Mediterranean cuisine is one of the most healthy and popular cuisines in the world. The secret of her fame lies in the fact that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean are good health and do not suffer from obesity. The results of the study of well-known European institutions confirm this theory. The low level of cardiovascular diseases and cancer among the Mediterranean is a proven fact.
This happens for many reasons. One of them is food. Excellent climate for agriculture, allowing to grow a huge variety of vegetables and fruits, the sea, rich in fish and seafood, make it possible to diversify the menu and make it useful.
Main characteristics of Mediterranean cuisine
A small amount of meat and other animal fats in the diet. This is one of the main distinguishing features. The abundance of other food products, and especially fish and seafood, helps to reduce meat consumption and thereby lower the level of cholesterol.
Mediterranean cuisine is rich in vegetable proteins, which are in abundance in legumes: beans, peas, lentils, etc. The most famous dishes are stewed beans with tomatoes and the famous hummus, which is prepared from a nutty pea with spices and olive oil. The use of nuts and various seeds not only enriches the food with protein, but also serves as a source of many vitamins and trace elements.
To replace animal fats come vegetable fats. Olive oil of high quality is a visiting card of Mediterranean cuisine. It is present on the table daily and in large volume.
Separately I want to note the use of bread with a high content of coarse fibers. Bakery products are made from unrefined flour. Whole grain flour is the main source of natural macro and microelements.
Another pillar of this food is the huge consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. The value of such nutrition is difficult to overestimate. Soup gazpacho, Greek salad and a sea of other bright national, vegetable dishes.
Dairy products are also represented very widely. This and a variety of cheese and other milk processing products. Greek yogurt is exported not only to European countries but also to the US and Russia. It is based on the preparation of famous dzadziki. Delicious snack using cucumber and again olive oil.
A variety of spicy herbs and spices successfully hide the lack of salt in dishes and make them only fragrant, brighter and tastier. Garlic and onions are found everywhere.
Strong spirits of the Mediterranean almost do not consume. Their culture of drinking deserves special attention. The main drinks are grape wines. Strong - it's rather a variety of cocktails that are not traditional, but rather a tribute to Western culture. The most popular cocktail of aniseed vodka with a large addition of ice can be found in different countries.
Traditional sweets are pastries with nuts and dried fruits. The only very popular, but not entirely useful delicacy is tiramisu, a dessert that has received worldwide recognition.
All these simple tricks make Mediterranean cuisine one of the most healthy and popular in the world. A kitchen that significantly improves the quality of life and reduces the risk of diseases. Its value will be increased if we follow this diet as a whole, without reducing it to the use of individual dishes. It is necessary to switch to such an image of nutrition and combine it with exercise, daily walks in the fresh air. Refuse to smoke and strong alcoholic beverages. This is the right path to health and longevity.