Cuban cuisine

Cuban cuisine, despite numerous revolutions, political and economic problems, still managed to convey to the present time the taste of true Creole food. Here you can choose a meal for an amateur, because the Cuban cuisine combines African, Spanish and Caribbean culinary preferences.

The foreign influence of

Historically, it was a tradition that all the traditions of the colonialists brought to the Cuban land were put together. For example, salted dried cod, the main ingredient of the dish "Bachelor of whiskey", in addition to stewed vegetables and spices and fried bread. Despite the sufficient amount of fresh fish, the dried cod does not give up its positions.

The colonizers not only brought new products to the Cuban land, but also supplemented the Creole cuisine with a peculiar refinement. Especially it concerns the preparation of eggs. In Cuba it became incredibly popular to prepare lush omelettes with all kinds of fillings: meat, vegetables, seafood and other ingredients.

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Africans could not stay away. It was they who taught the Cubans to roast a banana, to prepare sauces from yucca seasoned with garlic and spices.

Rice from China also won universal popular love. It was prepared and prepared with various additions of vegetables and fruits, with meat and seafood, with beans and pumpkin.

National treasure

The main thing that distinguishes Cuban cuisine is the simplicity in the preparation and choice of ingredients. Meat Cubans only recognize chicken or pork, beef and lamb are not favorites in this Central American country. A popular festive dish in Cuba is a suckling piglet fried on a spit.

Potatoes, which we use in nemerenyh sizes, in Cuba, replace beans, rice and corn. Instead of the usual potatoes, Cubans eat sweet. And the scarcity of the flora is filled with an edible yucca and a banana, which the Cubans prepare in various ways. It is important not even the method of preparation, but the way of cutting fruit: strips, cubes, ovals, rings and so on. Banana can be filled with olive oil, add cheese and other products. Fantasy in cooking knows no bounds!

As already mentioned, Cuba is a country poor in flora and fauna. Therefore resourceful Cubans complement each dish with different sauces. This helps make dishes more delicious and varied.

The most popular sauce is "Salsa Criola", which includes tomatoes and onions, peppers, garlic and butter. Thanks to the abundance of fruits, it became possible to prepare sweet sauces from mango or papaya.

The favorite dish of not only Cubans, but tourists is the soup "la Caldosa".It looks like a stew, and is made from chicken meat, ham, vegetables and with an immense amount of spices. Preparation takes quite a long time, as everything is stuck in clay pots on a small fire.

Desserts in Cuban cuisine are represented by all sorts of fruits. They can go as a separate dish or stuffing in baking. Sweet salads, baked fruit, fried fruits - and this is not a complete list of dishes offered. In this case, fruit salads can consist not only of fruits alone, but also with the addition of fish or meat.

All varieties of cooking and serving dishes depend on the regional location. For example, the eastern part of Cuba is known for its addiction to spicy and spicy food, and the West can not live without coconut oil and milk, on which everything is fried and cooked.

With imagination, Cubans are not only suitable for inventing recipes for dishes, but also for their name. Rice with black beans was called "Christians and Moors", and "old clothes" Cubans call dishes with chopped meat under Creole sauce. Outwardly, it's very similar!

Show your imagination and make yourself an evening in the Cuban style. Prepare bold and outlandish dishes, give them the most incredible names and make your evening with your loved one or family fun and unforgettable!

Kitchens of the World
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