- Characteristics of cherry juice
- Healing qualities
- What else is useful for cherry juice?
- Application in cosmetology
- How to use
- Contraindications
Cherry juice is a useful drink, given by nature itself. It contains all those valuable substances with which fresh cherries are rich. With his healing potential, he leaves far behind juices from other berries and fruits.
Characteristics of the cherry juice
Chemical composition of
The chemical content of the juice is represented by the following useful substances:
- potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper and iron;
- vitamins A, B2, C, P, PP;
- folic acid;
- fructose and glucose;
- tanning, pectin substances;
- organic acids;
- enzymes;
- anthocyanins;
- coumarin.
Caloric content of
The cherry juice is characterized by acidity and rich dark red color. Caloric content of the drink is low - 47 kcal / 100 ml.
Nutritional value of cherry nectar:
- is superior to citrus juice( orange, lemon, grapefruit) and vegetables( tomato, carrot);
- below grape, pomegranate, plum and peach juice.
Warning! Cherry juice is often included in the diet of diets. In addition to reducing weight, it speeds up metabolic processes and saturates the body with valuable substances.
Healing qualities
So, what is useful about cherry juice? He is the champion in the number of antioxidants( anthocyanins) contained in him. Thanks to this drink has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, prevents and cures cardiological and oncological diseases, heals diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis. Juice removes and fights with muscle pains, which makes it irreplaceable for athletes. According to American scientists, cherry juice can have an antioxidant effect on the body for 12 hours.
Warning! According to the results of the research, the number of anthocyanins contained in one glass of cherry juice is identical to 23 portions of banana, tomato, peas and carrots.
Against cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases
In addition to anthocyanins, cherry juice includes quercetin, one of the strongest antioxidants. It breaks free radicals and removes excess cholesterol, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
In addition, quercetin has anti-edema, antispasmodic, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, heals respiratory tract diseases, relieves headaches, improves eyesight. Regular use of the drink serves to prevent atherosclerosis, and, consequently, strokes with heart attacks.
To improve sleep
The beneficial effect of cherry juice on the quality of sleep was noticed by people long ago, and soon this fact was officially confirmed by scientists. In their opinion, nectar produces the hormone melatonin, which normalizes circadian rhythms and has a soporific effect. Therefore, for insomnia and sleep disorders, it is recommended to drink 30 g of the drink three times a day. Sleep is normalized within 7 days, and daytime drowsiness disappears.
Cancer Prevention
Natural cherry juice contains 3 powerful anticancer substances: limonene, ellagic acid, perillic alcohol. And if a lot of citron contains a lot of limonene, and in berries - ellagic acid, the cherry nectar collected all three of the microelements that crush the cancer. That is why it prevents and heals( in the initial stages) cancer of the liver, skin, lungs, chest.
For athletes
Cherry nectar is very useful for athletes and people involved in sports unprofessional. It blocks pain in the muscles, restores lost strength, strengthens muscle tissue, slows down inflammatory and oxidative processes.
To get all the strength of the beneficial substances contained in the juice, you should drink 350 ml of the drink twice a day for a week before the upcoming match. It can also be used regularly.
Natural cherry juice will also benefit if it is taken after intense training. He will regain strength, relieve inflammation and improve the antioxidant defense of the body.
Against diabetes
Many years of research by American scientists has confirmed the fact that cherry nectar reduces blood sugar concentration and monitors insulin levels. Due to this vigilant observation, the risk of diabetes mellitus is reduced.
Warning! Cherry drink is able to heal type 2 diabetes.
From gout and joint diseases
Nectar of fresh cherries reduces the content of uric acid in the body, which often provokes the appearance of gout. In addition, its concentration creates a fertile basis for the formation of kidney stones. Cherry juice also helps with arthritis and other joint ailments. In the case of such a diagnosis, it is drunk in combination with milk.
