Who knows how many Egyptian civilization years, or rather millennia? So, the national cuisine of Egypt is the same! The basis of the Egyptian cuisine is the following products: beef, vegetables, spices. Especially I want to mention Egyptian spices. They are present in all dishes just in huge quantities, which is not surprising at all in view of the hot climate, as it is well known that sharp spices can destroy various microorganisms.
Traditional dishes of Egyptian cuisine
Vegetables in Egypt are very fond of, and they often form the basis of different dishes. The most popular eggplants, peppers and beans. The latter can even be called the national product of Egypt. One of the legume dishes, whose name means "bean burger", is a cutlet made of beans with garlic and coriander and is served mainly in the morning for breakfast.
Fresh vegetables along with rice and potatoes are used as side dishes in the recipes of Egyptian chefs. From vegetables like to prepare salads and fill them with olive oil, fresh lemon juice or vinegar, do not forget, of course, and a variety of spices
In the Egyptian national cuisine there are not so many dishes of meat and fish, but those that are terrificly delicious. The recipe for their preparation originates in the deep antiquity and is stored by hereditary cooks in the strictest secrecy. All hospitable hosts coming to Egypt recommend to try their national dish - a dove with a side dish of rice.
Egyptians love and respect the bread of Egypt. It is often used as a "spoon", dipping into various sauces. Also in Egypt, cheese is made, preference is given to hard varieties, like and cheese, in the culinary Egyptian tradition, there are many ways to prepare it.
Drinks and desserts
Egypt is a country of arid and hot climate, which means that special attention is paid to beverages here. They are called to be not only delicious, but also perfectly quench your thirst. One of these drinks is karkade, a favorite in Egypt and far beyond. Carcade is made from flowers of hibiscus, pouring its inflorescence with cool water, brought to a boil and sweetened with sugar to taste. They drink it cold, often even with ice.
Drinking it hot came up not in Egypt, but in those countries where it migrated with tourists, most likely because of the difference in climate. The Egyptians still prefer to drink this superbly thirst-quenching drink exclusively in a cold form. This tea has a dark red, incredibly rich color, and therefore people who are not familiar with it often take it for natural juice.
Another drink that the Egyptians love is beer. Its special manufacturing recipe includes barley and dates in its composition. The Egyptians proudly call their country the birthplace of beer, although there are people who are ready to argue with them. However, this does not prevent them from enjoying a pleasant cool drink with pleasure. Distributed in Egypt and the use of wines, with the highest quality.
Separately I want to mention desserts. Their distinctive feature is that they are all incredibly sweet. They are made using honey, nuts and butter. Nobody will refuse to try the Egyptian cake, which is boiled in milk and sprinkled with powdered sugar and fragrant nut shavings.
Egypt's cuisine cherishes its centuries-old traditions, and the composition of many recipes has remained unchanged since time immemorial. Everyone who visits Egypt has the opportunity to taste the dishes that Pharaoh himself ate.