Advantages and disadvantages of budget implantation Alfa Bio

Implantation is a technique for implanting an artificial tooth root in one of the jaws. Implants, like improvised supports, are mounted crowns, or prostheses, which can be either removable or non-removable.

Modern technologies in implantology allow using the latest advanced techniques in the field of dental implantation. The services of dentists in this field are considered to be one of the most sought after in the world.

Based on the results of the conducted studies, it can be concluded that the problems of missing teeth are widespread everywhere. It should also be noted that the age of people who need implantation is constantly decreasing.

Unlike other prosthetics, the technology of dental implantation is considered a variant of the restoration of lost teeth without any restrictions.

as support healthy teeth will never be used( as opposed to the same bridge), regardless of the number of implants, implant to be patient. For each client of a dental clinic, the implantation procedure is a matter of personal choice.

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  • Alpha Bio - Israeli implants affordable
  • Features
  • Sophisticated product line
    • Product Groups on design features
  • What technologies are used?
  • Pros and cons
  • voice of the people

Alpha Bio - Israeli implants affordable

Alpha Bio Implants are made in Israel. These products are used to perform the procedure for the full recovery of lost teeth. Today, these implants are widely distributed in the domestic and world market. Patients and dentists in practice appreciated the dignity of Israeli products.

The company, which is engaged in the development of implants, also creates additional components necessary for their installation. Thanks to the use of innovative solutions, surgical intervention becomes much easier, painless and convenient.

Among all Israeli manufacturers, it is Alfa Bio that can be called a real leader in the implant industry, which covers almost 60% of the entire market of artificial teeth. In addition, Israeli products are installed by implantologists in more than 40 countries. During the period of work on the dental products market, the Corporation signed a huge number of successful contracts and introduced a variety of different technologies.

The fact that the Russian Alpha Bio implants have a huge demand, you can see sales statistics, the enthusiastic reviews of patients and dentists favorable estimates.

should also be noted that in 2008 the company became a subsidiary of superkontserna Nobel Biocare, which in fact is a true pioneer in the industry an effective implant. This means that the quality of products will always only improve with each passing year.

Design features of

The main indicator of high quality implants is reliability, high biocompatibility, and plant safety. The use of prostheses on such implants will not require the implementation of an additional procedure for bone growth.

The duration of the operational period of the Alpha Tec Group's products is several tens of years.

The main features of the products of the Israeli manufacturer:

  1. Designs are developed from high-quality biocompatible titanium, the properties of which prevent the occurrence of allergies in patients.
  2. Thanks to the porous coating of the screw, improved osseointegration is provided. Bone tissue penetrates the product better, thus increasing the stability of the rod in the dental hole.
  3. The shape of the product is almost in many respects similar to the ordinary tooth root. Thus, implantation will be performed with minimal trauma to the bone. At the same time accelerated unimpeded healing of tissues is ensured after the operation.
  4. The prosthesis can be installed immediately after the operation, if the implantation technology used, as well as the design features of the implants, allows it.
  5. If certain defects are found in the bone tissue, there will be no problems, since the shape of the implants has the resemblance of a natural tooth.
  6. The manufacturer has made sure that implantologists are more comfortable doing their job, and has developed devices that greatly simplify the installation procedure.

The company constantly conducts research work, which allows creating new innovative proposals in the market of implantology.

One of the main advantages of the trademark is a rather wide series of implants being developed. For each series there is an alphabetic index, certain qualitative characteristics, as well as clinical features and the direction of application.

A well-thought-out product line

The main assortment of Israeli implants:

  1. Alpha-Bio Tec is considered to be an ordinary but very reliable and affordable implant system. The screw-like device is very firmly retained in the tissues. When installing, there is no exposure of the surfaces of bone tissue. Since the carving is made very high quality and based on modern materials, the screw with extraordinary ease can enter the dental hole. At the first immersion in the hole, the implant will be securely fixed in its place. This kind of implant does not put pressure on the jaw.
  2. The Dualifit series also has a conical appearance. The main feature of these products is a double thread with the possibility of self-cutting. Such an implant was specially made for insufficiently strong bone tissue.
  3. Spiral is used for those patients who have too narrow jaw bone. Often such an implant is installed in patients with a high level of sensitivity. Treatment is performed simultaneously with the implantation of the crown. A sufficiently high stability of the product is ensured as a result of its screwing into the bone. The dentist is able to perform the necessary actions related to the so-called manual control.
  4. Arrow Press is used in situations where the patient's bone tissue is too thin. The peculiarity of this device is the direct connection to the abutment without additional components. Thanks to this design, after some time it will be possible to perform the procedure of prosthetics.

