Almost everyone knows about fungal diseases, most of us even had to face them. Such diseases cause a lot of discomfort and are very hard to treat.
Nystatin ointment is an antifungal agent, it effectively fights the Kindida family fungus, accordingly, it is widely used in candidiasis. The drug belongs to the group of polyenes and is an antibiotic. The color of the ointment is from yellow to brownish-yellow. They release the product in tubes( 10, 15, 30 g) and in glass jars.
One gram of ointment contains 100,000 units.nystatin, anhydrous lanolin, as well as petroleum jelly, is used as an auxiliary component.
Nystatin is able to neutralize the cells of Candida and Aspergillus fungi. When interacting with fungi, it combines with their cell membrane and destroys permeability. Due to this, the main components of the cell are destroyed. Thus, a barrier is created for further reproduction of the infection and the process of its destruction takes place.
The product does not absorb into the mucous membrane and does not penetrate the skin.
Despite the fact that Nystatin ointment is absolutely safe for the body, it is available to everyone and is very convenient to use, doctors rarely advise to use it. More precisely, only when other antifungal drugs did not have the desired effect.
Contents of
- Indications and contraindications for use
- Scheme of application
- Special patients
- Side effects and cases of overdose
- On practical results of using ointment
- What else is on the market?
- Buying and storing
Indications and contraindications for use
Nystatin ointment is used as an agent for prophylaxis and treatment of candidiasis in patients who have been treated with for a long time with antibiotics. Excellent cope with the elimination of mucous candidiasis( mouth, vagina) and skin( generalized).
When applying even a small dosage Nystatin ointment helps to stop the development of candidiasis stomatitis. Increasing the dose will help complete elimination of the fungus.
There are a number of contraindications for the use of the drug:
- pancreatitis;
- stomach ulcer;
- gullet ulcers;
- is a disorder in the functioning of the liver;
- sensitivity of the organism to active components.
Scheme of application of
Nystatin ointment is most often used for thrush of the oral cavity, the development of which provokes fungus Candida albicans. Getting into the body, the substance is not absorbed into the gastric walls and completely eliminated from the body. The drug is applied pointwise to the foci of fungus infection.
The active component is rather active, therefore the application procedure is carried out no more than twice a day, and the course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.
In diagnosed chronic stomatitis of fungal nature, a course of treatment is performed, after a disappearance of symptoms, a break for 21 days is made, and then medical applications can be repeated.
The drug is recommended to apply in the area of affected areas twice a day, the layer of the drug should be very thin. Usually treatment takes from a week to ten days, in special cases - a month. Apply the product with a cotton swab or a stick to the area affected by the fungus.
If the fungus affects the genitals, then during the period of treatment, sexual intercourse should be completely ruled out. In this case, treatment is recommended for both partners. The drug can not be used during menstruation.
You can accelerate the healing process if you apply Nystatin additionally. Do not chew the pill! If the fungus has hit the oral cavity, esophagus or pharynx, then simply hold the tablet behind your cheek until it dissolves completely. Due to this drug, the process of reproduction of the fungus stops.
Nystatin ointment can be used by both children and adults. If candidal stomatitis develops in nursery infants, then the treatment should be prescribed only by a physician and in the subsequent control of the whole process of recovery.
It should be remembered that stomatitis often develops due to weakened immunity. Therefore, doctors can prescribe Nystatin treatment in combination with immunostimulants, which help to increase immunity and thereby increase the protective functions of the body.
It is equally important in the period of treatment and after its termination to observe the correct diet and to lead a mobile lifestyle without bad habits.
Often, the agent is prescribed to treat diaper rash in children, and sometimes in adults and the elderly, who are forced to lie down. In this case, the medicine is applied to the problem zone three times a day. Usually after three days, improvements are already noticeable.
It should be remembered that antibiotics have the desired effect only if the stomatitis is infectious. In other cases, you need to use antifungal agents. Only specialists can determine the form of the disease.
Ointments, gels and other remedies for treatment of thrush and stomatitis in the mouth should be used after ingestion and preliminary rinsing of the oral cavity. In order for the treatment to be correct, visit the doctor, he will give all the necessary advice and recommendations.
Special patients
When pregnant, you can not drink Nystatin in tablets, but you can use an ointment on the recommendation of a doctor.
In the official instructions, there are no direct contraindications to the use of Nystatin ointment for nursing mothers, but there is also no information on the ingestion of the components of the drug into breast milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply the product in the chest area, and after use it is necessary to wash your hands.
Side effects and cases of overdose
Nystatin ointment is quite safe, allergic reactions during its use are a rarity. Allergies can manifest themselves by itching hives, rash, skin irritation.
In case of overdose and unduly diligent use of the medication, the following complications may occur:
- mucosal hyperemia;
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- vomiting;
- high temperature;
- chills;
- burning sensation;
- itching in the treated area;
- edema of the oral cavity.
On the practical results of the use of the
ointment. The doctor's opinion and consumer reviews that used Nystatin ointment for the treatment of candidiasis and stomatitis.
Lanolin is present in this ointment. It is obtained from sheep's wool. Due to this component there is an instant calming effect on mucous membranes. With genital tract disease, the use of a tampon with ointment is a fairly effective result. Please note that the remedy is greasy and problem-free. Therefore, use daily pads during the treatment period.
Olga, St. Petersburg, obstetrician-gynecologist
We lay with my baby in the hospital and returned from there with stomatitis. I was just in a panic when I saw his mouth. He was all in a white rash! How much I perenervnichala, the child constantly cried, did not want to eat. I blamed myself for the fact that my child is suffering. The doctor prescribed Nystatin as an ointment. You will not believe! After the second use, the baby could eat. Despite the fact that on the second day in the mouth there were no white spots, continued to smear her mouth for another four days. An excellent and inexpensive drug.
Julia, Rostov-on-Don
Nystatin ointment in my medicine cabinet is always there. I often use it during thrush. It helped a lot when my child started stomatitis. Me and my child was saved by the fact that the ointment was at hand and we started treatment on time. It calms well and softens the mucous membrane.
Elena, Pskov
When the child was two years old, he started stomatitis. The mouth was all in the rash: tongue, cheeks, lips. In the corners of the lips even formed a jam. For treatment, Nystatin ointment was used, and rinsing with chamomile was also done during the day.
Before using the ointment, I washed my hands thoroughly and applied them directly with my finger. It just seemed to me that I was hurting my baby with a cotton swab. Rinse the mouth after each meal to prevent the formation of new ulcers. In general, a couple of days later everything passed.
Natalia, Kazan,
What else is on the market?
In pharmacies, you can buy similar products, which, if necessary, you can replace Nystatin ointment, among the most popular are the following:
- Oxoline ointment;
- Tebrofen in the form of ointment;
- ;
- Холисал;
- Viru-Merz;
- Levinin;
- Viferon.
Purchase and storage of
In pharmacies Nystatin ointment is dispensed without a prescription, the average price for a 15 g tube is 20 rubles. This volume is quite enough for one or two courses of treatment.
Store the product in a dark and dry place at a low temperature( no more than 5 degrees, ie in the refrigerator).Shelf life is three years.