Top-10 toothpastes from bleeding, inflammation and gum disease

There is a wide choice of toothpastes sold in supermarkets, as well as a huge selection of so-called medicines prescribed by dentists as part of the comprehensive treatment that can be purchased at pharmacies.

In addition to the banal cleansing of teeth, it is sometimes necessary to eliminate a number of pathological processes that occur with the gums. As part of specially developed therapeutic toothpastes, gum health contains medicamentous substances, the action of which is aimed at stopping inflammation, removing bleeding, disinfecting colonies of microbes and fungi, as well as soft but effective treatment of such diseases as periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other periodontal diseases.

Therapeutic toothpaste for gums combines hygienic and curative effects on the oral cavity. Such funds are significantly different from conventional means and are sold in pharmacy chains.

Toothpaste for gum health is aimed at getting rid of inflammation and bleeding of periodontal mucosa, destroying bacteria that provoke the development of periodontal disease and periodontitis. Such drugs contain in their composition antiseptics, antibiotics, minerals, enzymes, vitamin complexes, abrasives for removing stone and other substances.

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  • Characteristics of the composition
  • Top-10 toothpastes for people who have gum problems
  • Children's funds
  • opinion Special considerations: rules and duration of the course

Characteristics of the composition

Anti-inflammatory toothpaste for gums may contain the following components:

  • chlorhexidine, triclosan, which are indicated for infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • metronidazole, which acts against fungal infections;
  • fluoride salts used to heal wounds on the gums, strengthen enamel, enhance metabolic processes;
  • aluminum compounds having antibacterial action;
  • extracts of herbs used to heal, strengthen, disinfect gums and hard tissues;
  • propolis and other bee products, which have a general strengthening effect.
It should be remembered that the therapeutic pastes prescribed by a dentist, taking into account not only certain symptoms, but also the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

TOP-10 toothpastes for people who have gum problems

In terms of popularity, consumer reviews, demand and frequency of appointment, a number of the best toothpastes are identified that can be recommended for inflammation, bleeding and other problems with gums:

  1. Mirra Dent Gel Toothpaste Applicator .As part of the drug, among other medicinal components, contain bacteriophages, - special components that destroy bacteria. Effectively stops and treats bleeding gums, also Mirra Dent toothpaste is a good preventive tool for caries and periodontitis. The action is based on disinfection of the oral cavity, normalization of the microflora. Quickly removes inflammation of the gums, is effective for their strengthening.
  2. Vivax Dent ( pink paste) is used for gingivitis, caries, gum bleeding. In the composition of the drug peptides, amorphous silicates, affecting the processes of tissue regeneration. Toothpaste removes inflammation of the gums, promotes their healing, prevents the process of exposing the necks of the teeth, characteristic of periodontitis.
  3. PRESIDENT Classic is prescribed for inflammation of the gums, periodontitis, gingivitis, bleeding of the teeth. In the composition of the active substance sodium fluoride and xylitol in increased concentration, so the product can not be used for more than ten days in a row. Effectively removes inflammatory processes due to antibiotic in the composition. Plant components promote tissue regeneration.
  4. SILCA Herbal Complete and SILCA Natural Extrakte .These therapeutic pastes are used for plaque and early stages of periodontal disease. Means are also effective in the development of gingivitis. The composition has sodium fluoride in therapeutic proportions, the purpose of which is dissolution of calculus. Essential oils in the composition contribute to the elimination of bleeding and healing of the gums.
  5. El-ce med TOTAL CARE contains allantoin, zinc chloride and vitamin complex. This toothpaste is indicated for older people, since the components interfere with the development of gingivitis and bacterial infections of the oral cavity due to the effect on local immunity.
  6. Colgate Elmex effectively removes tartar from the content of soft abrasives. Has sodium fluoride in the composition, which helps dissolve plaque, is suitable for strengthening the gums, is indicated for periodontitis and gingivitis.
  7. LACALUT fitoformula is made up of aluminum lactate and sodium fluoride, which are effective for mineralization of enamel and elimination of inflammation of the gums. Plant components promote the regeneration of damaged gums. It is recommended for periodontal disease caused by tartar.
  8. LACALUT aktiv consists of antibiotics, such as chlorhexidine, in therapeutic doses. The course of application should not exceed ten days, because otherwise the drug contributes to the development of dysbiosis and draining the mucosa. This tool is indicated for gingivitis and the initial stages of periodontal disease.
  9. Parodontax has two options in its medical composition: with fluoride and without it. The variant with fluorine is prescribed if the inflammatory processes in the gums are accompanied by the demineralization of the teeth. A variant without fluorine is shown in the areas where tap water has an elevated content of this substance. Paradontax paste is shown with gingivitis, the initial stages of periodontal disease. Herbal extracts effectively remove inflammation of the gums.

