A natural hair dye that paints gray hair, or a safe approach to the beauty of hair

  1. Sedan does not matter
  2. Purchased natural dyes
  3. Homemade natural staining of gray hair. Recipes

The harmony of the soul and body should be for each of us. It is impossible to be beautiful if there is melancholy inside, depression, just like you can not look bad when everything is good in your life, because you simply radiate happiness. But each of us sooner or later comes the moment when it seems that the former beauty in the past, why the mood spoils, and it's about the gray hair. This problem frightens everyone, especially women, who have always been proud of the natural color and quality of their hair. But not so bad, because the natural hair dye, paints gray, there. You can forget about the complexes, and thus all the consequences of staining will not be threatened.

You can color your hair folk remedies

Gray does not matter

First, it's worth noting that you have many options for how to dye your hair. In this case, you can both change your hair color, and do not change, but just give a little shade. You must understand that no matter how hard you try, but still your color will be slightly different, because it's the coloring, otherwise gray hair will not go away. Natural dyes are agents that by their nature have a lot of coloring matter in the composition, but they are environmentally friendly, without chemicals, which negatively affects the condition of the hair.

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Bring the curls in the proper form you can:

  1. Using paints from the store. Yes, we were not mistaken, offering you such an option, in the article about natural colors for gray hair, since the means are on sale without ammonia, namely it most of all and spoils the hair. Therefore, if you have fragile, thin hair, you do not want chemistry and unnecessary trouble, then such colors can suit you.
  2. With the help of folk methods. They are many, and home paint can be made for brunettes, and for blondes and even for red-haired beauties.

Purchased natural dyes

If we talk about finished products, they can be divided into two categories - henna and basma and traditional hair colors from well-known companies, but without ammonia in the composition. Both of them will help to remove gray hair, and they will not spoil ringlets. Paints from cosmetic companies are sold in free access, at a price not much different from conventional means with ammonia in the composition. They have many shades, they cope with their task well. Resilience of such means, of course, is inferior to their chemical counterparts, but the hair does not lose its health. But we will consider henna and basma in more detail.

On sale there are quality paints that color and treat

Advice! Some of the leading cosmetics companies are Revlon and Loreal. And it is these companies that make very good natural hair colors that color gray hair, which have proven themselves and are in demand.


This product is made from lavsonia, more precisely, its leaves, which are harvested, dried and then grinded. To dye your hair, use only a powder, the color of which is yellow with a slightly greenish sublime. The product is not red. The dye turns out to be natural and useful, as in the composition there are vegetable components, essential oils. This affects the curls favorably, after staining they become healthier, shiny. Moreover, the hair will not be resistant to UV rays.

An interesting fact! Henna is not only useful, but it also accumulates in the structure of the hair. Each time after coloring, the color will be fixed even more, become saturated, hair will not lose, but will improve quality.

When asked if Henna paints henna, you can definitely say yes, but only keep the dye longer. The only nuance is that, firstly, not all women will have the same shade, and gray hair can be slightly lighter, and, secondly, henna will not wash, like the usual paint from the store. Therefore, in advance, think about whether you are ready to walk with this color for a long time, because it can not be painted in a different tone.


Natural product from indigo leaves. They are also dried, crushed, after which a powder of gray color is obtained, with a green underflow. The product very well affects the scalp and the very structure of the hair, cope with dandruff. But the powder can not be used as an independent agent, it is added to henna.

There are many advantages of using products:

  • they are harmless;
  • treat hair, skin, accelerate growth;
  • are budgetary and affordable;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • can be used during illnesses;
  • durability.

For information! Often henna and basma are sold in stores with oriental spices, attributes. One of the best producers of these products is Aasha, Hair Care, Khadi.

Negative aspects of

The coloring of gray hair with henna and basma has both disadvantages, but they are insignificant. So, do not use powders on hair after a chemical wave, after staining with traditional paints. You can also be after the first staining is not very happy with the color, but this is fixable, because you can dye your hair again, because there will be no harm. But at the same time, traditional paints from the store will not be taken, only henna and basma again. Well, the last minus is the time of staining, it can be small, but it can take three hours.

