TOP-10 therapeutic toothpastes for strengthening teeth and restoring enamel

Many people face the thinning and hypersensitivity of tooth enamel. And such a problem can cause tangible discomfort. After eating hot or cold food, a person feels toothache. If you respond in time to such a problem and start using a special toothpaste, then the damaged enamel will be restored in a fairly short period and without visiting the dental clinic.

Toothpaste, which restores and strengthens thinned enamel, can have its therapeutic and effective effect only when it comes to the initial stage of the destructive process. You can determine this by the white matt spots appearing on the tooth surface.

In the case of a running process, even the best toothpaste with a restoring effect will be insufficient to restore and strengthen the enamel. In this case, the best option is to seek the help of a specialist. In the dental office can carry out a deep fluoridation.

And in the most neglected cases it is proposed to restore the erased layer with special filling materials. You can also use prosthetics with the use of veneers.

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  • Top-10 best pastes, with restoring effect
  • Complex of auxiliary tools
  • Why is tooth decay occurring?
  • Consumer's view
  • Price issue

Top 10 best pastes, with restoring effect

Among the presented toothpastes on the market that are able to strengthen and restore enamel, we can distinguish the following ten:

  1. PRESIDENT Sensitive .Pasta from the Italian manufacturer, which contains calcium hydroxyapatite and fluoride sodium. This dentifrice can be attributed to low-abrasive preparations, whereby the dental coating is not seriously affected. The main active ingredient is calcium hydroxyapatite, which is simply necessary to maintain a healthy and strong enamel and dentin. In this case, the toothpaste protects the teeth from the appearance of caries, penetrates the micropores of the enamel and fills them, like a filling material, which additionally restores the mineral balance of the damaged areas, ensuring fresh breath and eliminating plaque. And if PRESIDENT Sensitive is used regularly, the enamel will become smooth, and its sensitivity will decrease.
  2. BIOQUALES BEDROOM .This tool is made in Russia. The active component is the calcace substance, which is extracted from the eggshell in a laboratory way. Due to this component, all microcracks and damages on the tooth surface are eliminated. Sensitivity is removed, the changed structure is restored. At the heart of the product is a whitening system that provides a natural and beautiful color of the enamel, without the aggressive impact on the tooth basis. This cleanser refreshes the breath, giving it a mint flavor. The plus is that there are no harmful substances and fluorine in the composition.
  3. SENSODYNE .A notable advantage is that the toothpaste has the ability to remineralize the damaged enamel, is effectively suitable for its strengthening and restoration. This effect is achieved due to the presence of a substance such as strontium acetate in the formulation. It is this ingredient that lowers sensitivity, and also closes the canal in the dental tissue, not allowing an uncomfortable impulse to reach the nerve. The paste contains fluorides, which strengthen the enamel and protect against the development of caries. However, it is necessary to use this cleaning agent constantly, since after the application is stopped, the initial state is rolled back.
  4. Miradent Mirafluor C .Promotes the build-up of an additional coating. The composition contains a substance such as amino fluoride. As soon as a person starts using it, fluoride concentrate is sucked into the saliva, and the teeth are further protected from demineralization and from the development of caries. At the same time, the percentage of abrasive substances is so precisely verified that they do not harm the upper covering of the teeth.
  5. GLOBAL WHITE .Toothpaste from a famous American manufacturer, effective for the restoration and remineralization of enamel, saturates the dental tissue with vitamin substances. The composition contains hydroxyapatite and potassium nitrate. These substances fill the microdamages formed on the tooth and reduce the sensitivity of the tissue. And vitamins of group E, C and A strengthen the gums and relieve the inflammatory processes taking place in the oral mucosa. Also included in the composition is an extract of algae. It activates the metabolism in the tissues of the mouth. And D-panthenol perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane, stops the development of inflammation and promotes the healing of wounds on it.
  6. R.O.C.S. contains calcium glycerophosphate, which stops the process of destruction of the surface layer of the enamel. But the substance bromelain and xylitol prevent the formation of tartar and prevent the reproduction of bacteria.
  7. Pomorin Maximum Protection .This paste is made in Bulgaria, it restores tooth enamel, kills bacteria and stops their reproduction, reduces sensitivity and resists caries formation.
  8. Silca ( pastas from the Herbal Complete series and Natural Extrakte).The main ingredients of German pasta is sodium fluoride, as well as numerous vitamins and plant extracts. Due to such components, the enamel is restored, the gum is significantly strengthened, the bleeding decreases, the development of inflammation is blocked.
  9. Colgate Elmex series. The composition contains a substance called aminofluoride. Toothpaste helps to remineralize and improve the structure of the enamel.
  10. Biorepair .The paste of medical purpose, quickly restoring a thin tooth enamel, fills all cracks formed on a surface of a dental fabric.


