How to choose oranges

Among the whole variety of citrus fruits, the most popular fruit is orange. By habit, it is valued as a storehouse of vitamin C( it was found that 100 grams of orange pulp contain about 80 mg of ascorbic acid).But in addition, in addition, oranges can boast a sufficient number of vitamins B, A and PP, as well as the presence of other essential trace elements: magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron. For sure, that's why the obligatory "gift" for a sick person is an orange fruit with a pleasant citrus aroma, which increases mood and, accordingly, immunity.

Varieties of oranges

To date, more than 100 varieties of this fruit are known. True, most of them do not have bright taste qualities and refers to the so-called industrial varieties, which are directed to the production of juices. The remaining species that enter the shops and markets are divided into the following categories:

  • ordinary( the pulp is yellow with a large number of seeds);
  • umbilical( the flesh in them is orange, and on the side of the peduncle there is always a second rudimentary fetus);
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  • Jaffa( this category includes the largest, sweet and juicy varieties of oranges with a thick and lumpy skin);
  • kingpins( the main distinguishing feature is the pulp of blood-red color).

Rules for choosing oranges

Of course, in order to get the maximum benefit from the overseas orange "apple", you need to be able to choose the best quality, ripe and juicy fruit. To this end, it is recommended:

  • , if possible, to find out when the orange crop of the sold lot was collected( the seller must know this information in the accompanying documents);the best time is December-January;
  • to establish the country of origin( in South Africa and Peru, oranges are torn off still green, for fruits and juices fruits that are brought from Egypt are suitable, the sweetest and "aristocratic" are Spanish and American oranges that are allowed to mature, and when cultivated, all the traditions of cultivation are observedcitrus fruits);
  • pay attention to the uniformity of the color of the peel( it should be without obvious brown spots or greenish patches);
  • slightly crumple the fruit to reveal soft spots( their presence indicates the spoilage of the product);
  • choose not too large, but quite heavy oranges, because the criterion of maturity is not the color, but the weight of the fruit;
  • to notice, intensely or not smells of peel( if there is no obvious aroma, then the fruit is either completely green or carefully treated with certain chemicals intended for long-term storage).

It is worth saying that the sweetness and juiciness of oranges depends solely on the variety. For example, a bright orange-red fruit with a thin skin may not differ in taste from a yellow fruit with a porous thick skin.

When it becomes necessary to keep oranges for several days, the most suitable place, of course, will be a refrigerator or cellar, where the temperature will not exceed 8 degrees of heat.

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