Canadian Cuisine

Speaking of Canadian cuisine, it is difficult to apply the definition of "traditional" to its dishes. Anyway, but the Canadian culinary tradition is a mixture of Anglo-American-Canadian. And here there is nothing strange, because historically, this country is inhabited by representatives of many nations. That is why the roots of the national Canadian cuisine can be found both in traditional recipes of North American peoples, and in English and French dishes.

Depending on the region of the country, the recipes for Canadian cuisine are also changing. The main cuisine is the cuisine of Quebec, so historically and geographically it turned out that the culinary delights of the French chefs were the closest to the Canadians.

Favorite dishes of Canadians

The daily menu of the inhabitants of Canada consists of dishes made from natural meat - steaks, langettes or roast beef. One of the popular dishes of Canadian cuisine is "Fillet brochette" - it is twisted and roasted on one spit pieces of sirloin, bacon, onions and champignons.

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For the Canadians' favorite first courses, they take vegetables. Soups here are prepared from all types of vegetables, from pumpkin soup and ending with tomato. In honor and a clear broth with noodles, greens and croutons. In Quebec, you will be served onion soup puree, the recipe of which was once brought here from France by settlers.

List of favorite second-course Canadians will undoubtedly open pies with meat stuffing and French fries, seasoned with sauce and baked with cottage cheese. Often on the table you can see a meat pie( with chicken or oyster), sprinkled with ground potatoes. At the same time in the Canadian kitchen potatoes are usually used devoid of starch.

From Scotland, Canada received a recipe for baked potatoes, which has long tried on the status of a traditional Canadian dish. This dish is quite simple to cook. For this, the potatoes must be boiled in a "uniform" and cut into circles. Then mix the breadcrumbs with bitch and finely chopped ham, roll the potato mugs in the resulting mixture, cover them with beaten egg and fry in deep-fried.

Drinks Canadian cuisine

The main pride of Canadian cuisine is maple syrup. It is done exclusively in Canada. In its essence, it is the sweet juice of Canadian sugar maple, condensed without the addition of additives. Any restaurant in Ottawa will offer its guests a homemade ham cooked in maple syrup. In Canadian cooking, maple syrup has a special place, such as a well-known dish, like pancakes eat, dipping into maple syrup.

Of beverages, Canadians are most likely to prefer beer. If the most popular varieties in the country are "Molson" and "Labat", then each province can boast of its varieties of this foamy drink. So, in Quebec everyone is crazy about "St. Ambroise", in "British Columbia" there is nothing better than "Masked", and in Nova Scotia they prefer to drink "Alexander Cates".Strong spirits and wines Canada imports from abroad.

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