It's unlikely that there will be a person who, during his life, managed to avoid such a problem as a chipped tooth.
Absolutely different living conditions and a combination of circumstances can cause this trouble, but the main thing is to take appropriate measures in time to save the tooth and extend its life.
- Causes of chips on the teeth
- Damage can be different
- What to do if the tooth is broken?
- Assistance specialist
- What if the front tooth broke?
- Treatment of the lateral teeth
- Vertical crack
- Damage to the milk tooth
- Possible difficulties and problems
Causes of chipped teeth
There are many factors that can affect the strength of teeth. Even the slightest deviations in the state of health of a person can affect the enamel, as a result of which it will break away and provoke the destruction of the tooth. Among the most popular reasons:
- lack of calcium, most often a lack of trace element characteristic of women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as retirees;
- weakening of enamel, - the use of sweet and sour food reduces its protective properties;
- caries destroys enamel and tooth tissue, and also penetrates deep into the root itself;
- incorrect bite;
- disturbed functioning of hormones;
- weakened immunity;
- abuse of bad habits;
- improperly installing the seal or its obsolescence;
- mechanical action;
- use of solid and viscous products.
There may be many reasons, but in case there was such a trouble, it is necessary to take prompt measures. This will at least partially preserve the tooth.
Damage can be different
Types of chips are distinguished by the degree of their effect on the tooth:
- The most harmless is the cleavage of the enamel .The victim complains of the split tooth wall, but does not feel pain. Often in this situation, do not even turn to the dentist. But this is a wrong approach to the problem. The absence of enamel is a direct load on the tooth tissue. It is this area that is more likely to be attacked by harmful bacteria. From the negative impact, the affected tooth will begin to collapse rapidly. In addition, if the cleavage of the enamel occurred on the front tooth, then the smile will look unaesthetic.
- If a piece is broken, damaged the tooth tissue - dentin , then such a cleavage can also be painless, but dangerous for future functioning. Because of the damage, the tissue is significantly weakened, and under mechanical influence microcracks are formed, which, day by day, destroy the dentin. If you do not grow a tooth in time, you can completely lose it.
- The most dangerous type of cleavage is tooth decay with bare nerves .Such damage often happens when the tooth splits into two parts and it does not go unnoticed, since it is accompanied by severe pain. It is necessary to visit the dentist urgently, so as not to bring the bacteria inside the tooth and to provide measures for its restoration.
What to do if the tooth is broken?
If a piece of tooth splits off, do not panic. The situation is not so dangerous, to once again tear your nerves. First of all, you should look at the extent of the damage and build an approximate plan of action on the basis of this. For mild and moderate clefts, call a dental clinic and make an appointment.
If the nerves are bare, waiting for the appointed date is simply meaningless, since the pains will not be easy to eat or sleep. It is better to immediately go to the on-call dentistry or, if possible, agree on an emergency visit to the treating dentist.
To reduce pain, it is possible to lubricate the damaged tooth with a tampon impregnated with novocaine.
In any case, you need to keep the chipped piece of the tooth. This will help the doctor as much as possible to recreate the natural shape and color of the tissue.
If you can not visit a doctor in the near future, you should carefully observe the oral hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, after eating rinse your mouth with salt water.
Assistance specialist
No matter how slight the chip does not seem to be, in any case, it should be shown to a professional in this area to get recommendations and fix the problem.
Dental treatment frightens many, but it is better to patch a tiny crack instantly than to remove the tooth later.
The dentist will assess the situation with an experienced eye and will suggest the optimal treatment option, which may differ depending on the nature of the cleft and the location of the tooth.
What to do if the front tooth is broken?
The front teeth are visible, so the chipped piece on them can turn into a "catastrophe" for public people. Depending on how much the big piece has broken away, the doctor will advise various methods of treatment.
Practically in any situation it is possible to restore a piece of tooth by the method of artistic restoration with the help of composite materials. The dentist will select the color of the restoration paste and layers will apply it, fixing each level with light radiation.
A person who does not know does not even understand that the tooth was built up. This is one of the most effective and economical methods that will be offered in any clinic. The seal is very durable and strong, while repeating the color of the teeth and has a natural shine.
