Chinese cuisine

According to many gourmets, in the world there are only three cuisines: Chinese, Russian and French, and the rest - their variations. Dishes of Chinese cuisine are considered one of the most useful and tasty in the whole world. These qualities are due to the three-thousand-year history of the development of the Celestial Empire. During this time, not only all the knowledge and experience of preparing tasty and healthy food was preserved, but also improved.

Even before the beginning of our chronology in the country of the rising sun, there were public restaurants. And the most ancient archaeological evidence of a great culinary experience is about 2500 thousand years. In China, 1500 thousand years ago, the world's first cookbook was written. All these moments show us a special attitude of the Chinese to the process of cooking.

Despite the wide variety of products that are used since ancient times to prepare Chinese cuisine, the main one is rice. It is either served as an independent dish, or supplemented with the basic one. Serve it in two forms: crumbly rice and liquid( for breakfast).Outside of China, its national cuisine also includes noodles and tea. In addition to rice, pork, poultry, chicken and duck eggs, seafood( fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish), cereals and legumes are also very popular. It can be seen that a large range of products is used( there is a proverbial joke that the Chinese eat everything that flies, crawls and swims).Spicy herbs are very much appreciated. They are used in large numbers and in various combinations. In this spicy herbs perform not only taste, but also therapeutic. In Chinese cuisine, there are more than 300 types of herbs. In general, all the dishes of traditional Chinese cuisine have some kind of medicinal properties. In particular, tinctures from the most popular product in China( rice) help from cough and headache.

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A distinctive feature of Chinese cuisine is the large number of ingredients included in the dish. And all components for a particular dish are prepared separately. Great attention is paid to the quality of ingredients. When preparing food, cooks in China spend a lot of time processing food( the third part of all the time allotted for cooking).The way of heat treatment of products differs. Typical very fast processing( 2-4 minutes) in hot oil in a frying pan or in a pressure cooker.

When preparing a dish, Chinese people pay attention to the compatibility of products in color, smell and taste. In China, it is believed that the dish should be prepared from small pieces. This is done in order not to waste energy on the cutting of already prepared dishes in a plate. Here are two basic rules of Chinese cuisine: the ingredients must be properly cut and properly heat treated. Small pieces are prepared very quickly. At the same time, all useful and necessary qualities of products will be preserved. Before frying this or that product, the spice is roasted in the oil( sweet pepper or ginger).This will give the product a special flavor and aroma. To the product after cooking remained juicy, the Chinese fry it in batter. Clay is prepared from flour or starch. Another interesting feature of Chinese cuisine can be called their ability to combine seemingly incompatible products, flavors and tastes. They believe that if after cooking a characteristic odor remained in the fish, all the manipulations carried out with it were made in vain. They will not be surprised by pork with a flavor of fish or meat with a fruity taste.

In China, in addition to traditional products used in food and products, not quite edible in our opinion. Examples include the fins of a shark, wood mushrooms, bamboo, meat of cats, dogs, snakes.

When we talk about green tea, we unwittingly introduce China. And right. This drink is the pride of Chinese cuisine. They start and stop eating. Drink it very hot and without any additives( sugar, milk).Brew it in a porcelain teapot or directly in cups. It's no secret that tea drinking in China is not only a process of quenching thirst, but also a very important ceremony.

Not all over China the kitchen is the same. In different provinces - their own distinctive features. For example, in the north of China, a dish called "beggar chicken" is very fond of. For this dish, champignons, onions, cabbage, various seasonings are used. These ingredients are stuffed with chicken. Then it is wrapped in lotus leaves, coated with clay and baked. When serving, the clay is broken and enjoyed by the delicious aroma and taste of the prepared dish. But in western China, there is a great demand for chicken, roasted with peanuts under a spicy sauce( "gungbao").For preparation with peanuts and red chili pimento pieces of chicken fillet are fried. This dish has a very bright taste.

Chinese cuisine is valued all over the world not only for its medicinal properties and usefulness. It is also appreciated that the Chinese masters of cooking were able to preserve and carry through the centuries the experience and traditions of cooking healthy and delicious food.

Kitchens of the World
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