- In the first place is the well-known Lakalut Sensitive , which is considered a curative and prophylactic capable of quickly cleaning the mouth half and not scratching the enamel. The agent makes it possible to prevent the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect. The active components of Lacalut are sodium fluoride and aminofluoride. These components quickly clog the dentinal canals, which leads to a decrease in the level of sensitivity of the teeth. Chlorhexidine is an active antiseptic that counteracts the growth of bacteria and prevents the appearance of caries. It is recommended to apply the drug several times a day for 60 days. The average cost of the facility is in the range of 180-210 rubles( 50/70 ml).
- Rox Sensitive is an effective paste, helping to get rid of tooth sensitivity. Included in the hydroxyapatite calcium restores the destroyed layer of enamel, penetrating deeply into the affected area. The paste can eliminate the problem of hyperesthesia, and not mask it. Systematic application of the composition removes plaque and significantly bleaches the enamel. It is recommended to use the Rox Sensitive daily in the morning and in the evening for 60-90 days. The average cost is 250-280 rubles.
- The president of is able to provide gentle enamel cleaning. The composition contains fine particles of abrasive type, which gently polish the surface of the enamel. Active components of the drug include sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate, which are used for remineralization and quickly cement the dentinal tubules. It is recommended to use 2 times a day for at least 2 months. The price of the funds is 220-240 rubles.
- Sensodine contains potassium chloride. Regularly using a paste, you can eliminate soreness in a short period of time. Active components reduce the irritability of nerve endings and cover the dentinal tubules with protective layers. Experts advise to undergo several courses of treatment with the help of Sensodiv F. To do this, use the remedy daily for 30-40 days. Take a break for about 10 days and repeat the course. If you combine Sensodin with any other medicinal paste, you can completely restore the strength of the enamel. The price is 150-160 rubles.
- MEXIDOldent - the paste actively affects the destroyed enamel, reduces the degree of tooth sensitivity and helps strengthen the upper enamel layer. The presence of fine abrasive particles in the composition allows you to thoroughly clean the tooth surface and do not scratch it. Experts advise to use the remedy for no more than 40 days. The cost of Mexidol is 130-140 rubles.
- Oral B Oriental is able to provide natural protection of nerve endings and strengthen the upper layers of the dentinal tubules. The presence of silicon dioxide will allow you to quickly clean the mouth and not damage the surface of the enamel. Over time, the tooth tissue stops reacting painfully to cold and hot. Dentists recommend using Oral Bee daily for 60-90 days. The means will cost 120-130 rubles.
- Colgate is a world-famous brand that produces a paste with a soft effect on enamel. In addition to reducing the degree of sensitivity, Colgate actively whitens the surface of the enamel and protects them from caries and inflammatory processes. Can be applied daily for 90 days. After a short break, you can continue the therapeutic course. The price of the funds is 110-130 rubles.
- Alpen Dent - brightens and polishes the enamel surface, reduces the level of hyperesthesia of sensitive demineralized teeth. The presence of an active antiseptic in the composition will prevent the reproduction of bacteria and prevent the development of caries. The course of treatment is 60 days. The price of Alpen Dent is 260-280 rubles.
- BlanX MED Teeth - Italian paste promotes soft whitening, counteracts bacterial growth. An important advantage is the separation of atomic oxygen in the cleaning of teeth. This allows you to bleach not only the upper layer of the enamel, but also deeper areas. The number of microorganisms is gradually decreasing, which minimizes the risk of caries. The average cost of the funds is 480 rubles.
- Glister is a rather high-quality product, which includes abrasive substances. Thanks to them, the surface is perfectly cleaned and there are no scratches on it. The teeth become white in a short period of time, and the enamel is quickly strengthened due to the sodium fluoride contained in the composition. Dentists recommend using the paste daily for 50-60 days. The cost of the funds is 350-400 rubles.
Quickly and effectively solve the problem of excessively sensitive teeth( in the absence of obvious dental reasons) is possible due to the use of a special toothpaste.
Special desensitizing pastes for sensitive teeth allow to strengthen the upper layer of enamel, and potassium contained in the composition will enable high-quality processing of dentinal tubules. The active components of such agents rapidly penetrate deep into the expanded pores, which contributes to their narrowing and prevents further irritation of the nerve endings.
- Characteristics of quality desensitizing paste
- TOP-10 best means for hyperesthesia
- Practical experience of consumers
- General recommendations for use
- Why does hyperesthesia occur?
Quality desensitizing paste
quality toothpaste for sensitive teeth should have the following characteristics:
- low abrasiveness, which will guarantee safety;
- contain in its composition an active component - chloride, potassium nitrate;
- has a strengthening effect, the ability to perform the function of remineralization.
In the period of struggle against hyperesthesia, experts recommend to abandon the use of bleaching agents.
TOP-10 of the best means for hyperesthesia
Manufacturers produce a huge amount of products for sensitive teeth that contain various active components in their structure, which of them is the best difficult even for a professional, but we tried to do it as impartially and objectively as possible.
