The versatility of coconut oil makes it an indispensable product for everyday use. Cooking, folk medicine, cosmetology, housekeeping - in these areas, the oil extract of coconut has proved very good. It has a lot of valuable properties, an interesting taste, a subtle flavor.
Useful coconut oil
The product contains a high percentage of fatty acids, which are necessary for the internal systems of the body, and for external. The product is saturated with vitamins A, E, C, phosphorus and calcium. The substance has such useful properties:
- Facilitates the state of Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy.
- Disposes of bad cholesterol and increases the amount of good.
- acts as an antioxidant, which prevents the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases.
- Increases immunity.
- Effectively fights against some fungi, bacteria, viruses.
- Accelerates wound healing, insect bites, eliminates bruises, diaper rash of babies, eczema, dermatitis, depriving.
- Aligns the digestive processes, beneficially affects the mucous membranes. The product is recommended for use with ulcers, inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract.
- As a component of cosmetic products is useful for the face, skin of the body, hair, nails. Best effect on appearance.
Use of coconut oil
The product is made from the pulp of coconut by cold and hot pressing. The first method allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients that are concentrated in the drupe. For cosmetic purposes, it is worth using unrefined coconut oil. The agent has a dense consistency that becomes liquid after heating. Refined product is not so valuable. Shelf life - no more than a year. The substance does not cause allergies, it smells nice and can be stored for a long time at room temperature without loss of properties.
Cosmetic coconut oil is worth adding to home face, hair, nail masks. The product positively affects the external tissues and their derivatives. Even if you just apply the substance on the face and body skin twice a week, the result will be stunning. When mixing an oily substance with a kitchen soda, a natural toothpaste is obtained, which perfectly copes with its main task.
In folk medicine, the remedy is used to treat ear infections, nosebleeds, getting rid of lice and other head parasites. In the latter case, the product is mixed with anise or first applied vinegar, and then coconut oil. Judging by the reviews, this tool is more effective than the gifts of the chemical industry. For gastronomic purposes, it is worth buying coconut oil, which has a slightly different composition. When heated in the product, no carcinogens are formed. Coconut oil extract is used in diets, as it helps to lose weight excessively.
Application of coconut oil in cosmetology
The product has won a special place in the field of beauty. It can be used for different purposes:
- For hair. The use of the substance is particularly noticeable with respect to dry, brittle, damaged strands. The product strengthens the bulbs, increases the elasticity of the hair, provides excellent care of the tips and protection from negative external factors. Especially effective in combination with peach, castor, burdock oil.
- For the body. The product perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the epidermis, making it velvety. Together with brown sugar, coconut oil extract gently removes dead epithelial cells. The combination of the product and essential oils is of great benefit for the skin of the feet, hands, nails.
- For the face. The value of this substance for the skin of the face is significant, so it is worth talking about it in more detail.
The dry type needs a coconut oil extract like no other. The person receives enhanced nutrition, softens, moisturizes and restores a healthy appearance. The product eliminates irritation, peeling, healing small cracks. Coconut oil for the face acts as a remedy: it fights acne, black spots, heals acne after acne.
How to use coconut oil for a person for other purposes? It is worth to think about the application of the product when the first wrinkles appear. Regular application of the product makes the skin smooth, young, tightened, restores its elasticity and leads to tonus. The product effectively fights with pigment spots, acts as a sunscreen. If you, before going to sunbathe, will lubricate the coconut oil face, the skin will thank you with a uniform shade and freshness.
Facial mask with coconut oil
The effectiveness of the following recipes is proven by practice:
- Nutrition and softening of dry facial skin. Melt coconut oil( 2 tsp) in a water bath. When the substance becomes liquid, add honey( 2 tsp) into it and beat in the egg yolk( 1 piece).Apply the mixture to the face and neck area. The mask should be kept for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with water. Do the procedure three times a week, it will take 12-15 sessions.
- Facial mask from coconut oil from wrinkles. Mix 50 ml of coconut oil with 1 teaspoon of tocopherol oil solution. Apply the product to the cleansed face for a couple of hours before night rest, lightly patting the pads of your fingers. Wait until this peculiar cream is absorbed into the face, soak the remainder with a paper towel. Coconut oil for face cleaning. You will need one tablespoon of warm coconut oil of high quality, ½ tsp.lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, three drops of essential oil of tea tree and 2 drops of lavender oil extract. Keep the mask for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. The frequency of the procedure is twice a week.
Coconut Acne Scrub
Various scrubs based on coconut oil should be used for people with problem skin. Compositions help to get rid of blackheads, acne, black spots, keeping freshness and youth. Recipes for scrubs that are suitable for eliminating face problems:
- Mix the sea salt with coconut oil. Apply a thin layer of a thick mixture on the skin of the face, very easy to massage. Rinse with warm water, use 1-2 times a week. Mix coconut oil with soda. To get a more sparing composition, instead of soda, add a pinch of cinnamon and crushed oatmeal. The method of application is similar to the previous one.
- By 2 tbsp.l.coconut oil and liquid honey, connect with 1-1.5 st.l.ground coffee. Thoroughly mix the ingredients to leave a homogeneous mass. Treat the face 1-2 times in 7 days, and you will find that the black dots have disappeared, and the skin has become lighter.
Video: coconut oil for leather
Veronica, 27 years old : I have a sister brought Thai coconut oil for facial skin. Awesome smell, pleasant consistency, and you want to try it on the tooth. My face is very dry, so I put the remedy on my skin in pure form without fear. At first the face is sticky, and the sensations are not very comfortable, but then it becomes smooth, gentle, pleasant to the touch.
Marisha, 25 : The price of butter is rather big, but it costs its own money, it's not even discussed. I try to use the tool very sparingly: one small drop is enough for the face. The product is well rubbed and easily applied, does not clog pores. With moisturizing, cope 100% better than any cream. If you want a variety, I add vitamins to coconut oil.
Eugene, 45 years old : I tried this remedy for wrinkles. I did not help, even the impression that the situation has worsened. Nasolabial folds became strongly pronounced, and around the eyes there were simply no changes. For my sister, coconut oil proved to be more effective, because pimples and black dots disappeared from the face. Apparently, the product did not suit me, I will look for a replacement.
Nicole, 30 years : I have been practicing the use of coconut oil for different parts of the body for 5 years, and all this time the product has never caused discontent, only delight. The face of it is young, even, has a healthy color. Hair shines with purity, strong, elastic. Body moisturized, well-groomed. Adding different components, you can achieve the desired result.