On the political map of the world, the Republic of Tajikistan, lying in the foothills of the Pamirs, is by area the smallest state in Central Asia. But the culture and traditions of the Tajik people, its history and cooking, count many centuries of continuous development. There are several main factors that have influenced the traditional Tajik cuisine.
Three sources and three components. .. of Tajik cuisine
The first factor is geographical. Only 10% of the territory of Tajikistan is flat. Tajiks from time immemorial were inhabitants of the mountains, the main occupations of which were hunting for partridges and quails and domestic cattle breeding. That is why the main component of the Tajik dishes is meat, mainly lamb. Also popular is horse meat, from which the famous sausage "kazy" is made.
The second factor is climatic. The main influence it has on the ingredients used in the composition of national dishes. On the lands of Tajikistan, mainly vegetables, fruits, cereals, tobacco and cotton are grown. Tadzhik silk is no less famous.
The third and last factor is political. Tajikistan is surrounded by states that are close to him in spirit. For example, as in other Asian countries, in Tajikistan dishes are abundantly seasoned with spices and spices. And the second main component of national dishes along with meat is rice.
Features of the Tajik cuisine
However, despite the seeming similarity of the culinary traditions of the Tajiks and their neighbors, differences can still be found much more, a week of coincidence. First of all it concerns the methods of processing the products before cooking.
Tajik cooks, after cutting lamb carcasses, do not separate meat from bone, but cook or fry entirely with it. Also for frying, it is usually not animal oil, but animal fat. Most often, meat dishes are prepared with the help of "tanura" on an open fire. Before cooking, meat is always well marinated, as a result, cooked on charcoal it becomes soft and tender, but extraordinarily satisfying.
Meat dishes in Tajik cuisine are usually served with potatoes as a side dish, flat cakes, salads and various sauces, among which the most famous is "vazhu".Chicken according to traditional Tajik recipes must be prepared without skin.
The abundance of fresh vegetables certainly affects the filling of the Tajik table - salads are served as a garnish for pilaf, shish kebab and "kabobs", and as an independent snack.
Traditional dishes of Tajik national cuisine
An important place in Tajik cooking is occupied by soups, for the preparation of which often use the broth obtained when cooking meat along with the bone. A few traditional soups stand out, based on milk. Some kind of symbols of local cooking are the soups of "mastoba", "threat" and "shurbo", and in the hot summer it is perfectly refreshing cold soup "cholob" on sour milk.
The central place in the national cuisine of Tajikistan is allocated to rice dishes. The real "correct" pilaf is always cooked in cast-iron pots with vegetable fat or melted fat. For plov take beef, lamb or chicken, and cut into large pieces. Also add vegetables, spices, spices, sometimes quince or dried fruit.
It is customary to finish a meal according to the Tajik traditions with a cup of perfectly tonic green tea, to which national flour products with various fillings are offered - "shima", "lagman", "mantou".