Briefs for month: Underwear for critical days


  1. Did comfort possible during menstruation
  2. About pads shortcomings
  3. On the shortcomings of tampons
  4. About shorts for monthly
  5. Misconceptions about panties for menstruation
  6. Rating panties for menstruation

In adolescence, and for about 40 years, every month she lives most embarrassing period - menstruation. It is impossible to get used to it, even though that period comes steadily on schedule, only occasionally arranging surprises appear at the wrong time in the wrong place. Sometimes you have to take increased precautions against leakage and still feel insecure. And somebody already has an innovative feminine hygiene product, relieves increased anxiety over their appearance these days - for monthly briefs.

Briefs for monthly

Did comfort possible during menstruation

Our grandmothers and even mothers caught between more terrible conditions of its existence at the time of menstruation. Today's hygiene products they perceive as the highest good of civilization, because they had to do with the help of rags and wool. About tampons and out of the question, although the papyrus analogues used in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome tampons were made of wool. The spread is a convenient hygienic device received in America in the 30s of the twentieth century, but has not yet been used in some countries.

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Pads and tampons for women of the future will soon look as ridiculous as improvised backing today. The science is not in place, including in the field of women's comfort. Already on sale there were cowards who reliably protect against leakage in a period of intense bleeding, and they can be worn without additional personal hygiene when allocating are on the decline. Underwear for critical days coined specifically to this month the period for women was exactly the same as any other.

About pads shortcomings

Gaskets and convenience - are incompatible. How would manufacturers may try to alleviate them: make more subtle and the most absorbent, you can not avoid some significant disadvantages:

  1. Accurate human anatomy based on movements hygienic means would not be able to repeat, so the discomfort is present.
  2. With increased activity wings product is still detached from the flanges of shorts, and she begins to move freely.
  3. Even flavored product is unable to completely destroy the odor during wear.
  4. With gasket superobtyagivayuschuyu not dress clothes or swimsuit.

On the shortcomings of tampons

In terms of ease of tampon it looks much more advantageous: a specific smell, active movements are not terrible, and it is invisible, if you have to wear tight clothes. You can even swim! But doctors do not recommend to use them in the first two days, when abundant bleeding from the body and can go clots.

And also a serious drawback - it is impossible to control the degree of fullness of the sanitary article and can miss the moment when it is time to change it. Likely to get into an uncomfortable situation in a public place grows at times. Therefore, some of the ladies use both at the same hygiene means at the same time - practical but inconvenient.

What to say about the night when you do not get to keep the situation under control. How many sheets are hopelessly spoiled during regulation. Now imagine that the defender of your sleep and comfort already exists!

About shorts for monthly

Menstrual pants - innovative female gadget that offered the market the company WUKA from Britain. The idea was immediately taken up, and went to spread in the United States, Japan and the UK, and has created excitement in the women's quarters. Now established their production in Russia (Moscow, Moscow) - a product called numb. The cost of the pants to the critical days with waterproof insert is quite acceptable - starts from 550 rubles, or $ 9. Given that they are reusable and need not be thrown away after one use, and can be washed and used again, like any other clothes, the benefit is obvious.

Misconceptions about panties for menstruation

Panties for menstruation is not very common, but the glory of them begins to grow into myths that should dispel, as most of them are not unfounded.

Myth 1: To protect against leaks during menstruation using rubber pants made of waterproof fabric, which resembles a wetsuit to the touch. No. In fact this is not true: they are 95% cotton with an insert of ultravpityvayuschego fiber (5%), which does not allow blood to appear on the surface due dampproof outer surface.

Myth 2: Women's Skin preet due adherent thick material. No. Underwear for days of menstruation is almost entirely made of natural materials with modern technologies, so breathable and allows the skin to breathe. Product density is increased only in the area of ​​the insert - a strip from behind, in the crotch and pubic area. The widest among the protective strip of linen for monthly famous Japanese cowards. But they are not harmful, but even useful, because the insert material - Antibacterial.

Myth 3: Innovative underwear for controller looks like a grandmother's breeches.
And there again. Models such cowards really little. There are products with a high waist, covering the whole ass - they are positioned as night hygienic product, which provides a comfortable sleep with full protection against leakage. But there is a very elegant model - slips and even thong that looks no worse than the usual underwear.

There is also a significant advantage: these shorts have a pocket to tuck wings pads. Even if you have a period of heavy bleeding, and you have to wear a pad, it will not be noticeable, and she would not fidget with active movements, walking or running.

Rating panties for menstruation

Already many women proeksperimentatirovavshih hygienic underwear for yourself, who left positive reviews on the Internet. They can be used to rank the popularity of menstrual underwear.

Most popular in a review - numb, because they are the most affordable and at a price and on request. The quality is also no complaints, decent analogue British developers.

But world leaders in popularity for the day - US Thinx panties. Their absorbency surprises! Even lightweight version lingerie, sex Thong, holds more than a tampon into three droplets. Bribes and that the manufacturers of the money from the revenue spent on personal care products for women, who can not buy them.

Imagine that one day you will not need to buy tampons and pads, no surprises in the morning is not afraid, and, going somewhere, do not have to think about the extra protection. Comfort has already knocked on the door of every woman - is only to open them and decide what you will be wearing shorts in the critical days.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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