A more expensive way to treat the chip is veneer coating. As a rule, it is used in case of significant damage, if it is not possible to build a seal.
The ceramic coating is applied from the tooth base and completely repeats the desired shape. Veneers are durable and durable, while they do not lose their color over time.
If a significant piece is broken off, then a crown is required. As a rule, ceramics, cermet or zirconium oxide are used depending on personal preferences.
The process of installing the crown is accompanied by fixing it either on the extreme teeth, or by installing the pin. In protracted cases, the last method must be used to treat the front tooth. If you visit a dentist on time, you can get rid of only a minor intervention.
Treatment of lateral teeth
When treating lateral or, as they are called, the posterior tooth, the same methods can be used, but not all of them are justified. Since the lateral teeth, as a rule, are not visible to others, it is sufficient to eliminate the cleavage with the aid of filling.
The dentist will increase the lack of tooth with the help of light-curing fillings, which will prolong the life of the dentist.
However, unlike the front teeth on the side, sinters are rarely installed. Even if there is a very small piece of the tooth wall and root, you can build up the rest with composite materials or install a crown.
Special attention should be given to the problem with open nerves. In this case, the treatment is first aimed at antiseptic action. If the nerve turns out to be damaged, it will be removed in a few steps and a tooth formed, which will last for a long time, even being "dead".
Vertical crack
The most unpleasant in the chips of teeth is the presence of a vertical crack that touches the pulp, which means that it is not possible to restore the tissue by sealing. In such cases, patients complain of a tooth split in half, and often one of the halves is unsteady.
Even a barely noticeable crack can cause huge damage, not to mention deeper damage. Every day, it is under pressure, so the tooth tissue, although imperceptibly, is destroyed. Eventually there will be a split, which will cause not only inconvenience, but also, most likely, severe pain.
Small cracks can be patched with the procedure for the restoration of enamel. Strengthening the surface of the tooth will prolong its life.
If this does not help, and the microcrack will progress in its growth, the dentist will suggest strengthening it with a veneer or a crown.
Refusal of such measures as a result will cause tooth crumbling, which, based on statistics, can not be restored. The tooth will be removed, and in its place will have to install a prosthesis. The same treatment will be performed when the tooth is split in half.
Damage to a baby tooth
Many parents believe that baby teeth do not need to be treated, because in time they will still change. Especially this misconception concerns chipping.
Healthy baby teeth - a pledge of strong teeth in adulthood. If a piece of a baby tooth has fallen off, it is important to determine the cause of the destruction. Most often, the problem lies in getting injuries.
Parents should disinfect the oral cavity and the cleavage site and go to the dentist. The dentist will apply a preservative gel, and also prescribe a treatment that is suitable in one or another case. Most often, you can do with the usual sealing, which will strengthen the tooth until it falls.
Chipped teeth are undesirable for children also because they are able to negatively affect the resistance to such a disease as stomatitis. In addition, even the increased sensitivity of the tooth can affect the mood of the child and his well-being.
Possible difficulties and problems
The presence of a chip is in itself an unpleasant fact, but if you close your eyes to its treatment, you can earn a number of accompanying problems:
- One of the undesirable consequences is infection of the pulp .Infected tooth tissue will not only cause severe pain, but can also collapse completely, which will lead to tooth loss.
- Scoliosis can cause the appearance of cysts and granules of .
- A strong chipping caused by an injury can change the angle of the root of the tooth. This will result in its displacement, sometimes the entire row is shifted, the bite is broken .When the root is tilted, the damaged tooth is removed and prosthetics are prescribed so that the tooth row does not move from the usual place.
- The most minor complication is the tooth sensitivity increase .A person will react to the temperature of food and beverages consumed, and discomfort may arise from the use of habitual hygiene: toothpaste, mouthwash, refreshing spray.
Although chips do not seem to be a dangerous problem, they need to be eliminated in a timely manner. It is much more effective to instantly react to the slightest changes, be it a small crack and a slight cleavage, rather than get into a desperate position to remove the tooth and further prosthetics.