In a duet with hot milk, the drink is taken as an expectorant for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
As a biostimulator
Cherry juice is especially necessary for the body in the summer, when hot weather takes away a lot of valuable microelements. It is an active biostimulator and is strongly recommended for people aged 40+ - for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Drink you need to drink three times a year for 3 weeks.
From infections and viruses
Cherry juice has established itself as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent, as an ardent fighter with provocateurs of serious infectious diseases - streptococci and staphylococci. It is this drink that eliminates acute intestinal infections( for example, viral gastroenteritis) that cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Warning! The fasted glass of concentrated juice of the cherry is instantly cracked with the dysentery and E. coli. For this purpose, any quality nectar is suitable: both home and from the store.
From the cold
The drink is effective in fighting the first symptoms of flu, colds and SARS.In these cases, it should be diluted with boiled water and drink in large quantities: the malaise will pass quickly and painlessly. For the treatment of cough, pneumonia, bronchitis and inflammation of the nasopharynx it must be mixed with honey. Healing duet will have an expectorant effect and restore health to the respiratory organs.
From constipation
Due to the content of organic acids, the juice of cherry has a laxative effect. With constipation, folk healers recommend eating at night looking at a glass of kefir or curdled milk from 1 tbsp.spoonful of nectar. A similar "cocktail" can be consumed during a diet, since the caloric content of cherry juice is low - only 47 kcal.
The duet of kefir and juice drowns out the feeling of hunger, cleans the body of carcinogenic substances. For chronic constipation should be consumed 500 ml of the product, diluted with water and divided into 3 portions. In order to clear the gastrointestinal tract from toxins take 200 ml of cherry nectar 60 minutes before each meal.
Natural aphrodisiac
Nectar, obtained from cherries, has long been known as a natural aphrodisiac, a drink that evokes passion. He increases sexual activity, eliminates impotence and frigidity, heals male diseases, in particular adenoma and prostatitis.
For teeth and gums
Juice is also useful for the oral cavity. It destroys fungi and bacteria, removes inflammatory processes, whitens teeth, strengthens blood circulation, strengthens gums.
Warning! After taking cherry juice, rinse the oral cavity with warm water, otherwise the acids entering into it will destroy the tooth enamel.
What else is cherry juice useful for?
- Strengthens the immune system and restores strength after diseases and beriberi.
- Heals fever, knocks heat. In these cases, you need to drink a pasteurized or freshly squeezed drink.
- Helps with nervous and mental disorders, relieves stress, cures nervous exhaustion, cramps, migraines, relieves severe headaches.
- Has choleretic effect, improves digestion.
- Treats anemia.
- Improves memory and vision.
Application in cosmetology
The drink has proved itself in cosmetology. Ladies actively use it to care for the hair and face. Masks on its basis make the skin supple and elastic, nourish and moisturize it, improve the complexion. Rubbing the cherry juice into the roots of the hair an hour before washing your head, you will accelerate the growth of the head of hear and strengthen its structure.
Warning! Masks for hair from cherry juice should not be made by owners of light strands - the color will deteriorate.
Cherry nectar is also used for the skin of the legs - in the form of compresses and wraps. This action strengthens the skin and makes the vessels invisible.
How to use
To provide the body with the necessary set of antioxidants and other useful substances, you should consume one glass of the drink every day. If juice is not enough for you, you can dilute it with water or drink it in cocktails. Nectar is often attracted to cooking, creating on its basis a variety of syrups, sauces, marinades to meat and fish dishes.
The cherry juice has an extensive therapeutic potential. However, the benefit and harm from his admission go side by side. A drink can harm the body if the consumer has chronic illnesses and severe ailments.
Drinking of juice is prohibited when:
- gastritis with high acidity;
- ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
- diarrhea;
- acute form of diabetes mellitus;
- chronic lung diseases;
- gastroenteritis;
- of individual intolerance and allergies to cherries.
Now you know how useful cherry juice is and what is harmful. In order not to cause health even more damage, before using the drink, make sure that you do not have the above ailments.