Lesion of the mucous membrane in the mouth, which leads to the formation of ulcers and blisters, indicates the presence of such a disease as stomatitis. The cause for the inflammatory process can become fungi, viruses and bacteria that have penetrated both from within the organism and from outside.
Nystatin is a medicinal product that is prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist for treatment of fungal stomatitis. The causative agent in this case are fungi belonging to the genus Candida.
Nystatin is available in the form of tablets, ointments or drops, and there are also suspensions for rinsing. Tablets are usually packed in ten or twenty pieces in packages, ointment from fifteen to twenty grams in a tube, drops of five milliliters, the suspension is dosed in two hundred thousand units.
- About the drug in the context of treatment of stomatitis
- Instruction for use - doses and prospective course of treatment
- Therapy of small patients
- Treatment of infants
- Contraindications and special instructions for use
- Invalid word
- Summing up
About the drug in the context of treatment of stomatitis
Fungal stomatitiscandidiasis or thrush) is observed in adults and children, as well as in newborns. Even small doses of Nystatin can slow the further development of thrush, and systematic therapy must completely destroy the fungus.
For the treatment of stomatitis, nystatin ointment that destroys permeability of fungal cells is actively used, therefore the main bacterial components are destroyed.
In view of the fact that Nystatin neutralizes fungal infections, it is recommended only for candidal stomatitis of the oral cavity.
The molecule of the active component of the drug consists of double bonds, which causes the penetration of the active element into the cells of the fungus. Then the electrolytic process intensifies, which causes the fungal cell to be destroyed. Resistance or resistance is practically not observed.
In addition to the fact that the medication is used in the treatment of candidal stomatitis, it is also effective as a prophylaxis of this disease.
Instruction for use - doses and prospective course of treatment
In the treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults, Nystatin tablets are used, which need to be absorbed, and the ointment is used less often. Tablets are recommended to be used after meals, maximum - four times a day.
Ointment is applied to the damaged area twice a day, the course of treatment lasts until the pathological plaque in the mouth disappears completely.
Often, treatment of stomatitis is associated with the use of other medications. With the simultaneous administration of Nystatin and Tetracycline, an antimicrobial effect is achieved. When the drug is combined with bactericidal antibiotics, the effect of the latter is proven to decrease.
Nystatin also reduces the effect of indirect anticoagulants, clotrimazole and oral contraceptives.
Therapy of small patients
For children, the most convenient aqueous solution for which you need to dissolve the Nystatin tablet( two hundred and fifty thousand units) in a glass of water.
Older children can already be offered pills for ingestion. In this case, only the doctor can calculate the exact dosage, , based on how the body reacts to the drug in question.
The full dose, consumed after meals and washed with plenty of water, is broken down into several receptions. Treatment of stomatitis in children takes a maximum of two weeks. In addition to pills, children are prescribed a five-percent ointment, which is applied three times throughout the day with cotton swabs.
Before the age of fourteen, the child can be given to resorb the dragees. When taking Nystatin orally, it is necessary to take into account the multiplicity, duration of the course, dosages and characteristics of the child's organism.
Local treatment is also possible with the help of an ointment, which must cover all foci of infection. Penetrating into the gastrointestinal tract, the ointment is not absorbed, accordingly it is excreted in the initial state.
Treatment of infants
Stomatitis in infancy is treated with ready-made aqueous solutions of Nystatin, with drops, or mixed with vitamin B12 in if local treatment is necessary. In this version, one tablet is rubbed into powder and combined with vitamin B12.
After this, the finished, homogeneous mixture is wetted with a finger, which must previously be wrapped with a sterile bandage. Then, the plaque in the mouth is treated.
The treatment of the oral cavity of the baby should be carried out four to five times a day after meals. At the end, you must endure thirty minutes without drinking water.
Contraindications and specific instructions for use
Immediately before using the drug, it is strongly recommended that you read the attached instructions, paying special attention to the indicated contraindications. These include the following:
- pregnancy;
- diagnosis of gastric ulcer;
- is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
- manifestation of susceptibility to the drug;
- pancreatitis;
- impaired renal and hepatic activity;
- lactation.
There is a chance of developing side effects such as nausea, pain, itching, stool changes, vomiting, and may cause swelling in the mouth. Manifestation of one or more of these symptoms is a powerful argument for visiting a qualified specialist.
It is also important that the medicine is properly stored, which must be kept in a dry and dark place where the temperature is at least six degrees.
Known for the word
The use of nystatin for the treatment of candidal stomatitis is quite popular, as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews available on the net.
Nystatin ointment is always at hand, as I have two children. It is simply applied, especially since it is required very little. The main thing is to avoid overdoses and follow the annotation.
Natalia, 30 years old
The medication is well tolerated and worth a penny, especially since it really helps with stomatitis, it is checked on own experience.
Svetlana, 39 years old
How many I remember, all the time I was worried about stomatitis. I tried the most advertised and expensive medicines, but later learned about Nystatin and was simply amazed by the speed of his action and, importantly, cheapness.
Egor, 34 years
Summing up
The main advantages of Nystatin are:
- is a small cost;
- treatment of wound can occur even in newborns;
- ease of use;
- elimination of cases of absorption in the systemic circulation.
But it should be remembered that when an overdose of a medicine the body reacts with burning and itching, and you can observe a strong puffiness.
Thus, the treatment of stomatitis Nystatin actually stops the development of the disease, and the active components of the medicine destroy pathogenic fungi in the oral cavity.