, papain. It occupies one of the first places in popularity, thanks to the optimally selected composition. Several components of calcium compounds are easily absorbed by the body, have a bactericidal, purifying effect. Papain acts destructively on the products of bacterial activity, prevents the formation of a soft plaque on the teeth. It is recommended to use in medical and prophylactic purposes, people with high sensitivity of the oral mucosa.
  3. Biocatalytes of .Ingredients: active calcium compounds( hydroxyapatite, lactate), papain, polydon. Calcium in combination with polidone and papain neutralize bacterial accumulation, have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, bactericidal. Hydroxyapatite strengthens enamel and restores.
  4. Spreads maximum .The composition is active: ultradisperse hydroxyapatite, papain, polydon, zinc citrate, herbal extract, enzymes.
    Active components are easily absorbed, penetrate into the enamel, act as a strengthening agent. Polydon with papain work with soft deposits on the teeth, even pigmentation. The zinc compound works refreshingly for several hours.
  5. ROCS for adults .The composition is active: calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol, bromelain. Calcium strengthens enamel, improves the condition of teeth. Xylitol is used as a prevention of caries, it acts depressingly on the harmful flora of caries-forming bacteria. Bromelain prevents the formation of soft plaque.
  6. ASEPTA Sensitive .The composition is active: potassium citrate, hydroxyapatite, papain. Ingredients of the composition act destructively on the formed bacterial deposits, help in the restoration of natural pigmentation, normalize the enamel state, strengthen it, resist the development of caries.
  7. New pearls with calcium .The composition is active: calcium citrate. Refers to the budget. In the composition has only one active component, which acts prophylactically. The paste has a hygienic orientation, gives freshness for a long time, removes plaque.

The best children's products without fluoride

The use of mouth hygiene products without fluoride and for babies is recommended:

  1. PRESIDENT Baby for children .Active composition: calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol. Harmless since the appearance of teeth. Strengthens enamel. Xylitol eliminates plaque. Prevents caries. The formulation is safe if swallowed.
  2. Weleda .Active composition: alginate, extracts from plants, fennel oil, mint, esculin. It is used for the care of baby teeth. Removes bacterial deposits. Has anti-inflammatory effect. Does not contain fluoride and calcium, so it is recommended to use in the interval between calcium-containing pastes. It's safe.
  3. SPLAT Junijör from 0 to 4 years old .Active composition: calcium, xylitol, enzymes, licorice extract, aloe gel.

To choose a toothpaste for children, you must carefully study the composition. Up to 5 years should be excluded in the content of fluoride. Calcium is necessary for strengthening enamel, preventing the development of caries.

Popularity of toothpastes without fluorine content is due to the beneficial effect of active calcium compounds on the state of enamel and microflora of the oral cavity. The two main factors that determine consumer preferences are the product's utility and cost.

TOP-10 pastes for children without fluoride:

  • President;
  • President baby;
  • Bioclasses;
  • Spreads maximum;
  • Children's Junior Sets;
  • ROCS;
  • ASEPT sensitive;
  • New pearls;
  • Children's Dental Suite;
  • Weleda for children.

From the practical experience of using

Consumer's opinion about toothpastes that do not contain fluoride.

Toothpaste "President" bought on the advice of his dentist after once again came with a stain on the tooth. The tooth was treated. Pasta has bought or purchased and I use 3 years. Periodically I buy more Pearls without fluoride. There are no stains. The feeling of cleanliness with freshness remains for a long time.

Марина, 25 years old

I like АСЕПТА Sensitive. I bought a wife, she had problems with her teeth. The raid is cleaned easily, for a long time. Bleeding was sometimes during cleaning. Has passed. Somehow imperceptibly. No more. Good pasta.

Constantine, 45 years old

For the child I bought Veledu. Because at the very childhood problems with the teeth were. Constantly it hurt, then holes formed. Have consulted with the doctor, we exclude a fluoride in structure. Zubki, like a mouse: no spots, no holes. White and shiny."Weleda" - literally from the cradle.

Natalia, 34 years old. Mama Kati 5 years old

Before, to solve health problems, still does not interfere with consulting with a qualified dentist. Perhaps the existing problems of the oral cavity are due not only to the content of fluoride or other components in the toothpaste. The way of life, the ecological situation, the psychological climate - it also has an impact on the general state of the human body.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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