How to apply Chlorophyllipt with stomatitis: detailed instructions

Stomatitis is a common inflammatory disease in which the mucous membrane of the mouth is affected. It appears in the form of white sores that cover the tongue, gum, the inner surface of the cheeks, lips and palate.

All age groups of the population fall into the risk zone, beginning with newborns and ending with elderly people.

Using chlorophyllipt for treatment, you can stop the symptoms of stomatitis within 10 days.


  • About the causes of the disease
  • Characteristics of the drug
  • When is the medication most effective?
  • Instruction for use
    • Application in childhood
  • Restrictions on the use of
  • From the practical experience of
  • Let's sum up

About the causes of the disease

A negative feature of stomatitis is that once it appears, it can go on into a chronic form of flow.

The disease causes a lot of negative symptoms. Difficulties arise when consuming a solid, acidic, spicy, sweet, cold and hot food. For this reason, the food must be eaten in a puree form.

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Stomatitis can appear for various reasons, the most common are the following:

  • mechanical damage to the oral cavity;
  • different types of burns;
  • presence of pathogenic flora in the oral cavity;
  • fungal lesions,
  • decreased immunity,
  • unbalanced diet, lack of diversity;
  • stressful situations;
  • incorrect or lack of hygienic care for the oral cavity.

Characteristics of the preparation

Chlorophyllipt occupies one of the leading places in popularity among the population. The manufacturer offers a series of medicines, each of which effectively fights with various diseases of the oral cavity, nose and throat.

One of the benefits of the drug is its plant origin. With the right dosage, the drug has a bactericidal effect, and also slows the growth and multiplication of bacteria.

The drug effectively cures various types of coccal bacteria. Chlorophyllipt actively affects some staphylococci, which are resistant even to antibacterial drugs.

When using the drug, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, and therefore there is less intoxication of the body. Increases the safety of treatment and the fact that the drug is virtually non-toxic and has a minimum of side effects.

When is the medication most effective?

The drug is available in several forms, the choice of one or the other depends on the symptomatology and age of the patient:

  • alcohol rinse solution;
  • aqueous solution in a spray that is compact and user-friendly;
  • oil solution for the treatment of ulcers;
  • tablets.

It is also possible to use several forms in a complex manner.

Chlorophyllipt is effective in various forms of stomatitis, but most often it is used for aphthous, candidal and bacterial.

Alcohol solution is used for candidal and aphthous stomatitis. Treatment consists in rubbing ulcers and removing white candida plaque, as well as rinsing the mouth with diluted solution.

For the treatment of bacterial stomatitis, a water-based preparation is used in the form of a spray. Systematic irrigation of the mucous will lead to a decrease in negative manifestations after a day of use.

Chlorophyllipt for the treatment of stomatitis has been used for a long time, it has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericidal effects. The preparation has a natural composition: extract from the leaves of eucalyptus and chlorophyll a and b.

The pharmacological action is activated by the cineole contained in the leaves of eucalyptus. Additional components are tannins and microelements.

Chlorophyllipt differs somewhat from antibacterial drugs of a wide spectrum of action and acts only purposefully on cocci. In some cases, it is effective against antibiotic-resistant strains, fungi.

After the application of the remedy, tissues regeneration and oxygen saturation are improved, immunity is strengthened. It is also often used in the treatment of ENT diseases and as an antiseptic for wounds and burns of the oral cavity.

Instructions for use

Depending on the age of the patient and the form of stomatitis, the most suitable option for the application of Chlorophyllipt should be selected:

  1. Alcohol rinses .To perform the procedure, it is necessary to dissolve 25-30 drops of the agent in a glass of warm water. Rinse three times a day after eating.
  2. spray is used for periodic irrigation of the mucosa. This form of release is convenient, because the bottle can always be taken with you. Apply five times a day for two injections. The procedure is carried out after eating, you must first rinse your mouth or brush your teeth.
  3. oil solution is used to treat wound with aphthous stomatitis. Cotton bud dipped in a tool and punctually treated wounds. Carry out the procedure three times a day.
  4. Tablets - ideal for children from 4 to 7 years. During this period, children do not know how to rinse their mouths themselves. Use a dosage of 1 tablet three times a day.
  5. Use of several options in the complex. For example, spot treatment of wounds at home and irrigation of the oral cavity in the workplace, rinsing before bed.
Duration of treatment is 4 days, in the absence of a positive result and in case the ulcers heal not fast enough, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Chlorophyllipt is suitable for adults and children over 12 years of age in any convenient form.

It is important to remember that the drug can cause an allergic reaction. A sample must be taken before use. To do this, it is necessary to add a few drops of the solution to the glass of water and drink, monitor the body's reactions for 8 hours. In the absence of negative symptoms, the drug can be used to treat stomatitis.

The drug is used to reduce negative symptoms and to quickly heal wounds. Before treatment, children should consult a doctor.

Application in childhood

The instructions state that the product is recommended for the treatment of children under the age of 12 years.

In rare cases, the doctor may recommend the use of the drug for the treatment of young children. In this case, you must clearly adhere to the dosage.

Before treatment, it is necessary to conduct an allergic test. A few drops of the oil solution should be applied to the wrist's skin. Observe the reaction within 6 hours. In the absence of negative symptoms, the drug is indicated for use.

Treatment of babies is carried out with alcohol solution, which must be taken orally. To grow it is necessary in such proportions: on a glass of water there are so many drops of a medicine, how many to the child of years. For very young babies( 2-4 weeks), the mixture is mixed with breast milk. The oily solution is also suitable, they are locally treated with ulcers.

Chlorophyllipt can and should be used in combination with other medications, in which case the treatment of stomatitis will be more rapid and effective. Miramistin, Lugol, Stomatidin are popular.

Simultaneous reception with antibacterial drugs strengthens the effect of the latter. Minuses of using the drug in combination with other drugs have not been revealed.

Restrictions for the use of

With care, the medicine should be used for those people who are prone to allergic reactions. In some cases, after application of the drug, itching, itching of the mucous membrane, rash. If the dose is exceeded, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea may occur.

Frequent use of the drug in the form of inhalation and rinsing leads to thinning and dryness of the nasal mucosa and mouth.

Among the contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medication;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Adults during treatment are strongly advised not to drink alcohol.

From the practical experience of

Reviews indicate that the use of Chlorophyllipt is really effective in stomatitis.

Chlorophyllipt is a multifunctional and budgetary tool. Allows you to cope with various diseases. One of which is stomatitis, my son collided with him in five years. Treatment consisted in the lubrication of the affected areas with an oil solution, as well as rinsing the throat. The tool helped to quickly cope with the problem.

Maria, Moscow, 35

With stomatitis collided in adulthood, the doctor prescribed treatment with Chlorophyllipt. This drug was previously unknown to me, so I carefully read the instructions. It was said that it is used for gynecological problems and this is pricked up. But I decided to try it. Relief came in three days. The drug works! I recommend.

Andrey, Voronezh, 50 years

Summing up

Thus, the drug helps:

  • anesthetize the damaged areas of the mucosa;
  • sanitize wounds;
  • to regenerate affected areas and saturate with oxygen;
  • cope with the pathogenic flora.

Chlorophyllipt is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug. It is very effective for various ENT diseases. Suitable for use by both young children and adults. Thanks to the plant composition has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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