Product groups by design features

Implants with internal hexahedron:

  • NEO internal hexagon;
  • SPI;
  • ICE;
  • DFI;
  • ATID.

Implants with conical hexahedron:

  • NEO conical hexahedron;
  • NICE;
  • DFI 4.2 mmd;
  • ARR temporary implant with a straight abutment;
  • ATID 5 mmd.

Thin implants:

  • ARRC with external hexagon;
  • monolithic ARRP;
  • temporary ARR and ARB;
  • temporary implant with direct ARR abutment;
  • DFI 4.2 mmd.

In the photo the carving of the Alpha Bio SPI implant close-up

Protective elements:

  • gingiva former;
  • titanic, plastic, zirconium abutments;
  • devices for beam or screw fixation;
  • temporary abutments;
  • abutment system Alpha Universe MultiUnit;
  • ball abutments;
  • Alpha Bio's GRAFT;
  • restoration system with screw fixation.

For any type of implant implant, it will be possible to select a suitable prosthetic element.

What technologies are used?

To implant as quickly as possible implants, manufacturers have given the surface a certain porosity in order for the product to have a similar structure to the bone tissue. Such roughness is formed with the use of specialized technologies. This type of implantation enables bone tissues to grow faster and more qualitatively into the implant and help to increase the stability of the device.

The shape of the implants also resembles the ordinary tooth root. Due to this, implanting a foreign object in the dental hole will minimize trauma to the bone. Pressure on the prosthesis and fragments of the human body will be distributed absolutely evenly.

In order for the implant to be screwed in better, it has a special thread. Manufacturers have developed their own version of cutting, which ensures minimal damage to bone tissue when implanted.

As with other systems, the Alpha Bio implants have the option of installing abutments. All elements are combined with an internal hexagon. It should be noted that such a design is considered universal in several senses. The fact that implantation can be performed with the simultaneous use of abutments of some other manufacturers.

The implantation procedure is performed in a specially equipped dental clinic by a qualified dental surgeon. Before the beginning of the operation the doctor necessarily conducts a survey and determines the state of health of the client. After that, a list of permissible implantation systems is determined.

To ensure that the patient does not experience any unpleasant or painful sensations, an anesthetic is used. In total, the procedure is performed for approximately 50 minutes. During this time, the dentist can accurately, without much haste, install the necessary implants.

Almost always, anesthesia can be taken into account when determining the total cost of the procedure.

Pros and Cons of

We will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Alfa Bio implants.

Pros of Israeli products:

  • is carefully checked before shipping for sale;
  • is relatively inexpensive;
  • all products are well established and almost never discarded by bone tissue;
  • high reliability;
  • the stability of the Alpha Bio Prosthetic Systems has been proven by many years of experience;
  • implants can be placed in each jaw section;
  • operation and implantation procedure are very simple;
  • for manufacturing a specially developed biocompatible titanium alloy is used;
  • the duration of the operational period, according to the manufacturer, reaches 40 years;
  • products have virtually no contraindications;
  • there is no need to pre-prepare the jawbone for the installation of the rod;
  • possibility of individual selection of a suitable design is absolutely for each patient.

All the disadvantages of the Alpha Bio system are due to the presence of certain contraindications to use. Let's list the main:

  • is not suitable if the blood does not fold;
  • has problems with the function of the hematopoietic organs;
  • the patient develops oncological diseases;
  • diagnosed with certain CNS disorders;
  • pathological anomalies of connective tissues take place;
  • the patient has a habit of grinding his teeth.

We list the limitations under which implantation can not be carried out:

  • disorders of the mucosa;
  • periodontitis;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • presence of anomalies in the arrangement of the dentition.

The list of shortcomings is relatively small.

The voice of the people

Reviews of patients who have been installed Israeli implants Alfa Bio.

I put myself an implant system Alfa Bio. The installation did not take much time, the procedure was carried out immediately after removal of the tooth. Even the bone did not have to be increased.

Andrey, Chelyabinsk

The implantation was performed under anesthesia, so I did not even feel anything. It was necessary to insert three teeth, the doctor managed in about 40 minutes. It is worth paying tribute to his professionalism.

Sergey, St. Petersburg

Alfa Bio is one of the most affordable implant systems, modern dental clinics in the Russian Federation provide a single implant installation service for only 20,000 rubles.

  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 69
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