Boric acid from cockroaches: a recipe for poison and egg and reviews

An effective folk remedy for cockroaches boric acid is known as an antiseptic drug. Its habitual use is to heal wounds and mucous membranes. In other words, it will not harm the person, but the nasty insects will not spare. How can boric acid be used against cockroaches?

How to get rid of boracons with boric acid

A small sachet that can be bought at a pharmacy is enough to destroy an entire army of insects, because to drain one pest, you need very little money( about 3 mg).Theory and practice sometimes differ: that the substance helped to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment, so that the method was effective, it is necessary to arrange a "meeting" of insects and poison. You just need to scatter the product paths near the place of their permanent stay: at the baseboards, under the sink, along the perimeter of the furniture.

Thanks to such measures, the bulk of the Prussians will die, and survivors decide to leave the apartment. It is important to remember that the order of the house is of great importance: pests do not like to settle where it will be problematic to get their food. However, if such methods did not help to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to install special lures, which will be discussed further.

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The action of boric acid

The usual appearance of this substance is a powder consisting of their white grains resembling small flakes. These grains first enter the esophagus into the insect, and then through the blood into the nervous system. Because of the substance, the parasit develops parasitism, death comes from suffocation. If the acid gets on the body of an insect, itching starts, leading to dehydration and death. Boron corrodes the pest of the pest, which accelerates the approach of his death.

In the pharmacy you can also find boric alcohol - a solution of 70-percent ethyl alcohol and boron. It should not be used to combat irritating and frightening insects: the smell of alcohol scares off pests, they just will not go to the poison. If the Prusaks do not eat the poison, then there will be no result from such a fight, and the acid has no smell, so the cockroaches do not notice it.

The recipe for poison from cockroaches

Boric acid from cockroaches is effective only when a pest has eaten a lot of poison( on the scale of an insect).Specially prepared lures with poison will help fight pests quickly. There are many recipes for cockroach delicacies, you can invent them yourself: you just need to take a product that the insect will have to taste, and hide the poison there.

Before poisoning the Prusakov with poisonous acid for them, you need to spend time for general cleaning: you have to thoroughly wash the floor and walls, especially pay attention to the areas under the kitchen furniture. This will bring the results of the fight against pests to a maximum: insects will not have alternatives, there will not be left crumbs and the opportunity to drink water. They will only have to eat poisoned baits.

Boric acid solution

One of the most common recipes is a solution with poison. It is necessary to mix acid and water and leave the solution near the sinks, bathtub or toilet bowl. It is worth paying attention to whether there is still some moisture available for the cockroaches, for example, in pots with flowers. It is desirable to dry the sinks beforehand. Insects need a constant drink, they will have no other choice but to drink the prepared solution. So you can easily destroy pests.

Boride balls from cockroaches

Get rid of the Prusak in the apartment will help delicious balls with boron. To help come the usual boiled eggs and potatoes. In the food add the substance, and from the resulting mixture roll balls or tortillas. They are left overnight in places of congestion of cockroaches. It is important to trace that insects have no other available way of sustenance: they should clean everything in the refrigerator, close all the banks tightly, and cover with cellophane bags. One effective means is to use sugar. A thick mixture is made from boric acid, powdered sugar, starch, sugar and water.

With yolk

You can easily prepare and balls of yolk. There are two popular, equally effective ways to combat cockroaches:

  1. Two raw yolks are mixed with one sachet of the drug, thoroughly mixed until a mushy mass forms. Then they form cakes, wait until they dry and leave the Prussians for dinner.
  2. The second method is not much different from the first: you need to take liquid boric acid and add boiled yolk to it. Bring everything back to the doughy state - so is the poison prepared for the cockroaches.

With potatoes and eggs

Similar to the previous recipes and the way to prepare boron balls with potatoes and eggs. One egg and one potato in a uniform are cooked. Then they are cleaned, crushed, mashed, and boric acid is added there. According to the already known scheme it is necessary to make small balls and place them in secluded places for uninvited guests. This method is very simple to implement at home, without using any expensive modern drugs.

Video: fighting cockroaches in the apartment


Maria, 34 years old: When I first saw cockroaches in the kitchen, I was scared to death. The husband remembered the grandmother's method - boric acid. Without thinking twice, we went to the pharmacy, bought it. First they did a spring cleaning, washed all the corners, where the cockroaches ran, and poured the substance and sprinkled around the skirting boards. A couple of days have passed - and no nasty animals at home!

Alexander, 20 years old: When I first entered the hostel, the cockroaches met us as hosts. Twice a year a specialist came to poison cockroaches, but this did not help. After reading on the Internet, I realized that I had to act on my own: I bought boric acid from cockroaches, cooked an egg, made a ball, left it for the night. There are cockroaches in the hostel, but they are afraid to come to me.

Svetlana, 43 years old: We left with my family on vacation, come back - the cockroaches run around the table! I - in a cry, a child - in tears! We decided to poison the cockroaches with boric acid - a famous folk remedy. I did everything, as it was written on the forum - a week later I managed to bring absolutely everyone!

Maxim, 38 years old: Suddenly at home small pests were engaged - cockroaches. First tried modern means, various pencils, sprays, but the result did not satisfy us: the Prussians disappeared for a short while, and then appeared again. On the Internet found a recipe for boron balls with yolks, tried, and good luck! These pests no longer attack our kitchen.

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