Fixing creams for dentures Protefics are reliable and modern

Wearing removable dentures in some people can cause pain and discomfort. This is due to a poor fit of the structure to the sky. Problems can appear not only at the initial period of habituation, but also with the further use of the product.

In connection with this, manufacturers of medications have created many different means for fixing prostheses. One of the most effective of them by right can be called the cream Protefics, represented on the market by a whole series of products.


  • Composition and preparation
  • Drug series
  • Pharmacological properties
  • Advantages and disadvantages of
  • Indications and contraindications for use
  • Features of application and application of
  • cream The voice of the people
  • Protefix vs Korega: what is better and why?

Ingredients and form of the release

The manufacturer of the cream Protefix is ​​the chemical-pharmaceutical tycoon "Quayser Pharma".The German company has long earned trust among medical professionals and consumers around the world, and has established itself as a benchmark in the production of high-quality products.

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The cream consists of a whole complex of components, each of which complements each other. The drug is aimed at extra strong fixation of prostheses, while providing a reliable protection for the oral mucosa.

Main components:

  • sodium and calcium salts , which are assigned the main role - absorption of liquid and saliva;
  • carboxymethylcellulose plays the role of plasticizer, which makes the preparation more viscous.

In addition to the main components, auxiliary substances also play an important role:

  • silica , which allows evenly distributing the cream throughout the required surface;
  • Vaseline and paraffin perform moisturizing and emollient functions for the mucosa;
  • azorubin is a safe dye;
  • menthol - flavor and anesthetic;
  • aloe vera is a powder that has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • methyl - 4 - hydroxybenzoate is a preservative and a powerful antiseptic.

The cream is available in tubes: 40 and 20 ml.

A series of preparations

The manufacturer has developed a whole series of Protefix creams for fixing dentures. All preparations differ from each other in a unique component and are indicated for use in different cases:

  1. With mint .This fixative is recommended to be used during the period of habituation. As its name implies, the main component of is a mint, or rather its essential oil, which is known for a lot of useful properties. In the course of application, trophic gums improve, inflamed tissues become calmer. Mint is characterized by the ability to lower the gag reflex. Removable dentures can initially provoke such a symptom. In addition, the drug is hypoallergenic, due to the complete absence of dyes and flavor additives. It is prescribed to patients who are prone to allergic reactions, sensitive gums.
  2. Aloe Vera .It is recommended for patients who have the following symptoms: swelling, redness, rubbing, irritation. The cream has a strong anti-inflammatory property, antibacterial activity. All this provides reliable prevention of dental tissue. After the application of the remedy, there is a marked improvement in metabolic processes, normalization of soft tissue regeneration.
  3. Extra-strong .The composition of this product can boast of fixing components with the maximum dosage, if compared with the rest of the creams of the series. With its help you can install the prosthesis in the shortest possible time. Doctors recommend the use of this particular cream in cases where the patient needs an immediate prosthesis. After applying the cream, you need to wait literally five minutes and are already allowed to eat. To be afraid of displacement of a design it is not necessary, all remains on the place.

Pharmacological properties of

Protefix Cream has been developed with the aim of fixing prostheses of removable or partial type. The drug begins to act due to active components that absorb moisture, resulting in adhesive properties.

The so-called pillow is formed between the prosthesis and the mucosa, firmly securing them. Filling is subject to all space, thereby preventing possible falling under the prosthesis of food particles.

Prosthetic cream glue perfectly copes with its main function - to ensure a strong fixation. Prostheses are installed quickly and painlessly and perfectly hold for a long time. Due to the thick consistency of the product, there is the possibility of its dot application, which completely excludes overdose.

Advantages and disadvantages of

On the dental market, fixative cream Protefix is ​​one of the most purchased products for prostheses. Its popularity is explained by a large number of advantages:

  • long term of fixation, more than 12 hours;
  • has no effect on taste, the remedy does not give in to salivary washout;
  • is sufficient for five minutes to fully grasp;
  • possibility of use with strong salivation;
  • can not be influenced by different temperatures;
  • does not spoil the bite;
  • pleasant mint flavor, which ensures fresh breath;
  • possibility of applying to the prosthesis irrespective of moisture;
  • contains natural substances with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • side effects are almost completely excluded.

In addition to a large number of advantages, there are drawbacks to the cream. Some components of the drug can cause redness of the gums or even irritation.

The composition contains karmazin, contraindicated for people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Indications and contraindications for the use of

If a removable denture causes some problems, then it is recommended to use Protefix fixative glue.

Indications for use:

  • , the prosthesis lacked shrinkage;
  • increased salivation after installation of the construct;
  • irritation of the mucosa;
  • feeling uncomfortable;
  • it is necessary to fix the temporary crowns.


  • susceptibility to allergic manifestations;
  • allergic reaction to Aspirin;
  • mucosal damage.

Features of application and application of cream

Use of the cream Proteix implies strict adherence to the instructions for use. An erroneous dosage can damage the mucosa and cause the prosthesis to be unstable.

If you overdo it with the amount of adhesive, then after the put 12 hours, it will be difficult to remove the prosthesis, and in some cases it will not be possible at all.

To avoid this, as well as other problems, the following algorithm should be strictly observed:

  • the prosthesis should be thoroughly rinsed with boiled water, avoiding the residue of plaque on it, you can use paste and brush;
  • should not dry the denture, it is necessary to arrange it so that the side adjacent to the gums is at the top;
  • tube with cream to keep only in an upright position;
  • , a clear liquid of oily consistency first appears from the tube, it must be removed, since this liquid does not have any effect on fixation, but it will interfere with the distribution of the cream;
  • if the agent is first applied, then it is worth pointing;
  • the excess part of the drug can easily be removed with a cotton swab, previously moistened with vegetable oil;
  • when the correct dose is determined, the application of the cream is possible with strips;
  • to achieve effective fixation it is possible and applying glue on the back side of the prosthesis;
  • having located the prosthesis with the drug in the mouth, it needs to be pressed lightly( withstand 20 seconds);
  • before closing the tube, it is worth making sure that the neck is completely dry, otherwise the product can take a firm shape.

The manufacturer claims that there are no adverse reactions with proper application of the cream.

The voice of the people

After studying the reviews of patients using Protefics, one can find information about rare cases of allergic reactions. Mostly complain of burning, swelling and redness.

But, as a rule, such phenomena occur only when the means are first used.

My father is already many years old and it's time he started using removable dentures. He has been using Protefix glue for a long time already, and he helps him very well. Only on the classic version of the cream does an allergy appear sometimes. I think this is due to the fact that a large number of other medicines are being taken in parallel. But the series of Aloe Vera in such cases, great helps. No discomfort, convenient and pleasant.

Serega, 38

Mom supplied a removable denture and received several problems with him. First, it rubbed the gums heavily and was accompanied by a profuse salivation. She was very upset until the dentist advised her to give him a special glass from Quaiser. After the beginning of the application, the oral cavity quickly adapted to the prosthesis. The main thing that is very convenient to use.

Anya, 39

Protefix vs Korega: what is better and why?

Protefix may be applied to a wet prosthesis. In addition, you can also buy a gel or wipes, not inferior in quality.

Korege also has a cream without flavor additives, and this is a significant plus, because you can fully enjoy the taste of food, and not feel the presence of a foreign drug in your mouth.

Both creams are of good quality, fully provide reliable fixation and pricing policy is approximately the same. So the choice remains for the patient, but it is better to use the remedy prescribed by an experienced dentist.

The price of the Protex will depend on the volume and type of cream. On average, one package costs between 170 and 300 rubles.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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