Fixing pads for dentures - a necessity or a marketing move?

Orthopedic technologies in dentistry are not standing still and are constantly being improved. Removable dentures are made of modern durable materials.

But, in some cases, they can still cause a lot of trouble to their owner. Dental prosthesis, in fact, is a foreign body, the appearance of which in the oral cavity the body can react in different ways.

It can manifest as a violation of the masticatory function, irritation of the mucosa, difficulty in pronunciation of words. Such problems are caused by insufficient fixation of the structure.

Adapting to a prosthesis in all people takes a different amount of time, but this is affected by the following factors:

  • design features;
  • state of the body;
  • the period of the absence of real teeth;
  • individual features.

The use of prostheses can cause a feeling of discomfort, which can be mitigated by using special fixing means, one of which are special pads for dental prostheses, which are made of hypoallergenic materials.

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With their help, it is possible to ensure a reliable fastening of the structure, completely eliminating the possible entry of moisture.

  • Content
  • Composition Features
  • Application Required
  • Prototype is the first among equal
  • FittyDent is a reasonable alternative to
  • Not so expensive to save on this
  • Features of

    Ingredients that can be part of:

    1. Sodium alginate .This substance is able to absorb moisture as much as possible. When the alginate swells, a gel pillow is formed. It, in turn, has a damping property.
    2. Sodium carboxymethylcellulose or sodium hydroxypropylcellulose .Both substances serve as a thickener. Due to them, moisture is retained, and the viscosity is stabilized. Gaskets do not lose their properties for a long time. The only negative is the possible manifestation of an allergic reaction.
    3. Viscose or polypropylene fiber .At the discretion of the manufacturer, one of these substances is taken as the basis. Viscose has sufficient porosity, due to which the absorbent function is increased and a strong attachment to the surface of the prosthesis occurs. Polypropylene is quite elastic, when used on mucous there are no unpleasant villi.
    4. Petrolatum .The substance is responsible for the fixing function. They are working on gaskets.

    Orthopedic pads are characterized by a large number of advantages. This they are significantly distinguished against the background of other fixing means.

    Main advantages:

    • qualitative fixation of the prosthesis;
    • is a small adaptation period;
    • elimination of inflammation;
    • no effect on bite;
    • is allowed to be used in parallel with therapeutic gels or ointments;
    • no adverse reactions;
    • elastic material is securely attached even to deformed gums.

    When the use of

    is required. Wearing a prosthesis can be accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, especially at the initial period of habituation. In such cases, dental pads come to the rescue, the use of which will help solve a number of the following problems:

    • irritation and reddening of the mucosa;
    • appearance of sores, erosion in the mouth;
    • mucosal injury;
    • difficulty in pronunciation;
    • miscarriage;
    • poor-quality fixation;
    • pathological structure of the jaw;
    • gum deformation related to age;
    • partial atrophy of the alveoli;
    • development of malocclusion;
    • increased salivation;
    • solid palate with a modified shape.

    The application of the gasket does not have any effect on the ability to eat and talk!

    Consider the products of the two most famous manufacturers of gaskets and other means for removable dentures.

    Protex is the first among equals

    Special absorbent material is used for the production of Protefix gaskets. When moisture gets on the cloth, a gel-like pillow is formed on it, which prevents friction of the prosthesis.

    Main functions:

    • reliable fixation;
    • protection from mechanical influences and inflammatory processes;
    • excellent compatibility with temporary dentures.


    • prepare the gasket with the required size;
    • lower the gasket for 10 seconds in a glass with warm water;
    • remove the cloth from the glass, wait until the excess liquid drains;
    • attach to a dampened denture, 2 mm of cloth from the back is left loose;
    • tightly press the fingers, smooth from the middle to the edge;
    • securely fix on the gums.

    Fixing pads for dentures produced by Protefix provide effective fixation of artificial teeth.

    The use of this agent prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes, irritation on the mucosa. They are convenient and easy to use.

    Since the first days of use, people have noticed a feeling of maximum comfort when wearing dentures. It is allowed to use the jaw if the structure is incorrect.

    For me this means for fixing the prosthesis was discovered by a friend, she had faced a similar problem a little earlier. I do not recognize different creams, but I really liked the linings in use.

    Firstly, it's easy, secondly, it's fast, and thirdly, it's reliable. I want to express my great gratitude to the producers.

    Alina, 46

    Protefix is ​​a company I trust. To cleanse my prosthesis, I use special pills that perfectly cope with the task, and for fixing, I appeal to such pads. At work I do not feel any inconvenience until the evening.

    Pasha, 51

    FittyDent is a reasonable alternative to

    With the help of Fittident gaskets, it is possible to fix the prosthesis qualitatively for up to 12 hours. Effective fit does not prevent the presence of moisture. This is why this drug is often prescribed for people with increased salivation.

    The fabric has an extraordinary softness, which additionally protects the mucous membrane.

    The main components of the composition:

    • sodium carboxymethylcellulose - thickener;
    • hydroxypropylcellulose provides a viscosity;
    • petrolatum is responsible for the retention of moisture.

    Main functions:

    • reliable fixation for a long period;
    • the ability to use, regardless of the use of medications, without losing the quality of fastening;
    • protection against inflammation, the appearance of erosion, ulcers;
    • no harmful effects of moisture;
    • feeling of naturalness, no discomfort, due to the minimum thickness of the gasket.


    • remove the prosthesis from the mouth, thoroughly rinse it, clean it, dry it;
    • at the gasket remove the protective layer from all sides;
    • the construction dry, on the inside of it apply a gasket, leaving no air gaps;
    • at the gasket gently cut off excess fabric;
    • install prosthesis in the oral cavity;
    • with a strong push to crush the structure, wait 20 seconds;
    • after installation wait 20 minutes before the first meal.

    Some interesting reviews of people who use or used Fitident gaskets for fixing dentures will help to reveal the nuances and advantages of their use.

    I've been using latches for two years now and they never let me down. I was recommended to them by my dentist, at the next visit of which, I complained of rubbing the mucosa in the area of ​​finding the prosthesis.

    There were a lot of problems and psychological nature, because for years I still have very little. Since then, I have been walking calmly all day and do not worry, I even sometimes forget that my teeth are not real.

    Oleg, 39

    These gaskets helped me a lot. Due to their unique composition, which does not respond to a large amount of liquid, I have had problems with the installation of the prosthesis.

    Earlier I was not helped by any means, and I tried them very much. At one time, the extraction of the tooth provoked a strong salivation and the prosthesis began to hold even worse, but FittyDent linings help to cope with this problem.

    Sometimes I buy a cream from the same company, this is a truly magical remedy.

    Nina, 67

    Not so expensive to save on this

    Fixing pads of the Protefics series can be bought at pharmacies of the city, their price varies from 280 to 450 rubles.

    Means Fittident is also in free sale and its cost varies from 350 to 550 rubles.

    The pharmaceutical market offers a large number of special care products and high-quality fixing of prostheses.

    Every year the number of patients who appreciate the necessity of their application increases. The use of gaskets for fixation is a necessary measure, especially during the period of habituation, which at times reduces the possibility of manifestations of inflammatory reactions.

    • Mar 05, 2018
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