How to sew jeans on the sides and size smaller at home

Often, the purchase of clothing does not sit on the figure as well as it would be desirable. This is due to the fact that any subject of the wardrobe, including pants, is sewed according to certain standards. Then there is a reasonable question - can you sew jeans so that they look perfect. It is possible, but it takes a little effort.

How to sew trousers to size smaller

Many women's things are dusting in the closet because of the probability of rapid slimming of their owner. Often clothes become great, but like it so much that I want to change it and continue to wear it. Before making jeans smaller by size, try them on and note whether they have become large everywhere. It happens that in the waist pants are too large, but in the hips are still sitting tightly. If the trousers are bigger all the time, then you can start working:

  1. Before you sew jeans, make sure that there is a sewing machine in your home arsenal and you know how to use it.
  2. During the fitting, clip excess fabric with pins, remove gently.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. On the pin marks, go through the chalk slightly, stepping back slightly from the measurements.
  5. Seal the seams on one leg and, cutting off excess, sweep the edges.
  6. Do the same with the second trouser.
  7. Sew a hand sewn with a sewing machine. If there was a double line in the original, duplicate it.
  8. In the area of ​​the thighs, the actions will be the same, but before the embroidery you will need to flap the belt. At the final stage, shorten it and sew it back.

How to sew trousers at the waist

There are a lot of jeans. Wear from heavily narrowed models, designed for very slender people, to straight wide ones. To answer the question of how to properly sew jeans, except for the style, you still need to determine the purpose with which the size adjustment takes place. Suppose your pants are straight cut in medium width, and they are too large at the waist. To remodel these jeans under yourself, follow this algorithm:

  1. From the middle seam, back off 7 cm in both directions and at this distance, open the belt.
  2. Next, you need a spacer about 8 cm apart.
  3. The middle seam should be straightened too.
  4. Pin the pins from the wrong side, showing the places of the sewing.
  5. Stitch along the marked lines, duplicating the double line if necessary.
  6. Trim excess length on the belt and sew it.

How to cut jeans from below at home

When buying jeans trousers flared, be prepared that in a short time once fashionable garment will be completely not in demand. This model is not suitable for everyone and is often bought only to please the current trends. And it concerns not only women, but also representatives of the stronger sex. That the thing does not disappear, you can give her a second life. How to cut men's jeans and transform women's trousers, it's easy to understand by description:

  1. Before you sew jeans, take a look at your figure and think whether you fit pants, strongly narrowed below. Ingredients should be limited to a moderate width of pants.
  2. Turn the jeans inside out, draw a new line of the firmware along the original seam with chalk. Pin down the pins and try on. The thing is not only to sit beautifully, but also to be comfortable. If necessary, adjust the bottom along the length before zaozhivat.
  3. Stitch the seams, gradually taking out the pins. Trim the unwanted fabric.

How to sew pants on the sides of the

There are several ways to remodel jeans, the preferences are given depending on the specific task. Choosing how to better sew jeans, decide where they specifically you are great. The hanging fabric in the field of thighs of beauty does not attach, therefore from it it is better to get rid. To sew trousers on each side to fit the figure, you can:

  1. Look at the belt over the side seams. Completely it does not have to be disconnected, it is possible to be limited to a small distance.
  2. Separate the side seams themselves, and then sweep along the lines marked on the preliminary fitting. How many centimeters to sew to solve to you, but it is better to remove a little and after to alter, than to cut off too much.
  3. Put the thing on yourself, appreciate the look and look like it.
  4. Stitch the sewing sutures.
  5. Reduce the belt, cut it, sew it to the jeans.

Video: how straight jeans make narrow

  • Mar 09, 2018
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