Hair Care Archives

The dream of every girl is healthy, shiny, beautiful hair. Today there are a huge number of procedures provided by beauty salons, thanks to which you can change the color and length of the strands, from curls make straight curls, and from even - wavy. But none of them will help make the hair flawless, if there is no proper, daily care. We will tell about how hair care should be at home, so that the hairstyle becomes the pride of its owner. Basic rules Surely everyone noticed that ...

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This service, as keratin hair straightening, became known not so long ago. It is positioned as the best way out for those who want to have perfectly smooth hair. Salon keratization copes even with curly curls from nature. The procedure, which is also called Brazilian straightening, has not only a cosmetic, but also a healing effect, smoothing the scales and improving the appearance of the hair. Curls become shiny, silky, they are easier to lay. The essence of the procedure What is keratin hair straightening? ...

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In the difficult conditions of modern life, premature hair loss is often observed not only in men, but also in women. The causes of this phenomenon may be different. In this article we will designate them and tell you about the methods of treatment. Including what vitamins for hair loss are most effective. Why does hair loss begin? First of all, you should understand what led to alopecia. There are many causes of the disease. They can be divided into internal and external. The following are internal: diseases of the skin of the head, ...

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Experts say that nicotinic acid for hair is one of the most valuable vitamins. With its deficiency there is a risk of stopping their growth, premature graying, excessive loss of strands and even the development of alopecia. Because it is so important to provide a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body. To do this, it is taken in the form of drugs, use products with a high content of of this substance and put useful masks on hair using vitamin in ampoules. What is nicotine? ...

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One can only envy those whose hair is beautiful by nature, healthy, thick and silky. Alas, today not everyone can boast of it. Most people, not only women, but also men, have to state with regret the unsatisfactory state of their hair. We will tell you how to correct the situation by making masks for hair with kefir. Why problems arise, how to treat hair? The reasons for the poor condition of the strands can be many, including genetics, unhealthy diet, stress, environmental conditions, diseases ...

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Women are rarely satisfied with their hair. Those who have straight hair, by all means want to curl them using curling, and those whom nature has awarded curls - straighten. But not only ladies with curls dream about perfectly straight hair. This hairstyle looks very simple, but effectively, emphasizing the strength, shine and health of hair. Traditionally used for ironing. But poor-quality equipment (only a device with ceramic coated plates is suitable for hair straightening) and / or ...

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Any woman dreams of thick and shiny hair, strong and healthy nails. Sometimes for no apparent reason, hair becomes dry and dull, and nails begin to exfoliate. Unpleasant phenomena may occur due to some diseases, but more often they are explained by the lack of useful substances. About what vitamins are necessary for hair and nails, we will tell in this publication. Basic nutritional elements Various substances, primarily vitamins of group B, are responsible for the condition of the hair and nails. Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, ...

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What is the effect of gelatin hair mask? Incomparable brilliance and smoothness! With gelatin you can do home lamination, significantly saving on the procedure, which is expensive at the hairdresser. Provided that you are beautifully styled hair, you get a salon effect. About gelatinous mask Many girls appreciated the benefits of the gelatin mask, which is easy to prepare with your own hands. If you make it liquid, apply on hair and rinse, you get a gelatin shampoo. Cooking mask is better ...

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Gorgeous hair - the result of a proper external care, and a balanced diet. Vitamins are essential for health and beauty. With the help of vitamin supplements, it is possible to stop the hair loss that has begun, to heal the strands along the entire length, to saturate the hair with shine and strength. Consider what vitamins are important for hair growth and in what form it is more effective to use them. Why vitamins for hair are so important Hair is unique in its structure: being an appendage of the epidermis, they consist of ...

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Each of us dreams of thick healthy curls, which are an attribute of any stylish image. We advise you to purchase apple vinegar for hair in order to fully appreciate the beneficial effects of natural conditioner and not to spend a lot of money on dubious cosmetic news. Manufacturers of miraculous means promise buyers an instant effect and assure that their products are able to bestow lush hair. And although few people believe these sweet words, an unknown force continues ...

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