Means for children

Medications for children should have special characteristics:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • no abrasive substances;
  • reduced content of active components;
  • reduced content, or the complete absence of fluoride in the composition.

Children need a special treatment for oral diseases, which is carried out only under medical supervision.

As therapeutic pastes, there are prescribed products containing an increased amount of plant components that promote the healing of gums and resist infections of the oral cavity. There is a whole range of medicines shown for gum disease in children, we have picked the best:

  1. Parodontocid is an effective treatment for stomatitis and gingivitis in children. In the composition has a number of anti-inflammatory components that favorably affect the gums. In addition, the agent has an anesthetic effect. Herbal composition of the paste helps to strengthen local immunity. As a rule, it is used along with solutions and sprays of the same brand for ten days.
  2. Poliminerol .This remedy is indicated for the treatment of gingivitis, as well as for the restoration of gum health after surgical intervention for periodontal disease in children. Toothpaste relieves of bleeding gums, has an anesthetic effect. As a rule, it is used in combination with a special composition for rinsing.
  3. Solcoseryl very effectively cures gingivitis. The drug is indicated for erosive disorders of the gums, quickly removes their inflammation. The paste contains the substance polydecanol, acting as an anesthetic. The plant complex affects local immunity.
  4. Oralcare Protezione Gengive .This tool is indicated for the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis for children only from the age of six. Contains vitamin complex and hyaluronic acid, which promote healing of affected gums and positively affect local immune processes in children.
Medical pastes for children are applied with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions for use, so as not to damage the thin enamel of the teeth, do not cause dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity and do not cause any other harm to the child.

There is an opinion of

Numerous customer reviews confirm the efficacy of the toothpastes listed above regarding the solution of various gum problems.

On the advice of a dentist I bought LACALUT fitoformula. In addition to the fact that I managed to get rid of inflammation of the gums, my teeth became much whiter and my breath was fresh.

Olga, 56 years old

Used Colgate Elmex for the treatment of gingivitis. In a short time the inflammation of the gums was gone, and the bleeding significantly decreased.

Michael, 43 years old

Very satisfied with the brand name Parodontax. The remedy of this manufacturer relieved me of plaque and stone, healed the gums and mucous membranes.

Marina, 38 years

Application features: rules and duration of the course

Therapeutic pastes are used for special indications, since they contain medicinal substances in the required concentration. A number of agents, for example, Mirra Dent Gel Toothpaste Applicator, are prescribed as applications that are superimposed on pre-cleaned teeth for several minutes in the morning and in the evening for a strictly defined number of days.

As a rule, therapeutic pastes are applied by the course, the duration of which is from ten to fifteen days, after which a break is absolutely necessary.

If you compare medical pastes with everyday ones, the main differences are as follows:

  • is used only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • is used for a limited time;
  • for uncontrolled use may cause side effects.

Medical toothpastes should not be used alone, as, like therapeutic drugs, they can have a number of unforeseen negative effects on the body:

  • dysbiosis due to high antibiotic content;
  • intestinal dysbiosis due to the action of bactericidal and fungicidal substances;
  • fluorosis, that is, chronic intoxication with fluoride salts;
  • poisoning with metal compounds;
  • allergic reactions.

Drugs are kept in a strictly balanced proportion, with the impact of each remedy a certain problem is solved.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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