Kuban cuisine

How good Kuban is, especially in the summer! It is impossible to convey in words its beauty, these beautiful golden fields and the rivers Don and Kuban! If you plan to visit Kuban someday, and at the same time go see the delights of these rivers, it is necessary, you have to walk along the shore and a little further. There you can see villages that have survived to this day.

Kuban is beautiful not only by nature, but also by national cuisine. In herself, she mixed all her traditions, as well as the closest peoples. Most often the Kuban table is characterized by various soups, meat and bread. However, the Kuban cuisine includes many other dishes. And also the traditions of the feast are observed.

Traditions of the Kuban feast

As soon as a person sits at a table, first of all hot bread is being served, which is called a frying pan. On holidays it is not customary to serve ordinary bread, it should be decorated with something. For example, on New Year's Eve a Christmas tree can be depicted on a loaf, swans and rings for a wedding. Decoration symbolizes hospitality, as well as the strength of family relations.

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After the bread, another batch is served on the table: pies, poultry, and much more. As the drinks are milk products: fermented milk, sour milk, sour cream. As a snack must be present cold meat, as well as fish.

In addition, on the table must be a bottle of kvass. Russians are accustomed to drinking ordinary, bread kvass, and in the Kuban they love both beet and apple.

Not an obligatory drink, but very good and tasty, is a local wine.


After snacks, the main dishes turn on. As already mentioned above, soup is the main king of the feast. Especially appreciated is the hotly beloved red wine in Russia and Ukraine, called borsch. Previously, the word borscht meant soup, it was not cooked from beetroot, but from cowwort( hence the name of borscht).

Every Kuban mistress is considered a master in cooking borsch. If you go to several women and ask to try this soup, nothing similar can be seen in them, as each woman's recipe for this soup is unique. For example, someone adds more meat or beets, and some people honor traditions and cook from cow-bream. Most Kuban people like this soup so much that they are ready to eat it in all meals.


In addition, people from the Kuban love meat. The most common dish in the Kuban are large chicken pieces stuffed with apples, as well as dried fruits. However, you can meet other dishes, but they are not so popular.

Of course, this is not the whole list of dishes of the Kuban cuisine. Residents also love noodles, porridge, vareniki with various fillings, pancakes. Describe all this splendor is not enough words, you just need to try the cuisine of the Kuban and understand its charm!

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