One of the most effective folk remedies for joint diseases is honey. His ability to penetrate deeply into tissues and cope even with chronic diseases and pathologies has been known to mankind for a long time.
Treatment with honey joints gives good results due to its anti-inflammatory and warming properties. However, honey is not used in its pure form, it is usually mixed with other medicinal products or decoctions of medicinal herbs. They increase its effect several times and accelerate the healing process.
Honey from joint diseases
Ointments, tinctures and honey-based rubbers are an effective remedy for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout, polyarthritis, osteomyelitis, radiculitis, osteophyte and other articular ailments.
Warning! Honey for joints is recommended to use in a liquid form. However, it should be melted at a temperature of not more than 50 degrees, otherwise it will lose most of its healing properties.
In the treatment of joints it is important to choose the right kind of honey. From joint diseases excellent help such species as mustard, heather, clover, barberry. A universal variety is considered flower. Pay attention to the dosage of the bee product, so that its therapeutic effect does not turn into an allergic reaction.
Honey massage
Aching and sharp joint pains well removes honey massage. The procedure is indicated for use in osteochondrosis. After warming the sick knee with a warmer, vigorously rub it with honey for 5-7 minutes. After completing the massage, apply a bandage of cotton fabric, generously greased with honey, to the sore spot. Wrap the bandage with a warm kerchief or scarf. After 3 hours, rinse off the rests with warm water. The duration of the honey massage is 10 procedures. The first 3 days, repeat treatment sessions daily, and then - day after day.
Honey recipes
Treatment of joints with honey will give noticeable results not immediately. You will need much more time than in the case of factory ointments. However, the effect of the bee product will be tangible and long-lasting. Let's consider some effective recipes.
From polyarthritis
Recipe 1. To mix the mixture, mix the aloe juice, honey and alcohol in the same proportions - 350 g each. Then let it brew for 24 hours. Tincture drink every morning on an empty stomach for 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 hours before meals. Duration of treatment is 6 weeks. You can repeat the course after 2 months.
Recipe 2. In freshly squeezed celery juice( 500 g), dissolve the bee product( 500 g).Take a drink in a volume of 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator. The course of healing is 30 days. You can resume treatment one month after the end of the course. To strengthen the effect of the drug, eat together with it 500 g of apples and 100 g of walnuts.
Recipe 3. Mix the crushed laurel leaves( 1 glass) with sunflower oil( 200 g).Leave the mixture for 20 days, and then strain. With the obtained ointment, grind the joints affected by polyarthritis 2 times a day.
From Joint Pain
Recipe 1. Widely used for honey recipes with salt. For joints, the action of this duet is akin to the waving of a magic wand - pain is instantly removed, both aching and sharp.
To make a compress mix honey with ordinary rock salt in equal doses - 1 tbsp.spoon. Put the mixture on a cotton or linen cloth and attach it to a sore spot. Over the compress, apply cellophane and wrap the bandage with a warm woolen scarf. Therapeutic procedure should preferably be performed before bedtime, so that the ointment works all night. In the morning just wash it off with warm water.
Recipe 2. The bee product( 200 g) is mixed with radish juice( 300 g), vodka( 100 g) and salt( 1 tablespoon).Stir the ingredients thoroughly. Tear off the affected area with the mixture. In order for the remedy to act faster, rub off after bathing and together with taking 100 g of the recipe inside.
From radiculitis
Ingredients: furacilin( ¼ cup) and honey( 1 teaspoon).Apply the mixture to the mustard plasters and apply to affected joints for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the mustard plasters, but do not rinse the mixture - leave overnight, covered with cellophane and wrapped in woolen cloth.
From osteomyelitis
Traditional medicine recommends the use of honey for joints, or more precisely for the healing of osteomyelitis, together with mummies. Melt the bee product( 100 g) with a water bath, mix it with a mummy( 5-7 g).Blend the mixture and rub it with sore spots. On the healing effect of this composition and on how and when to apply it, we told in the article: Honey with mummies guarding your health.From rheumatism
Recipe 1. Excellent salvage from rheumatism - tea based on honey and cowberries. For its preparation, a handful of cranberry leaves fill with boiling water and leave for 20-25 minutes. After cooling the broth, dissolve honey in it( 1 tablespoon).Healing tea drink in small doses throughout the day.
Recipe 2. Ingredients: pine buds( 100 g), water( 2.5 l), sugar( 250 g), bee product( 250 g).Pour the kidneys with boiling water and boil the broth until the water in it will remain about 0.5 liters. The broth cool, strain and add sugar and honey. Tincture should be taken 3 times a day before meals.
From gout
Recipe 1. Mix a mixture of chopped onion( 300 g), white dry wine( 600 g) and honey( 100 g) for 2 days in a refrigerator, shaking dishes from time to time. Strain the tincture, drink it for 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.
Recipe 2. Finely chop the garlic( 200 g), onion( 300 g) and crush the berries of cranberries( 500 g).Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for 24 hours. After the specified period, add honey to the mixture( about 1 kg).The recipe is recommended for use three times a day for 1 teaspoon 20-30 minutes before meals.
Ointments for arthritis
Honey for joint treatment is also effective as an ointment. To create it, prepare honey( 1 tablespoon), beeswax( the size of a matchbox) and 1 egg yolk. Mix all ingredients and melt them with a water bath. Ointment should be applied hot. On a bandage layered in several layers, lay out the mixture and apply a bandage to the affected area. Leave for all night.
Another recipe includes honey and softwood 1 tbsp.spoon. The components of the ointment are heated in a water bath, mixed and rubbed into diseased joints.
Warning! Considered ointments, compresses and tinctures can be used for almost all diseases of the joints.
Treatment with honey joints is excellent in that it brings tangible benefits and is an affordable procedure. Its only drawback is that the healing process can take a long time and will require patience and strict adherence to the course.