In addition to the pastes that prevent the thinning of enamel, with the task of strengthening it, and a variety of remineralizing gels work perfectly well. They contain calcium and phosphorus, so that the structure is instantly restored. Such preparations create a kind of protective film on the surface of the dental tissue. It prevents the process of destruction by acids, which are released under the influence of carious bacteria.

In order to effectively use these gels at home, you must additionally use a special kappa. It is filled with gel and placed in the mouth for 15 minutes twice a day. To carry out such an independent procedure, you can buy the following drugs:

  • R.O.C.S.Medical is issued with menthol and fruit taste, the cost of one bottle is 350 Russian rubles;
  • gel Tooth Mousse - its composition consists of active enzymes, and the cost does not exceed 1500 rubles;
  • tool GLOBAL WHITE strengthens teeth and reduces sensitivity, you can buy this gel for 330 rubles.

Why does tooth decay occur?

To maintain a healthy and strong enamel in the future, you need to know what factors can influence its gradual thinning. This will help to minimize the harmful effects, and thus forget about the existence of such a problem.

One of the most common causes leading to the destruction of the upper layer of teeth is poor quality oral hygiene. This includes the use of an excessively rigid brush, as well as a violation of the correct technique for cleaning teeth, when a person exerts too much force during the process. As a result, the enamel is mechanically damaged, and its layer becomes too thin over time.

Another important factor that affects the condition of dental tissues is nutrition. If a significant deficiency of such a mineral as calcium forms in the body, then this immediately affects the structure of the tooth tissue. Also, can include the sweet and acidic foods in the diet to affect the destructive process. After their use in the mouth, microbes multiply, exerting their harmful effects. After eating acidic fruits and juices, destructive acids begin to affect the tooth enamel, thinning it. And the sugar contained in them promotes reproduction of carious bacteria.

Surface covering of the teeth can be destroyed if an incorrect or unprofessional dental treatment has been performed and if there is a violation of salivation. Very often, with an abnormal bite, the tooth surface is also combed.

A frequent reason for the gradual stitching of enamel can be such bad habits as alcohol abuse and smoking. Do not forget that such changes can occur due to age restrictions.

Users' view

To choose a therapeutic toothpaste for strengthening of teeth and restoration of enamel will help reviews of old consumers.

Over time, I began to notice that when drinking tea or coffee, my teeth hurt. It turned out that I have increased sensitivity of teeth. To restore it, I tried the paste Pomorin Maximum Protection. And it should be noted that in three weeks the problem was completely solved.

Anna, 32

Good afternoon! My name is Lydia. I used to use a stiff brush and damage the upper tooth layer. I could not normally eat cold and hot dishes. The doctor advised to start using a special paste to restore the enamel. I acquired such a tool of American manufacture and now I again enjoy my favorite ice cream.

Lydia, 40

Pasta Miradent Mirafluor C I began to use due to the fact that the teeth appeared white specks, they began to break down. But after a month of use, the condition of the surface layer strengthened. I advise everyone!

Victor, 45 years old

Price question

Tooth paste PRESIDENT Sensitive( a tube of 50 ml) costs 160 Russian rubles. Russian paste SPLAT Biocalcium( 100 ml) will cost 120 rubles. The rest of the recovery tools can be purchased at the following price:

  • SENSODYNE( 50 ml) for 180 rubles;
  • Miradent Mirafluor S for 370 rubles;
  • GLOBAL WHITE( 100 ml) for 300 rubles;
  • R.O.C.S.(a tube of 60 ml) can be bought for 350 rubles;
  • Dentifrice Pomorin Maximum Protection( 100 ml) costs 250 rubles;
  • Silca paste will cost 100 Russian rubles per 100 ml.

Enamel of teeth is capable of breaking down and thinning due to various factors and causes. In order to quickly cope with such a problem at home, it is worth buying one of the medicinal pastes, which will strengthen the teeth and fill the existing cracks with useful components.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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