In order not to get a negative experience, do test staining of strands of

. We hope you are not so much upset from the appearance of noble whites, and those hated by everyone, hairs, because it's time to move on to the main question of how to get rid of gray hair at home. Further, you will learn about different national recipes from improvised products.

Homemade natural staining of gray hair. Recipes

Henna and Basma

As we have already talked about these products, it is logical to start with them.

  • If your hair is white, the color will be a light red tint. Keep the paint about 20 minutes. The proportion of henna to basma is 2: 1.
  • If you are fair-haired, the color will turn out to be a rich and bright red. The ratio is 1.5: 1.The holding time is 30 minutes.
  • Brown will become a dark red, bard or chestnut, with a dark initial color. The proportions are 1.5: 1 or 1: 1.Exposure of 45 minutes for a lighter color, two hours for dark-haired ladies.
  • Totally gray hair - can become chestnut, black. The ratio is 1: 1.To ensure that all the locks have a uniform and rich color, the color of henna gray hair should be 2.5 hours.

Tip! If the color of your hair after shading turned out to be too bright and dark, then soften the shade by using a mask of warm vegetable oil, aged for 30 minutes.

There are a lot of natural dyes. Sedin can be defeated

Camomile and lemon for blondes

The first recipe is based on the use of chamomile and glycerin. A glass of dry inflorescences is steamed with boiling water, allowed to stand under the lid. After that, add three tablespoons of glycerin here. The mask is applied to the entire hair for 1-1.5 hours, after which it is washed off with shampoo and rinsed with infusion, which should be used regularly to persist color.

What else to paint over the gray hair, without harm to the hair, to the fair-haired ladies? For example, all the same chamomile and lemon. But the procedure is better to do in the spring or summer, because you need to keep hair under the sun during dyeing. To make the paint, you need to mix chamomile tea and citrus juice 3: 1.


For light and light women, you can use the following recipe - ½ tablespoons of herbs pour into boiling water - 500 grams. Tired for 20 minutes, then cooled, filtered and applied to the hair, waiting for them to dry. This method can be used constantly to give a golden tone.

Calendula, lemon and chamomile

Again, infusion for light women, which can be used continuously for rinsing after washing. Three spoons of calendula leaves, the same amount of citrus and chamomile. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and wait for boiling. Further, when the broth cools down, then 2-3 spoons of apple cider vinegar are poured here.

Perhaps you are already asking the question, how to paint the gray hair with folk remedies brunettes. The following recipes are for you.


Double use - ate nuts for health, and shells cook 15-20 minutes in water. Then wash your broth with regular hair. According to reviews, this product can tone the color well.

Cocoa. Prunes

If you add cocoa powder to your shampoo in a 1: 1 ratio, then your hair will not only smell pleasant, but it also darkens wherever it has already turned gray.

Tip! Painting gray hair folk remedies in a dark color can give unexpected results in different women, since the structure of the hair is different for everyone. In order not to get an unexpected shade and know exactly how much time is necessary for you, color one curl or its tip, which will not be so noticeable in case of failure. And do not conduct experiments before any important events.

As well as walnuts, prunes are useful, which are cooked and used for rinsing, and the composition is not washed off.


Can I color the gray of coffee, as is done with cocoa. Yes, you can. Only the recipe is different. Mixes in one container 100 grams of strong black coffee and 200 grams of the same strong natural tea in the leaves. After this, this composition is applied to the hair or dipped in a basin to evenly moisten the entire head. Next, put on a bag and a towel. It is done every other day.

Henna, coffee and eucalyptus oil

Three tablespoons of henna are bred with four spoons of strong coffee, after which 2-3 spoons of oil are added here. A mask of coloring components is applied to the hair until the desired shade is obtained, and then it is washed off.

Such a recipe can be recommended not only to those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to paint gray hair with henna, but also to those who are just looking for natural persistent dyes that will hold on long and do not damage the hair. Such paints are an excellent alternative for busy women.

Agree that because gray hair - it's really not a problem, because they are so easy to paint, especially with the help of the above recipes curls will also be healthy.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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