Archives Treatment of folk remedies

Red spots on the face - a phenomenon unaesthetic and delivering unpleasant sensations. Often, women resort to the simplest way to solve a problem - disguise with the help of tonal means. However, it is much more reasonable to first find out the reason for their appearance, because red spots are often symptoms of serious diseases. In such cases, one corrector is indispensable. Most often, the spots are formed in women under 30 years of age, their appearance is much less common in old age. The causes of the appearance of red spots on the face may be ...

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Vodka with chilli for colds is a very effective folk remedy, often helping a sick person to defeat the rising ailment and not get sick. In every person's life there are situations when an accidentally picked up common cold destroys prearranged plans: disrupts an important business meeting or trip, makes it impossible to participate in a long-awaited holiday, stacking for a long time bed. This usually occurs in the spring or in the autumn-winter period, when a low ...

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Do you need a fast-acting cure for cold and flu? Looking for the best means to fight ARVI, to prevent disease? Useful information and simple tips will help you. Do you want to prepare for a possible illness? Surely, you heard that prevention of influenza and ARVI plays a huge role, you decided to take measures in advance. Also, it will be important for you to find out which drugs will help to cope with the diseases, how to properly treat them ...

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Giardia are small protozoan parasites that are able to survive and reproduce in the upper parts of the small intestine of the duodenum. In size, they are larger than bacteria, but much smaller than helminths, so they cannot be noticed with the naked eye. Giardia inhabit the surface of the intestinal mucosa, causing inflammation and irritation. The disease provoked by these parasites is called giardiasis. Most often lambliasis occurs in children than in adults. According to ...

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Sinusitis is a disease that occurs quite often. It is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which are located to the right and left of the bridge of the nose. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, an allergic reaction. Sinusitis can be a complication of the flu or another cold. It can proceed sharply, and can be sluggish. There are cases when the body quickly copes with this scourge, but often the sinusitis becomes chronic ...

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For many people, dandelion causes a variety of emotions and associations: someone with awe remembers childhood and weaving wreaths, someone so liked to blow it down, and for some it is just annoying weed Although in fact dandelion can rightly be called a healing plant. No wonder that in Russia he was also called the “elixir of youth”. A wise proverb accurately reflects its essence: ...

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