Tampons Qing Gong: for the treatment of uterine fibroids, manual (reviews)


  1. Composition means
  2. The main effect on the body
  3. Indications tampons Qing Gong
  4. advantages of funds
  5. Contraindications to the use of
  6. Instructions for use
  7. What you should pay attention to?
  8. Duration of treatment

Chinese tampons began to appear en masse about 10 years ago in the domestic market. Women did not immediately began to use tampons Qing Gong due to lack of data on this product, immediately appealing for information to gynecologists. And only recently, physicians began to advise their patients a proven means of traditional Chinese medicine, but only as a preventative or additional treatment. Indeed, Happiness company's products are not medicines. This herbal medicine products, which when used properly show excellent results in support of women's health issues.

Tampons Qing Gong

Composition means

All company products are of exceptional Hepines composition that contains only natural ingredients. It should be noted that the means is an analogue of the company Hao Gang, which is virtually identical to its composition and health-preventive effect.

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Tampons Qing Gong contain more than ten kinds of useful medicinal herbs. Among them stands out:

  • Kushen. It has antipyretic, antiseptic, and effectively prevents the occurrence of tumors in the body.
  • Xue-jo or Calamus Draco. Excellent relieves pain, promotes healing of lesions within the body.
  • Bin piennes. It improves overall health women, increases efficiency, fights inflammation.
  • Huang Lien or Kontis Chinese. It is able to clean the body, but also has a sedative effect.
  • N-Shu, or acacia. It reduces pain and normalizes blood circulation.
  • Shi Chuang Tzu. It increases libido and removes unpleasant genital itching.

Traditional medicine developed in each nation, but do yourself a similar tool does not get at home due to lack of the necessary components. But now the Chinese swabs can be purchased in almost any region of our country. The analogue of this product is tampons Fubaonin., And BEAUTIFUL LIFE. to read reviews about tampons Beautiful Life, Follow the link.

The main effect on the body

Product Application of company Heppiness may be conducted as a preventive measure or as part of combined therapy.

Using the Qing Gong:

  • postpones the menopause;
  • stabilize the menstrual cycle;
  • It reduces pain during menstruation;
  • improves the uterus and the vagina wall;
  • It reduces the amount of pigmentation in the skin;
  • improves the urogenital system;
  • removes age incontinence;
  • improves the vaginal flora;
  • It improves the quality of sexual life;
  • stabilize metabolic processes in the body;
  • eliminating vaginal dryness;
  • It supports female beauty and attractiveness;
  • It maintains a lively and fresh complexion;
  • improve the ovaries;
  • It prevents gynecological diseases.

Indications tampons Qing Gong

For the treatment of uterine fibroids and other gynecological pathologies doctors have to prescribe medication. Tampons-Qing Gong beads may also advise the gynecologist, but for additional treatment. This product serves good auxiliary means and method of preventing the following diseases:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • various cysts;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • the absence of menstruation;
  • inflammation of the uterus and vagina;
  • recovery after childbirth and surgery (can not be used at once);
  • various cervical pathology;
  • fallopian tube obstruction;
  • cystitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • polyps;
  • problems with conception;
  • urinary incontinence.

Very often, women confuse drugs and similar sanitary pads for cleaning the uterus. The fact that these products will help to conceive a child only if the problem is related to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, or an imbalance of vaginal microflora. Their action in the first place, aimed at improving the general condition of the reproductive system, after which the body will already be easier to cope with gynecological pathologies.

advantages of funds

Reviews gynecologists and patients suggest the following advantages of this health-preventive agent:

  1. Effective self-test methods. Using just a few swabs, a woman can independently establish the presence of gynecological problems, but it can not hurt to visit the hospital and get tested for reliability.
  2. Deep cleansing. With regard to the vagina and uterus, treatment and purification applies to all bacteria and viruses, including chlamydia. But a full treatment would require additional medications, especially in very severe cases.
  3. Total recovery. Passage of only one course can make a woman's body more resistant to various harmful influences. Means a positive effect on the vaginal condition, uterus, ovaries. It also improves blood circulation in the pelvis.
  4. Improvement in appearance. Eliminating internal problems with using tampons Qing Gong Wan, a woman maintains her youth and attractiveness. Application means improves skin, its color, relieving dryness and wrinkles due to normalization of blood flow and operation of internal secretion.
  5. Effective prevention. Monthly use of the tampon is set effective prevention of gynecological pathologies.

When buying agent Qing Gong, remember that the effectiveness and safety of these tampons is dependent not only on the medicinal properties, but also the following advantages:

  • full compliance with the international quality standard;
  • sterile manufacturing conditions;
  • no chemical additives;
  • a lot of research on the safety of the product verification.

clicking on this link you can read reviews of all the Chinese tampons including on the balls of the Qing Gong.

Contraindications to the use of

The only absolute contraindication - it means idiosyncrasy components. Also, it is not recommended for women with:

  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting.

It is best to start the application after the diagnosis in the hospital. It is recommended to donate blood, do an ultrasound to see genitals and mammalogy.

Instructions for use

For effective and proper use of the instruction requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. Opening crimson-purple packaging with clean hands, can be used sterile gloves.
  2. Before use, you need to unwind the rope control.
  3. For convenience, you can tie a knot on the rope.
  4. Before the introduction of the tampon is necessary to wash the vagina.
  5. The procedure is performed in a comfortable relaxed position.
  6. The tampon must enter smoothly, leaving outside the control thread.
  7. With the proper introduction of the tampon is not felt.
  8. It means left in the vagina for three days.
  9. After the procedure must douching using herbal broth or saline.
  10. The following procedure is carried out a day later.
  11. With increased vaginal dryness can be a few minutes swab dipped in warm water.

What you should pay attention to?

  • The tampon-balloon is not a drug.
  • Before use, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist and undergo ultrasound.
  • It can not be used during menstruation.
  • Using stopped 5 days prior to menses, and are not used for three days after menses.
  • Engage in sexual intercourse can be three hours after extracting means.
  • After surgery, the use is possible only after six months.
  • You can not use the same tampon more than once.
  • It is undesirable to be combined with other recipes of traditional medicine on the basis of onions, aloe vera, honey, sea buckthorn, and so on. D.

Duration of treatment

  1. Standard course includes 6 procedures.
  2. In chronic diseases may be 2-3 courses.
  3. two pad-ball in a month for the normalization of the vaginal microflora is enough to use.
  4. Unprotected intercourse is possible to use a tampon for preventing infectious diseases.
  5. After a swim in the pool or open water, only one procedure.

According to doctors of the Qing Gong product it indicates that the Chinese allowed to use tampons-balls in the adjuvant therapy or as prophylaxis. Means sold in individual packs, and the average price of the course (6 sessions) is 500-700 rubles.

Remember, treat gynecological diseases only traditional methods can not only be in vain, but also dangerous.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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