Application of Iodinol for rinsing the oral mucosa with stomatitis

Stomatitis is a fairly common inflammatory disease of the mouth, and Iodinol( blue iodine) is an excellent remedy for getting rid of the ailment and all of its painful symptoms. This inexpensive drug can restore the joy of life, make forever forget about the chronic ulcers in your mouth.

How to use Iodinol and how effective it is for stomatitis can be found below.


  • Our hero today is blue iodine
  • What is to be combated?
  • Efficacy of Iodinol in the fight against stomatitis
  • Instruction for use
    • Features of treatment of children
  • Possible limitations
  • As an output of

Our hero today is blue iodine

The very name of the drug speaks of its relationship to iodine. Iodinol - a liquid product with a strong antiseptic effect. It includes molecular iodine, potassium iodide alcohol and purified water. The liquid has a dark blue hue. If you shake the bottle, then it will have bubbles.

Polyvinyl alcohol, contained in the preparation, creates a delayed therapeutic effect of iodine. In this case, the drug is completely deprived of toxicity. However, do not use it in large numbers. This will cause burns.

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Iodinol is an antiseptic that exerts on fungi, bacteria and microbes that cause stomatitis, a harmful effect. If a single rinse of the mouth with a liquid does not affect the microbes, then repeated sessions necessarily give a positive result.

The product can be used to protect the body from epidemics of viral infections. It is completely harmless and able to provide a full protection of the body.

The peculiarity of the drug lies in its ability to cover the affected areas with a film. This prevents the further spread of the virus and completely destroys it. After the use of medication, relapses are extremely rare, since iodinol for a long time after application effectively affects ulcers caused by stomatitis.

Against what is to be fought?

Stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa. Also among the symptoms there are numerous painful sores and vesicles in the sky, tongue, cheeks. They bring discomfort, cause pain. If the time does not take up the treatment, ulcers and erosion can take a chronic character and deprive a person of a calm, familiar life.
The causes of stomatitis are diverse. Among the most common are the following:

  • immunosuppression;
  • supercooling;
  • presence of viral diseases;
  • smoking;
  • stressful situations;
  • incorrect bite;
  • non-observance of the rules of oral hygiene;
  • food, irritating mucous.

There are many reasons, but it provokes the appearance of stomatitis, weakened immunity. Depending on the type of pathogen distinguish several types of disease:

  • infectious;
  • candida;
  • is traumatic;
  • is allergic;
  • aphthous.

Afts in the mouth - the "number one" target for Iodinol

In viral type, there are bubbles in the mouth, with fungal - bubbles and abundant saliva, with bacterial - white coating and redness.

The traumatic appearance of the disease appears due to damage to the cheeks, tongue, or palate. Allergic type is caused by some protein or other allergen. Symptoms are swelling and severe itching in the mouth.

Aphthous stomatitis is associated with diseases of the stomach and viral infections.

Efficacy of Iodinol in the fight against stomatitis

Blue iodine is an effective tool for fighting stomatitis and for eliminating painful symptoms. The drug based on iodine allows you to get rid of inflammation in the mouth. It disinfects, helps the rapid healing of ulcers and wounds.

Numerous vesicles and sores caused by stomatitis not only interfere with the intake of food and liquids, but also do not allow you to communicate, live a normal and familiar life. They are quite painful.

The drug has a soothing effect, envelops the affected areas with a peculiar film. It does not allow to aggravate the situation, destroys the painful microflora, disinfects and dries wet ulceration.

Antiseptic can be used for any kind of stomatitis. Treatment is performed topically with rinses. The liquid is treated with the affected parts of the oral cavity. The remedy helps to get rid of both ulcers and white scurf caused by fungi.

When applying the drug to diseased areas, molecular iodine has a resolutive effect: improves dissimilation, speeds up the metabolism. The agent has a proteolytic effect, that is, it accelerates the cleavage of proteins. Due to the content of ethanol, iodine is withdrawn gradually, at a slowed pace. This feature makes iodinol less dangerous for mucous membranes than ordinary iodine. In addition, blue iodine is completely non-toxic.

The ability to cover wounds with a special layer allows long-term exposure to a stomatitis pathogen.

Instructions for use

Children, as well as adults, can be treated with rinses with Iodinol solution. But the dose of the drug and the way of application differ in each individual case.

Rinsing of the oral cavity with stomatitis is performed by a solution of Iodinol in a one-to-one ratio with water. Excellent help therapeutic lotions. A clean piece of gauze should be soaked in solution and put on aphthae, keep it for no more than a minute. After that, rinse your mouth with a solution of soda.

If herpetic stomatitis is diagnosed, it is necessary to use a cotton swab soaked in a solution of Iodinol, treat the rashes, removing the paralyzed crusts in parallel. There may be a slight bleeding, it should not be feared.

In current for not need to often use a remedy, this will not help to quickly recover, in here a strong irritation of the mucosa is possible. It will only exacerbate the situation and launch a new round of the disease with renewed vigor. Do not overdo it with medicine.

Before applying the medicine, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the oral cavity, to conduct its sanitation. You need to brush your teeth, rinse your throat and mouth. These procedures are mandatory at any age. The therapeutic effect of the drug will increase if it is applied to a clean mucous membrane.

With the started forms of stomatitis, one rinse with iodinol will not be enough. You should see your doctor for additional funds.

It is forbidden to use several medications on your own, this can lead to intoxication and serious health problems.

Features of the treatment of children

Babies can be treated with a stick or cotton wool wrapped in a match

Iodinol treatment for stomatitis in children under 5 years of age is not recommended with rinsing, as the risk of ingesting a large quantity of solution is great. Instead, you can anoint the inflamed foci with the help of an earwax.

To rinse the mouth, a child over 5 years old must be diluted with 50 ml of blue iodine in a glass of water. Such a solution can be used to wash mucous membranes in children. It can be used throughout the day, following the procedure after a meal.

The product is completely harmless, although it contains alcohol, which makes iodine less toxic and sharp. Avoid the use of medication because of the alcohol content on the stands. The effectiveness and safety of such treatment is extremely high.

Possible limitations

Medication is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components. When thyrotoxicosis also need to abandon the use of funds. It is not recommended to use the medication if there are:

  • allergies;
  • increased inflammation;
  • increased sensitivity to iodine.

Pregnant women can use the drug once a week. People over the age of 70 should use the medication once every two weeks, besides, it is always necessary to monitor the thyroid gland.

As an output of

In conclusion, we quote a few comments on the actual use of Iodinol for the treatment of stomatitis.

The medicine has perfectly cured the wounds in the mouth. Very effective tool, and cheap, I will always keep it in the medicine cabinet.

Lera, 29

I've known Yodinol since childhood. I always use it during virus outbreaks. Helps and sores in the mouth.

Nina, 37

Iodinol is a strong antiseptic, it helps to cure stomatitis and its symptoms in the form of rashes, wounds and ulcers. It is allowed to use it for younger children. Still, you do not need to get involved with the drug, since mucous membranes are possible. It is necessary to strictly follow the concentration of the solution, follow the instructions for use.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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