Metrogil Denta - an effective gel for local treatment of stomatitis

Stomatitis is a disease of the oral cavity, in which inflammation of the mucosa occurs. Inflammation is always accompanied by the appearance of blisters, erosions and sores.

Over time, the symptoms of the disease can progress and cause significant discomfort.

The main source that causes the onset of the disease is bacteria and viruses, but there are a number of other factors for the development of stomatitis:

  • trauma( mechanical, physical or chemical);
  • weakening of the human immune system, for example, with beriberi, with gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine diseases);
  • allergic factor.

In order to prevent complications, treatment of inflammation of the mouth and ulcers should be addressed immediately, since in the absence of necessary measures the disease can negatively affect the central nervous system and the human body as a whole. One of the drugs that are effectively used in the local treatment of stomatitis is Metrogil Denta.


  • Therapeutic properties of the drug
  • instagram viewer
  • When is the gel particularly effective?
  • Usage of medication for stomatitis
  • Possible side effects
  • Viewpoint
  • Advantages and disadvantages

Therapeutic properties of the drug

Form release:

  • dental gel;
  • toothpaste;
  • injection;
  • suspension;
  • gel for external use;
  • tablets are 0.2 and 0.4 grams.

Dentistry uses Metrogyl Dent in the form of a gel that has an antimicrobial effect due to the fact that contains an antibiotic - metronidazole and antiseptic - chlorhexidine. Recommended for adults, as well as children who reached the age of six.

The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the content of its two bactericidal substances:

  • metronidazole has an antibacterial effect against anaerobic microorganisms that cause diseases of the mucous membranes;
  • chlorhexidine is a disinfectant drug that is effective both against gram-positive and against gram-negative microorganisms.

At the initial stage of stomatitis development, Metrogil Denta is contracting a developing infection and is one of the most effective drugs for the local treatment of ulcers.

The gel is applied to the inflamed parts of the mouth, it holds well on the mucous membrane, is not absorbed into the tissue and will stop the foci of suppuration. The positive effect of the drug from the moment of application is observed for 12 hours, after which the gel can be applied repeatedly.

When is the gel particularly effective?

Metrogil gel is effective in all forms of stomatitis, but is particularly in demand with aphthous form. This type of disease is quite common and it affects about 20% of the population.

In addition, the gel is recommended for use in the presence of the following inflammatory processes in the oral cavity:

  • aphthous and other forms of stomatitis;
  • chronic periodontitis;
  • chronic and acute gingivitis;
  • cheilitis;
  • for inflammation of the gums, due to tooth extraction;
  • with periodontal disease aggravated with gingivitis.

Use of medicament for stomatitis

For aphthous stomatitis, Metrogil Dent gel is applied to the mucous membranes with a clean finger or a cotton swab in one thin layer. Apply the medicine 2 times a day.

After the remedy is applied to the inflamed area, you should stop taking water and food for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure for 7-10 days. In general, the number of procedures depends on the degree of neglect of the disease.

The use of a gel for the treatment of stomatitis in children who have reached the age of 6 is allowed. Thus, the use of an agent for treating infants is strongly discouraged.


  • intolerance of composite components;
  • the first three months of pregnancy, breast-feeding;
  • age restrictions.

In addition to using the gel, analgesics and antipyretic drugs may be prescribed. It should strive to get rid of the main cause of the disease. For this:

  • observe a special sparing diet;
  • corrects bite( if necessary);
  • reduce the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
The use of Metrogil Dent gel does not replace daily hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity and teeth. This is the most important aspect on the road to recovery!

Possible side effects of

With local use of the drug, allergic reactions, headaches may occur.

If a significant amount of Metrogil enters the stomach, then there may be an increase in side effects. Chlorhexidine is virtually not absorbed into the blood, and poor health( nausea and dizziness) is caused by metronidazole.

If a person starts vomiting, he needs to perform the procedure of gastric lavage.


Metrogil Denta is popular among patients suffering from stomatitis, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

I used a medicine in the form of a gel, when my child just started stomatitis. It's good that I noticed the disease right away.

Son is already an adult, 10 years old. Therefore, there were no problems with the use. I just applied it with clean hands to mucous membranes and gums. I did not find any shortcomings, because everything began to heal very quickly. Somewhere in a week or less, we almost got rid of this disease.

Olga, 31,

Somehow after work I felt strange discomfort in my mouth. During the night grew into a great pain. The very next day I ran to the dentist who diagnosed stomatitis and prescribed me gel Metrogil Denta.

I did not wait a long time, and when I came home I immediately applied gel to only those who had started to get out of the sores. Somewhere in 30 minutes I began to notice that the pain begins to subside, and after a couple of hours I even had a snack. I applied the gel also for the night, and the next morning I could fully smile. I'm glad that the doctor appointed me this particular drug, he coped with his task so quickly.

Helena, 25 years

Advantages and disadvantages of

Advantages of Metrogil:

  • rapid and continuous elimination of discomfort;
  • drug is well retained on mucous membranes, it is not washed away by saliva;
  • affordable price.


  • is not a complete analgesic;
  • the content of active components is rather low.

Metrogil Denta is effective at initial stomatitis, especially if the inflammation was caused by an infection.

The complex effect of active components can stop the development of the disease, relieve discomfort, and facilitate disinfection of the oral cavity.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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