Bedent - solution for the treatment of the oral cavity

Babydent is an anesthetic drug that is used in dental and lor purposes for local superficial pain relief. Reduces the sensitivity of receptors and the conductivity of nerve endings. Reduces pain, temperature and sensitivity of tissues.

The baby is released as a solution, placed in 10 ml bottles, which in turn are placed in a cardboard bundle. The liquid has a transparent or yellow color with a rich smell of chamomile.


  • Composition of the drug
  • Pharmacological action
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Scheme of application and dosage
  • Side effects
  • Is the opinion of
  • Similar medications
  • Purchasing and storage

Composition of the drug

1ml of the drug has 3 mg of benzocaine - active active ingredient.

Additional components:

  • ethanol 96% - ethyl alcohol;
  • aromatic substance of chamomile;
  • potassium dihydrogen phosphate is an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • sodium monohydrogen phosphate is an inorganic compound used as an additive as a thickener;
  • sorbitol - a substitute for sugar;
  • purified water.
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Pharmacological action of

The asbiter prevents the irritation of membranes of nerve endings. The main substance - benzocaine performs an anesthetic function, suppressing painful signals. Penetrating the mucous membranes, the agent dulls sensitivity to hot, cold and mechanical effects.

After application to the oral mucosa, the drug has an analgesic effect on the gums and teeth. The anesthetic effect is rapid and sustained for several hours. Absorption of the drug into the blood is low.

Indications and contraindications

The aspirant is recommended for infants to reduce the pain syndrome during teething.

Contraindication to use is only the individual intolerance of the main component of the drug - benzocaine.

Scheme of application and dosage

The non-wearer is applied to the gums in the amount of one or two drops and massaged with rubbing movements with a finger or a cotton swab. The procedure is recommended to be carried out up to three times a day. The remedy is used during the eruption of dairy, and subsequently permanent teeth. The drug is approved for the treatment of infants.

To prevent tooth decay and the development of caries, sorbitol is added to the preparation, which has a slight laxative and choleretic effect.

This drug is intended for the therapy of infants and children, therefore it is not recommended to use it for anesthesia of the oral mucosa of women during pregnancy and lactation. Future mums are assigned more effective, but at the same time, safe drugs that do not penetrate the bloodstream and the placenta.

Side effects of

Sometimes in the treatment with drugs with benzocaine in the case of severely damaged mucous membranes, an increase in methemoglobin in the blood is recorded, and, as a consequence, a lack of oxygen in tissues and organs.

Allergic manifestations are also possible in the form of urticaria, swelling, bronchospasm.

Accidental overdose is characterized by an increase in adverse reactions. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the medication and symptomatic treatment.

With simultaneous use of drops, the patient with extraneous medications of therapeutic interaction is not fixed. It is not recommended to apply several external anesthetics at once to avoid allergy. If necessary, it is possible to prescribe drugs of different forms of release.

There is an opinion

Thoughts aloud about the means of the child.

Waited for the early teeth, and the first ones got out only in 10 months. Almost half a year the baby was tormented, the process progressed long and painfully.

Experienced and fever, and runny nose, and regular tears. On the recommendation of a pediatrician used a solution of Babydent during the eruption of teeth in her daughter. With the drug the process went without problems, but I used it as needed, not often. The child was noticeable that it was easier.


We also suffer from teeth. Acquired Baby, something does not help, I even smeared myself, no effect.


The eruption of dairy or permanent teeth is a physiological process, and if it passes with low temperature, moodiness, lethargy, then treatment is not required. Children react differently to pain. In the case of complications, you can use drops and gels, for example, Baby, which is used from birth, but it is not recommended to smear for more than a week. Local anesthesia is the safest, less harmful substances are absorbed into the bloodstream.


Similar medicines

The foregoing analogues of the Bewareter are collected according to the similarity of indications for use and the principle of action:

  • Viburkol;
  • Baby's doctor's first teeth;
  • Pansoral first teeth;
  • Dentissin gel;
  • The student;
  • Dentinox;
  • Ibufen;
  • Baby dentinom;
  • Dentokind;
  • Denthol baby 7.5%;
  • Dentinox gel H;
  • Холисал;
  • Calgel;
  • Panadol baby;
  • Piaron;
  • Chamokyd.
It is not recommended to select an analogue on its own, consultation with the attending pediatrician is obligatory.

Purchasing and storage of

The child should be stored at a temperature of no more than +25, in a place protected from bright sunlight and humidity. Do not freeze. Violation of storage conditions entails a loss of physico-chemical and therapeutic properties of the drug.

Shelf life - 5 years with proper storage. After the expiration date, the medicine is to be disposed of. Keep away from children. Manufacturer - Herds Germany. Available without a prescription. Currently there is no free sale.

  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 44
  • 131