Stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa with the formation of characteristic ulcers and plaque. Older people and children are more likely to suffer from the disease. The main reason is a decrease in the protective function of immunity. Mucous is strewn with pustules, sores.
Children of this pathology begin to worry after suffering from inflammatory diseases. Fungal( candidal) stomatitis can develop with breastfeeding, if the hygiene norms are violated.
It is noted that in children under seven years of age, stomatitis is more aggressive - the sores are thicker, larger than in adults. This is due to the fact that the oral mucosa, as well as the immune system of the child are at the stage of formation. Kids have more saliva. Under such conditions, pathogenic microorganisms reproduce much better.
The choice of treatment methods depends on the cause and type of the disease. When stomatitis of various forms of medication prescribed Fucocin solution in one form or another.
- Universal tool
- A drug that can fight a stomatitis!
- Instructions for use
- Contraindications and special instructions for use
- Real-life
- Pros and cons of
Fucorcin solution contains phenol, boric acid, resorcinol, alcohol, acetone, distilled water. The main function of of the listed components is external disinfection of the foci of inflammation.
The solution has a bright crimson shade, which ensures the presence of magenta. In the pharmacy can offer a colorless liquid, in this solution, magenta is absent. The colorless drug weakens the fungus. The agent is prescribed externally for lesions of the skin, mucous membranes.
A drug that can fight a stomatitis!
Fucocine solution is often prescribed in the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children from year to year. The product has a pronounced complex action, it dries well, eliminates fungal and bacterial infection, reduces the likelihood of re-infection.
The solution is prescribed for the treatment of stomatitis, as well as herpes. In the latter case, characteristic crimson spots appear on the open skin areas, in such situations the agent is often used in pediatrics.
The peculiarity of the medication is that with the help of the solution it is effective to treat all types of stomatitis. When candida( it affects children most often) it is important to use a solution of crimson color. It is more effective in combating fungal infection.
The remedy is very effective, it acts quickly, it is inexpensive. But it should be used with caution for the treatment of stomatitis in children under one year, they Fukortsin can cause allergies.
The main active ingredients of the drug are boric acid, acetone( they have a pronounced antimicrobial effect).The preparation contains phenol( effective against fungal attack).
Fukortsin is prescribed for:
- stomatitis with purulent discharge;
- microtrauma of the oral cavity;
- fungal lesions;
- focal erosions on the skin.
With the listed pathologies, Fucocin is used in combination with other drugs.
For stomatitis, the drug is prescribed for topical application. Dentists prescribe the remedy for the development of pustules. The solution is gently applied sporadically to ulcers, ulcers.
Instruction for use
The solution must be used pointwise. It is necessary to adhere to such algorithm:
- Preliminary in the oral cavity to remove plaque. This will ensure maximum access of active substances to -affected tissues. You need to moisten the cotton swab in tea tree oil or sea buckthorn. Then carefully removed the plaque from the sores.
- Apply a solution to the affected area with a cotton swab. You can not touch healthy areas.
- After 40 minutes, other anti-somatic drugs( creams, gels, sprays) are applied.
- You can apply Candide or Kamistad ointment to the treated areas after an hour.
- If the doctor did not prescribe any additional drugs, then after 2 hours you should rinse your mouth well. Otherwise, the mucosa will be over-dried.
- You can not use the product more than 4 times a day. Abuse can cause burning, pain. Fukorcin with mild use may cause a burn.
During application, slight burning sensation may appear, do not be afraid of it. After a minute it will pass. Fukortsin is used to treat stomatitis in children over 12 years of age( in rare cases and according to the doctor's prescription from the year) and adults. It is applied 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment - no more than ten days, the child - no more than five.
The drug is recommended to use after 12 years. First you need to make a sensitivity test. It is important not to use the medication often and for a long time, as a tender baby mucous can easily be injured. For children, the duration of treatment is 5 days.
Combine this remedy with other medications especially carefully. Unexpected reactions of active components are possible! Therefore, without the doctor's permission, it is not recommended to use other medicines simultaneously with Fukorcin.
Contraindications and special instructions for use
The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and for children under 12 years of age( categorically before the year, after this age, exceptions are possible).Since phenol is present in the formulation, it is not possible to spread large areas on the product.
The drug can provoke an allergy, so you need to make a sample for sensitivity. Simply apply a little money to the elbow bend and wait, if there is no itching, redness, rashes, the remedy can be used.
With care, it is necessary to apply the medicine to those people who have an increased sensitivity to its components. It is contraindicated for allergy, dermatosis.
You can not use the drug for a long time, it can be addictive, which leads to a decrease in effectiveness.
From the real life of
From the reviews, you can draw some conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Fukorcin in the context of treatment of stomatitis.
My daughter was ill with stomatitis at 6 years old. There were ulcers, pustules. The baby was suffering from pain. The doctor has written out Fukortsin.
Gently lubricated with a solution of wound for five days. On the second day it was already noticeable that the sores began to dry out. A good drug, fast acting, inexpensive.
Elena, 21
After suffering an acute respiratory viral infection, my mouth was inflamed. My mother advised me to cauterize Fukorcin's pustules, which I did. The drug helped very quickly. True, at first there was a slight tingle, but everything is tolerable. On the skin would not apply, since the medicine has a bright pink tint. But for the mucosa - what you need!
Lily, 34
Advantages and disadvantages of
The main advantages of the drug:
- works in a complex way;
- is easy to use;
- is effective;
- fights with both fungus and bacteria;
- is inexpensive.
This agent perfectly copes with inflammation of different nature.
Due to the fact that the composition contains phenol, Fukortsin has its drawbacks:
- is contraindicated for use in the treatment of children under 12 years of age, pregnant, nursing mothers;
- is toxic;
- has a sharp characteristic odor that repels many;
- color solution leaves stains on the body that are difficult to wash off, discolour them only hydrogen peroxide.
Fukortsin will not be superfluous in the home medicine chest. It will help with microbial, fungal infection. Its combined solution is universal, effective, but it is worth considering all restrictions in the application. The main thing is to be careful, to use the medicine according to the instructions.