Archives Tips for Parents

According to numerous studies, it is not enough to have a good job with a serious income. You must be able and properly plan your family budget, as well as spend money wisely. What is a family budget and how to plan it? What is a family budget? The family budget is called the entire set of family income, as well as a complete list of items of expenditure in the family. Saving family budget will be needed by all ...

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Starting a family life, any woman expects to spend her whole life in love and full harmony. However, it often happens that people could not save their relationships, and the family is deeply cracked. The pain is experienced by both parties, and it does not matter which of them was right and who was wrong. Before proceeding to consider the methods of returning freshness of the senses, you should study ...

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It so happens that the child has a normal ear, the intellect is in order, but he does not speak or speak absolutely badly. This lack of speech or its underdevelopment is called alalia. This violation occurs in approximately 1% of children of preschool age and in 0.6-0.2% of schoolchildren. Moreover, in boys it happens twice as often as in girls. The reasons for the development of alalia are not reliably elucidated, however, risk factors have been identified, to ...

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  • Sep 26, 2019
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