The desire to create a family is normal and natural for each person. By entering into marriage, a man and a woman create one whole, while the family goes through a number of stages of its development, which have certain features and characteristics. What is the specificity of family relations? Psychology of relations between a man and a woman. According to the accepted definition, a family is a social group based on marital relations, and also ...
Read more "Starting a family life, any woman expects to spend her whole life in love and full harmony. However, it often happens that people could not save their relationships, and the family is deeply cracked. The pain is experienced by both parties, and it does not matter which of them was right and who was wrong. Before proceeding to consider the methods of returning freshness of the senses, you should study ...
Read more "If you have a beloved or beloved, you will never be bored! There is always a reason for joy and happiness. But often in a relationship there are problems with grief. And all because men and women have completely different psychology. Sometimes it is very difficult for representatives of different sexes to achieve harmony. The psychology of men in relationships with women The psychology of relationships between women and men has 5 important ...
Read more "It is hardly possible to find someone who is not familiar with the feeling of jealousy. It is very strong and, unfortunately, not always controlled. Often it is accompanied by unpleasant experiences for a person. Where does jealousy come from? It arises from the fear of losing your second half? Or maybe it's just a manifestation of a sense of ownership? Or is jealousy an inevitable companion of relations and must it be reconciled? But why so destructive ...
Read more "All men and women at least once in their lives, but feel a sense of jealousy. Its nature and manifestations are destructive. Although most people believe that without her true love does not happen. The psychology of jealousy Jealousy is a manifestation of doubt in someone's love, loyalty and devotion. Dahl believes that this feeling turns a person into a beast. But jealousy has positive and negative sides: ...
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