Below is a ranking of the most effective and popular toothpastes that will help in a short time to solve the problem of excessively sensitive and painful teeth:
Practical experience of consumers
Our rating would not be complete if we did not study feedback about pastes that consumers use tosolving the problem of sensitive teeth.
Frequent bleaching, smoking and drinking coffee gradually destroyed my enamel. With the years began to appear painful sensations in contact with the cold, sour, hot. On the advice of the dentist, I began to use Lakalut Sensitive.
After a few weeks, the level of sensitivity decreased significantly. Having passed the recommended course of therapy, I completely ceased to feel pain. The teeth turned white with a smooth surface. The result is very satisfied, I advise now Lakalut to all friends and friends.
Margarita, 32 years old
On the advice of girlfriends in case of excessive sensitivity I began to brush my teeth with Oral Bee Original. After several days of use, I noticed a smart whiteness of enamel and a decrease in the level of hyperesthesia with the use of hot drinks.
Oksana, 38 years old
Frequent drinking of hot coffee has caused the onset of acute toothache. After reading the information on the Internet I came to the conclusion that you need to change the paste. Has decided on the Glister brand.
Despite the high cost, the paste of this manufacturer fully justifies it. Unobtrusive taste and thick consistency of the product are the main advantages. It is conveniently distributed by enamel and cleans it qualitatively. Hypersensitivity disappeared literally after a week of use, the tooth surface became smooth and smooth.
Alexandra, 22 years old
As soon as I had a toothache when consuming hot food, I immediately turned to the dentist. He advised me to use the paste Rocks. After the course of treatment, I not only got rid of the pain, but also removed the plaque. Now my teeth are white and smooth. The result is very satisfied.
Nikolay, 44 years
The best pastes that help to solve the problem of sensitive teeth, according to consumers settled in this order:
- Rembrandt Sensitiv - among this list this brand takes an honorable first place, thanks to the components that are in the paste. The remedy carefully removes hyperesthesia, cleans the enamel from the plaque and returns the former dazzling smile.
- Beverly Hills Formula Whitening sensitive - in addition to rapidly reducing painful sensations, the application of the paste makes the enamel smooth and snow-white.
- ROCS Sensitive - a large number of abrasive fine particles in the composition allows delicately clean the teeth and not only quickly get rid of hypersensitivity, but also prevent the appearance of caries.
- Innova Sensitive - the presence of hydroxyapatite allows to mineralize enamel and strengthen it.
- SILCA Complete Sensitive contains calcium fluoride in its composition, which contributes to the mineralization of the enamel. The disadvantage is a small degree of bleaching.
General recommendations for the use of
It is possible to effectively overcome the problem of sensitive teeth by using special desensitizing agents.
They contain potassium ions in sufficient quantity, which penetrate into the dentinal tubules and gradually accumulate there. This
helps to isolate sensory nerves and suppress their activity. Subsequently, the excitability of cells is reduced to a minimum, and pain sensations stop bothering a person.
As a rule, if the paste is used correctly, the sensitivity level is reduced by 5-7 days after the application is started. To achieve a quick result, dentists advise brushing your teeth with a medium hardness brush 2-3 times a day for at least 5 minutes. The longer the period of oral paste in the oral cavity, the more therapeutic components enter the dental tissue.
For owners of sensitive teeth, manufacturers produce not only pastes, but also a variety of gels, ointments, solutions and rinses. As a rule, they contain in their composition potassium nitrite, plant components, antiseptics and sodium fluoride. All components of dentifrices strengthen enamel and reduce the degree of sensitivity of nerve endings.
Why does hyperesthesia occur?
Most often, the increase in the level of sensitivity of teeth provokes directly the person who:
- violates the rules of hygiene and the process of cleaning teeth;
- does not eat properly;
- consumes a large amount of coffee;
- smokes;
- uses low quality bleach.
Thin enamel makes the teeth vulnerable, the person begins to feel sharp pain at the time of drinking hot and cold food.
To get rid of unpleasant and painful sensations it should be:
- To establish a regular and correct process of cleaning teeth .It is very important to do gentle movements during cleaning and do not apply pressure to the brush. Movements must be made from the top of the crown to the root.
- It's reasonable to choose a paste and a brush .The product should not include an aggressive whitening component or aggressive substance. The brush is suitable for medium hardness.
- Set up the power mode .When compiling the menu, it is recommended not to forget about the need to consume a large amount of cottage cheese, milk and cheese. In no case during the meal should not combine cold and hot dishes that destroy the enamel.
In order to never know what sensitive enamel is, the cleansing of the oral cavity should be regular, the time of the procedure is long, and the toothpaste is of a quality and directional effect. It is also important to use a sufficient number of dairy products, which will fill the lack of calcium in the body.
Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to enjoy your own white smile and much less likely to contact dentists.