Autumn apples

And here came the blessed September days. Apples were born a lot, it pleases the eye, but the heart worries - the mistress thinks, where they have so much to do, what to cook, not to give them a precipice. But do not worry: there are many recipes for cooking delicious dishes from autumn apples, and harvesting them for the winter.

Charlotte - the famous dish from apples

The most famous dish from apples is charlotte. What variations on this topic only you will not meet! Historians are confused where this recipe was originally invented, and in honor of which girl Charlotte he is named. At first, and prepared this dessert a little bit differently, as we are accustomed to. Sliced ​​impregnated with syrup or butter slices of hard bread, and made a layer of sweet and sour sweet apples. The dessert was cold. Later impregnation was made from a mixture of eggs and milk, and cook the cake in the oven.

The modern charlotte recipe is simple: a glass of sugar and flour and four eggs, as well as apples, the basis of the recipe. Apples choose sweet and sour, autumn varieties. First cut the apples, spread on a baking sheet, cut into the same way about 150 g of butter, and distribute evenly. Put this baking sheet in a hot oven to make the apples proto.

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At this time, carefully beat up the components for a biscuit dough, adding one egg and a little sugar, at the end add flour. Baking powder or soda does not need to be added, the dough will rise well without this. When the aroma of apples floats in the kitchen, the baking tray with apples is taken out and poured into the batter. Bake this culinary simplest miracle 10-15 minutes. But what an unforgettable apple-creamy taste.

Billets from apples for the winter

There is a sort of apples, called "Ural liquid".Those who have tried these small apples will never forget them. It is from them in September mistresses cook apple jam.

Apple jam

Choose a mature yellow, but still strong fruit, wash, dry. Slices are slices, cutting them from the sides of the apple, and in another way it will not work out, the apple is smallish. Well, if you want to dig, then you can cut the apple into four parts and remove the seeds. Apples are placed in a suitable container, for example, a large saucepan, and pour sugar.

After 10-12 hours, when apples will give juice, start to cook the jam. We put the saucepan on a very slow fire, and periodically mix the mass with a wooden spoon. When the sugar dissolves, and the apples are partially transparent, the fire is turned off and allowed to cool completely under the lid. This is about a day in time. After that add the remaining sugar, and put on a slow fire. Periodically stirring, bring to a boil, turn off, give completely cool under the lid.

If everything turned out, the apples by this time will be transparent, and the jam will resemble honey. And the amazing aroma of apples!

Apple jam for the winter

If you make apple juice for storage, then after it remains cake and the like of mashed potatoes. All this is easy to use in the preparation of apple jam.

In the remaining mass, add a little water and a part of sugar, steamed for 10-15 minutes on a small fire. Remove from heat, cool and grind with a blender. Add the remaining sugar, and simmer for about half an hour. The resulting mass will boil a little in comparison with the original one. The jam should be of a uniform consistency and not be watery.

Lay it in sterilized jars, roll up, store in a cool place. Jam is used in the preparation of confectionery, as a filling for pies. It can be served as a simple jam, for tea.

The ideal place for storing blanks is a cellar. Bon Appetit!

Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 05, 2018
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