"Furacilin" has found wide application in dentistry. This antimicrobial drug prevents the reproduction of microorganisms and inhibits their activity.
Thanks to the highly effective mechanism of action, it is used for the treatment of dental diseases.
Composition and Forms of Release
Composition and Forms
"Furacilin" for rinsing is available in the following dosage forms:
- tablets - dissolvein water, used for rinsing;
- 0,067% alcohol solution - used for moxibustion of wounds on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
- 0,02% solution of - used in dentistry;
- powder - used for self-preparation of solutions, is available in glass containers of 10 g.
The composition of the preparation varies, depending on its form of release. The active substance of the drug is nitrofural. The composition of alcohol solution includes ethyl alcohol 70%.Components of 0,02% solution of "Furacilin" are sodium chloride and water.
The effect of the drug on the body
The drug has a depressant effect on bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Derivatives of nitrofural cause a pathological change in the proteins of macromolecules, which leads to the inevitable death of microorganisms.
The effectiveness of the drug increases if the oral cavity is treated with a soda solution. The duration of action of active components of the drug lasts up to 40 minutes.
Many of the viruses and protozoa, globular and rod-shaped bacteria belonging to Gram-positive, as well as proteobacteria and other groups of microorganisms have a sensitivity to nitrofural.
Indications for use
Rinsing with furacilin solution is used for the treatment of the following dental diseases:
- Stomatitis - for the treatment of stomatitis, 0.02% Furacilin solution and tablets diluted in water are mainly used. The drug is not recommended for use in the presence of allergic reactions and dermatosis of the mucous membranes.
- Gingivitis - a solution of the drug used to rinse the mouth to reduce inflammation. Minor astringent action of the drug promotes healing of gums and reduces their bleeding.
- Painful attacks - the medicine can also be used to relieve acute toothache.
- Tooth extraction - Furacilin solution is prescribed for applications after tooth extraction. After a period of clot consolidation, rinses can be recommended using the drug. The drug helps to relieve inflammation and swelling, healing the wound, reducing pain.
How to dilute the drug in tablets
The most affordable dosage form of the drug are tablets. Of these, you can independently produce an aqueous rinse solution.
One tablet of 0.2 g is enough for 100 ml of water. The tablet is pre-chopped and ground, poured hot water and stirred until completely dissolved.
A solution obtained by diluting tablets with water retains properties for up to 10 days. The finished solution should be stored in a dark, cool place out of the reach of children.
How to dissolve the Furacilin video-tablet:
Application for toothache
The drug is used to relieve pain symptoms in the following cases:
- in the presence of flux - the drug reduces puffiness, eliminates soreness, reduces inflammation;
- for gum disease - toothache, the cause of which lies in gum disease, quickly passes after the application of a rinse solution;
- with sudden exacerbation of rinsing with a solution can help reduce acute pain in the absence of operative dental care.