Indications and methods for removing the crown from the tooth, the stages of the procedure

The tooth crown is the most popular type of prosthetics, which makes it possible to restore damaged teeth.

They are single or fixed in the group fixed orthopedic structures( prostheses).

Depending on the variety and the hygiene rules and recommendations of the dentist, the average life is 15 years. But there are situations when you need to remove the crown.


  • Indications for removal structure
    • toothache or malodor
    • bad bits fixation
    • inflammation and gum disease
    • Other causes
  • Methods of removing bits
    • Apparatus Kopp( Koch)
    • Apparatus Koronafleks
    • Rastsementirovka crown ultrasound
    • Sawing
    • Other methods
  • Steps removalCrowns
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Can I remove the crown from permanent cement?
    • How is the dental bridge removed?
    • Is it painful to remove the crown?
    • Can I remove the crown myself?
    • How much does it cost to remove the crown?
    • What should I do after removing the crown?
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Indications for the removal of the

design The installation of the crown is a lengthy and laborious process, sometimes with painful sensations. Situations and reasons for removing dental structures should be quite weighty. After all, not every patient will agree to re-enter the dental chair to solve the problem. Conditionally, there are several reasons for eliminating a non-removable orthopedic product.

Toothache or unpleasant odor

Need for treatment of a tooth hidden under a prosthesis and adjacent teeth, access to which is blocked. The causes can be different:

  • infection;
  • pulpitis;
  • cyst;
  • secondary caries.

There are situations when removal of a permanent prosthesis is not required. Necessary manipulations for the elimination of pain are carried out by drilling in the hole design, through which all the required therapeutic manipulations are carried out directly.

After the procedure, the hole is cemented. The service life of the prosthesis is reduced. Removal is carried out only in extreme cases, when there is no other way to get to the affected area and relieve the patient of soreness.

Poor fixation of the crown

Poor fixation or loss of stability of the product, occurs most often as a result of these reasons:

  • an error in the establishment of the base of the prosthesis;
  • use of poor-quality cementitious material;
  • destruction of the sealing interlayer.

To notice such a symptom is easy, because the tooth begins to stagger and cause discomfort at the time of talking and eating.

Inflammation and gum disease

Problems with periodontitis occur for various reasons: from the onset of the inflammatory process to trauma due to careless approach to the manufacture and installation of the product. In this situation, the prosthesis presses against the gingival margin, rubs, the inflammatory process begins gradually. The patient needs to perform a disassembly of the structure with the subsequent treatment of soft tissues damaged in consequence of the pressure of the prosthesis on the gum.

Other causes of

Repeated prosthetics may be needed if the patient wishes to do so by his own reasons( change the prosthesis to better, more reliable and attractive), or because the product has reached the end of its useful life. There is a need to replace the structure due to damage and deformation( if the bridge is cracked, repair is not possible in most cases).

Methods for removing the cores

You can remove the installed crown by different methods. Everything depends on the goals of the dismantling and therapeutic indications.

The method of elimination of the prosthesis is chosen by the patient himself based on financial characteristics, available time and recommendations of the dentist. The doctor chooses in the end the method that is most suitable for the patient, depending on the causes and sensitivity of the teeth during repeated intervention.

Kopp( Koch)

This is a special drill that breaks the cement base with small jerks. The prosthesis begins to move slowly away, leaving the tooth area.

After using dental forceps and attachments, the prosthesis is picked up and pinched off. The method is painless and there is no damage to the oral cavity as a whole.

This method has a drawback - the device often scratches the ceramic lining of the prosthesis, as a result, its restoration is required.

Apparatus Coronaflex

The device is used to maintain the integrity of the crown with subsequent fixation without injury and disturbance by exposure to compressed air. Orthopedic design is preserved and removed without damage.

For example, a product made from zirconia has a high cost, and it is expensive to damage such a product, it is more economical to use the Coronaflex machine. The technique is expensive because of the high price of the equipment used.

Unconditioning of the crown by ultrasound

Removal by destruction of the cement base. Not all materials are amenable to this method, it all depends on the type of cemented material. With respect to the glass ionomer substance, the method is not applicable.


This is the most crude technique for products made from strong materials, such as ceramics. The cost is not expensive and almost painless, but quite long. When the prosthesis is removed, it is completely destroyed.

This method is most effective if the crown of cermet is unsteady. As a result of such manipulation, subsequent prosthetics with this structure is impossible because of its damage.

Therefore, patients should take this fact into account when choosing a material. When metal-ceramic crowns are removed, ultrasound is pre-treated, which causes cracking of the cement base and makes it easy to remove it.

Other methods

Other methods suitable for dismantling orthopedic structures. To remove them, special tools are used that allow you to control the force and direction of the load on the fabric covers and prosthesis, namely:

  • bridge scraper;
  • coronet collectors Metal Lift and Auto Abdicator;
  • special purpose forceps;
  • tool with a hook-like end;
  • jackhammer;
  • pneumatic tools.

All methods are performed under local anesthesia, therefore, pain and discomfort are excluded.

