Features of the filling material Glassin Rest

Glassin Rest is a filling material that is used in the treatment of carious lesions of teeth.

In addition, glass ionomer filling cement is used in cases where it is necessary to eliminate cavities of non-carious character.

The material is also used to replace the tissue in the milk teeth and as an additional lining during sealing. Indications for use are also carious lesions of the 3rd and 5th grades.


  • Form release and composition features
  • Material properties
  • Application features
  • Price

Form and composition features

The package contains two containers:

  • bottle containing 10 grams of the original powder;
  • plastic container with 8 ml of liquid.

The material remains usable for three years from release, provided it is stored in closed containers at a temperature between +4 and +25 degrees.

Powder consists of the following components:

  • a fine glass, which includes ions of calcium, aluminum, lanthanum fluoride, silicon;
  • radiopaque substances.
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The liquid part of the kit consists of:

  • polyacrylic acid, diluted in water;
  • of organic additives, improving the property of acid.

Material properties

After the formation of cement in the tooth cavity, the powder and liquid parts form a bond that retains the initial strength under prolonged exposure to external factors. This property ensures the safety of the composition and excludes the possibility of its elution from the cavity to be sealed.

The product is biologically compatible with oral tissues and is not rejected by the body after implantation. The material has a high adhesion to the dentin, thus ensuring maximum adherence to the tooth edges. In this case, cement after hardening acquires an aesthetically attractive appearance.

Due to the prolonged release of fluoride ions Glassin Rest provides prolonged protection of the affected tooth from the repeated development of caries.

Application features

Before applying the material, it is necessary to clean the tooth cavity according to the standard scheme. Then the affected area should be washed and dried.

To prepare the filling material, the original components must be heated to room temperature and mixed together using a glass or plastic plate. Thus it is necessary to observe the following proportion: on 2 spoons of the powder part there is a liquid drop.

In the end, you should get a homogeneous mixture, which has a glossy surface. To achieve this result, initially it is necessary to take 1 spoonful of powder and add liquid to it. Without ceasing to stir the compound, in the future the powder part is gradually introduced into the mixture in small portions.

The finished material is obtained within one minute. As a result, a mixture must be obtained, the consistency of which corresponds to the requirements for filling compositions.

After application of the prepared material to the affected tooth, the remedy should not touch the water for 5-6 minutes, counted from the moment of starting the preparation of the material. This time is enough to completely solidify the latter.

In order to prevent undesirable consequences, it is recommended to cover the seal with a protective varnish, after which it should be dried. The first grinding of the tooth should be done after 15-20 minutes. The final processing of the material takes place one day after application.

In cases where the deep channels with a dentin of less than 1 mm thickness are being applied, the calcium hydroxide must first be applied to the cavity. He will create a protective gasket in the treatment area.


You can buy Glassin Rest for 650 rubles, you can also purchase similar in properties materials:

  • Securacem;
  • Fuji IX.
  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 72
  • 117