Holisal - an effective gel for stomatitis in adults and children of the year

In the autumn-spring period, when the body most needs vitamins, and also when microbes get into it, small ulcers can form in the oral cavity, the formation of which accompanies the inflammatory process. This disease is called stomatitis.

It is important to immediately begin treatment to prevent the development of a neglected form of this disease. Along with other drugs that are used for stomatitis, Holisal gel does not take the last place.


  • Therapeutic properties
  • Scope and contraindications
  • Application method
  • What gives the use of the remedy and what are the disadvantages of the ointment?

Therapeutic properties of

This drug is absolutely harmless. It not only removes the external signs of the disease, but also the very cause of its occurrence. In addition to the removal of pain, heat and inflammation, the development of the enzyme cyclooxygenase is blocked, and most importantly - the synthesis of inflammation foci ceases.

It is important to start using gel at the first signs of stomatitis. A slight itch, redness in the mouth, on the lips, discomfort in the

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meal time - the first signs of the onset of the disease. Kholisal, when properly used, after 5-10 minutes will have a positive effect on the mucosa, the therapeutic effect lasts for 8 hours. The drug refers to anesthetics, that is, completely or partially removes pain.

The main active ingredients of the drug are salicylate and choline. These substances are deeply absorbed in the mucous membrane and block the development of unwanted bacteria. The gel not only heals the disease, but eradicates it. Ingredients: ethanol, essential oil, water, glycerin, etc.

Scope and contraindications

Gel Kholisal is prescribed for:

  • stomatitis;
  • lesion of the gum structure;
  • oral cavity rehabilitation after surgery or radiation therapy;
  • candidiasis;
  • occurrence of inflammation, which is often the first sign of stomatitis, etc.

It is necessary to know that due to the gel-like consistency, this drug is absorbed into the blood in acceptable amounts. That is why it is absolutely safe to treat Holisalom with stomatitis in children starting from the year. Parents of very young children should carefully consider the contraindications to the use of this medication:

  • observation in the child of allergic reactions to the constituent components of the gel;
  • presence of high fever, influenza or severe manifestation of ARI;
  • recently vaccinated.
There are cases when Holisal was prescribed to children for up to a year. This is permissible only after a thorough examination by a doctor, identifying and assessing all possible risks.

Also, the drug can be used in young children during the period when teeth are cut. In any case, a consultation of the therapist is necessary.

Pregnant and lactating women also do not need to worry. Given the individual characteristics of the body, in 90% of the gel for them is safe.

Among the most common adverse reactions, uncomfortable burning or tingling at the site of application of the gel, with both chronic and acute stomatitis.

Application method

Helicol efficiently helps to get rid of the following forms of stomatitis:

  • bacterial;
  • is allergic;
  • candida;
  • aphthous.

Before treatment, thoroughly wash and treat with an antiseptic hand. After that, squeeze the necessary dose of the drug, given the patient's age. Up to 12 years - 0.5 cm of gel, after 12 years - 1 cm.

It is possible to apply gel on bandage to treat wounds more gently

Acute or bacterial form of stomatitis requires early intervention with drug therapy. In this case, Holisal should be applied to the mucous membranes directly with a finger 2-4 times a day. Necessarily with equal intervals of time.

For example, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and just before the dream. The gel will also help reduce the temperature. Therefore, additional funds may not be needed. Substances that are in the gel, actively affect the causative agents of the disease. Also, inflammation is noticeably removed.

Allergic stomatitis proceeds quite calmly, which means that besides the drug Holisal, other medications may not be needed.

Some doctors advise before the use of such drugs to sanitize the oral cavity with a solution of soda( 1%).However, this does not apply to this gel. They can be used immediately after rinsing the mouth with plain water.

On top of a dry surface, Holysal effectively acts both in an alkaline environment and in an acidic environment. Therefore, immediately begins to act on fungi.

In candidal stomatitis, it is also necessary to take other medications of restorative action.

The launched form of aphthous stomatitis leads to a chronic disease. In this case, a complex treatment with vitamins, immunomodulators, antibacterial drugs is necessary.

What gives the use of the remedy and what are the disadvantages of the ointment?

Advantages of the drug are:

  • rapid and qualitative analgesia;
  • excellent fixation in the oral cavity;
  • retain its properties when interacting with saliva;
  • antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • penetration of active components outside the mucous membrane and inflamed tissues;
  • elimination of the focus of the disease.

Among the main drawbacks can be identified:

  • belongs to a number of non-expensive medicines.
  • the presence of a specific odor and taste, which leads to an undesirable increase in salivary secretion.

For adults, the latter factor may not be critical, but babies are not yet able to cope with this problem on their own. Because often babies open the mouth, so as to maximally dried out saliva, and then apply a small layer of gel. Hold the mouth open for a few more minutes, Holisal should be fixed on the wound. After that, treatment begins immediately.

Compared to other drugs, Holysal affects not only the pathogen group microbes. Together with the antimicrobial effect, the gel eradicates the very problem of the onset of the disease.

It also has an analgesic effect, while some other gels only relieve inflammation, or only relieve pain, or have the entire antimicrobial effect.

When stomatitis, dentists, in parallel with the gels, prescribe antiseptic rinses, usually a solution of Chlorhexidine. The latter most clearly has an antimicrobial effect. Therefore, the simultaneous use of anti-inflammatory gel and antiseptic solution at times will relieve irritation.

Thus, Holysal eliminates the very cause of stomatitis. Has a wide range of effects on the body( anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, etc.).

  • Mar 05, 2018
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