Thousand and one features of the eastern culinary culture

Like the East itself, its cuisine is famous for its mysteriousness, exoticism and spicy piquancy. After all, it is full of secrets and long traditions of the mysterious Saudi Arabia, festive China, colorful Cambodia, colored India and many other countries of the East. This cuisine has absorbed the age-old traditions of the cordiality of the eastern countries, which owes its bright variety of tastes.

Features of oriental cuisine

The key distinguishing features of the oriental cuisine is the use of an abundant variety of spicy herbs and spices, all kinds of spicy sauces, meat cooked in various ways on fire, wonderful sweets and mouth-watering buns.

The traditions of Oriental cuisine are largely conditioned by the climate, the geographical location of the countries to which it is inherent, and the temperament of the people who inhabit them. For example, the use of salt and seasonings in large quantities due to the fact that at such a high temperature prevailing in the territories of Asian countries, many products spoiled hopelessly quickly. Why is there almost no seafood in the eastern cuisine? Most of the inhabitants could not afford the fish because of the absence of the sea at their side.

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The main role in eastern cooking is played by meat, especially lamb, and also, together with it, rice. It is these two products in combination with spices, fruits, vegetables and berries that make it possible to create true masterpieces of Oriental cuisine. A vivid example can serve all known pilaf.

Traditional products and dishes of oriental cuisine

The most popular and common in the world oriental meat dishes - lyulya-kebab, shish kebab, manti, dolma, shawarma. Eastern cooking is typical for grilling meat or open fire, so it becomes especially fragrant and attractive externally.

True oriental taste gives meat dishes just lamb. They are supplemented, as a rule, with vegetables, greens, beans or fresh cakes of corn or wheat flour.

Regarding the first dishes - they are not too similar to those that we used to call soups. As a rule, these are saturated, fatty, thick consistencies of the diet, in which root vegetables, dried fruits, noodles or rice are added: hash, lagman, bobcherbe.

And what to say about so beloved in our region of eastern sweets! Who did not try baklava and kozinaki? Who does not like rahat-lukum and sherbet with nuts? If you are visiting a traditional Eastern family, you will no doubt be treated to all these delicacies and no willpower is not enough to give up.

And let many eastern delicacies do not benefit the figure, but, prepared according to all canons, they can be very useful for health. After all, fatty dishes are in good harmony with vegetables and traditional oriental fermented milk drinks obtained as a result of fermentation( such as koumiss or katik), and helping the eaten food to digest. And traditional drinks, such as herbal and berry teas, allow you to keep warm in the winter and cope with the heat in the summer.

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