Steps for removing the crown

Removing the crowns consists of several steps:

  1. Preparatory .Examination and assessment of the patient's condition. Perhaps, if necessary, according to the indications, the use of pain medications.
  2. Absolutive .Elimination occurs gradually, and the process depends on the chosen method. The most popular and applied is the method using the Kopp hardware device. When the budget version of the installed design is used sawing. Expensive crowns are removed with ultrasound.
  3. Estimated .The stage is the diagnosis of the integrity of the prosthesis, the root system of the teeth. This is done in order to understand whether it is possible to reuse an unfastened construction. Place for re-installation is subject to special treatment and treatment. Important is the qualification of a specialist and experience in the removal and re-installation of prostheses in the oral cavity. If complications occur as a result of the detoxification, the specialist assesses the patient's condition and takes action. A temporary plastic structure is installed on the damaged site. In this case, the cost of the procedure is significantly increased.
  4. Installation .After cutting, a new prosthesis is manufactured and its subsequent installation.
  5. Rehabilitation .After the procedure you should follow the appointment of an orthodontist dentist in order to avoid consequences and complications. It takes the first time to adhere to the appropriate diet with gentle products.

Learn more about how to remove a crown from the tooth, you can see the video.

Frequently Asked Questions

On the Internet, there are many reviews and questions that most often concern patients who have encountered the problem of removing the crown. We collected the most exhilarating and tried to answer them.

Can I remove the crown from permanent cement?

Removing a permanent cement construction is not a complicated dental manipulation, but requiring professionalism and the availability of appropriate dental devices and tools. In this situation, several of the above described techniques are applicable:

  • Kopp apparatus( the cement foundation is broken by jogging movements);
  • device Coronaflex( by acting on permanent cement with compressed air);
  • ultrasonic destruction of cement.

How is the dental bridge removed?

For the removal of the dental bridge, the examination of a specialist is required and selection of a suitable technique:

  • ultrasound scaler is a special hardware technology for cementing and accurate extraction of the structure for subsequent prosthetics;
  • device Kopp for their sawing under anesthesia, as the procedure is long and is used for painful sensations.

Is it painful to remove the crown?

The degree of complexity and painlessness of each of the methods depends entirely on the experience and qualifications of the chosen specialist. If the destruction of the cement base is used when removing the installed structure, the prosthesis can fall out, this procedure will be easy and without pain.

If the prosthesis is installed firmly or removal requires the preservation of the construction and the use of the cheapest method, the procedure can last long enough and cause discomfort. In this case, local anesthesia is used.

Can I remove the crown myself?

Having experienced severe pain under the prosthesis, a person resorts to forced and thoughtless actions to remove the design at home, without having the appropriate experience and equipment.

Attempted self-repair of the prosthesis can lead to serious damage and complications.

Therefore, this procedure must be done in the dental office by a qualified doctor and special equipment.

The exception for self-removal of the prosthesis can be with:

  • loosening and peeling off the product together with the remains of the cement base by splitting it;
  • decay of the structure for various reasons and the removal of residual elements by hand.

But in order to avoid complications in the future, consultation and assistance of an orthodontist dentist is always required.

How much does it take to remove the crown?

The price for removing an orthopedic crown from a tooth depends on:

  • the number of crowns to be dismantled;
  • procedure procedures using specific equipment and tools.

The average price range for the removal of one design varies from 800 to 1000 rubles. The price may be lower in case of cutting the structure of the budget material, but when using the device Koronafleks cost will increase dramatically.

Many clinics in the removal service immediately include the cost of further therapy and subsequent prosthetics.

What should I do after removing the crown?

After extraction of the denture, discomfort and pain can occur. There are several options for the development of the situation:

  1. Elimination of the inflammatory process( caries, pulpitis, periodontitis).In this case, the root canal is rasplombirovyvanie, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, then fillings are again put.
  2. Restorative manipulations for fractures and fractures.
  3. Replacement of the cemented base - it is necessary to treat the hole with antiseptics and re-install the product on a new cement.
  4. Ordering and installing a new product, if damaged.

In the therapeutic course, the dentist-orthodontist necessarily includes:

  1. Taking antibiotics to eliminate infection and inflammation.
  2. Rinsing the oral cavity with medicinal decoctions and herbal infusions( chamomile, oak bark, calendula) and antiseptics( Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Rotocone).
  3. Anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs in case of pain( Nimesil, Naise, Ketonal, Nurofen).Crush 1 tablet of anesthetic into powder and dilute in boiled water to gruel, then rub in a sore spot.
  4. Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene.

Use and dosage only as directed by a specialist.
If the removal of the product has passed with the occurrence of some consequences, the dentist assesses the patient's condition and makes a decision during the procedure. In this situation, costs increase and most people lose confidence in the professionalism of doctors.

Dental prosthetics is a costly dental service. Therefore, it is necessary to consider carefully the choice of an orthodontist dentist, so that there are no situations to re-install the design due to poor quality work, and the crown has served more than one year.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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