Watery discharge during pregnancy: liquid, transparent, sticky


  1. Causes of watery discharge during pregnancy
  2. Selection at different stages of pregnancy
  3. Liquid secret in the first trimester (1 - week 12)
  4. Watery discharge during the second trimester (13 - 27 weeks)
  5. Vodichka selection as in the third trimester (28 - 40 weeks)
  6. When the watery mucus is pathology?
  7. Hygiene under intensive liquid excretions

The period of gestation long-awaited baby - one of the most important stages in a woman's life. Her world is undergoing profound changes, in particular - in the body. Any changes to guard the future mother. The most common, which is accompanied by many questions are different kinds of vaginal discharge. Norm and pathology are both watery discharge during pregnancy. Let's understand in some cases, the appearance of such a trait worry, and where not.

Dedicated to the 39 week of pregnancy

Causes of watery discharge during pregnancy

Gynecologists, obstetricians say that basically transparent and white liquid discharge during pregnancy - are the norm, provided that they do not bloody and accompanied by painful sensations. They can be odorless or with his presence, stringy or Vodicka. Last - the most common.

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Found himself such, should be immediately deleted rupture of the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid have a specific pronounced sweetish odor and a yellow tint. With these characteristics need to consult a doctor immediately, because here we are talking about the threat to the fetus and mother. Not all women are capable of detecting leakage of amniotic fluid, so if you found yourself in the intense isolation read the article "how to distinguish the amniotic fluid from the usual heavy discharge"

The mucous membrane covering the female genitals produces mucus throughout their lives. This mucus that is produced by the cervix secrets, called cervical. In different periods of the precipitates have a different consistency.

For example, the first day of the menstrual cycle, characterized liquid separation as water. It was he who contribute to the easy penetration of sperm to fertilize an egg. With the onset of ovulation is - already more than thick clear discharge, which perform the barrier function, protecting the internal environment from getting germs of various infections and bacteria that allows you to secure the future embryo.

Selection at different stages of pregnancy

Depending on the length of gestation, watery discharge during pregnancy have a place to be and change their character. The normal clear discharge during pregnancy throughout the entire period of gestation baby. All these changes are due to shift the balance of hormonal and dominance of certain hormones.

Liquid secret in the first trimester (1 - week 12)

It was under the active influence of the hormone progesterone release in early pregnancy They have such a rich character. The secret is in between 5 and 10 weeks of pregnancy becomes more dense and viscous due to this hormone.

Watery discharge in early pregnancy should not be too liquid. Women have, watery discharge during early pregnancy should be aware that the presence of such may indicate inflammation or other illnesses. In this step, the secret should not differ from the normal, it is odorless, not sticky, does not cheesy texture, a sufficiently lean. The presence of this symptom is the reason for treatment to the gynecologist.

Please note that the first month of pregnancy may sometimes even accompanied by spotting. In 8% of cases it is possible to maintain menstruation until the fifth - seventh week the situation.

Watery discharge during the second trimester (13 - 27 weeks)

But the highlight of pregnancy in the second trimester become more fluid in nature, and worrying about it is not necessary. Slime 13 week begins to produce secrets already under the active influence of estrogen, which makes it thinner and watery. It has no odor, as a rule - are not accompanied by painful sensations, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Releasing secrets under the influence of hormonal changes that make them more watery, and that's fine.

Do not forget that the eleventh and 25th week of pregnancy - the two most important, critical stage, and it is in these moments should pay special attention to the nature of allocated secret.

Spin second trimester usually do not have a specific odor. If there is an unpleasant aroma, it is better to consult a doctor.

Vodichka selection as in the third trimester (28 - 40 weeks)

In the third trimester amount of secretion products continues to increase. Produced mucus is still under the control of estrogen levels which content will increase to twenty times and increase the amount of liquid discharges at 35-37 weeks of gestation.

This hormone affects the cervix, where are the mucous secretion. In consequence, mucus becomes liquid, and more similar to urine, because the hue becomes slightly yellow.

Allocation by 25 weeks' gestation, and all subsequent - the result of active estrogen. They are abundant and reach a maximum at 38-39 week liquefaction.

When the watery mucus is pathology?

The above changes in the nature of mucus secreted on all terms "interesting situation" are the norm. If you notice any abnormalities or changes, it can be sign of gynecological diseases or pathology.

Mucus may be of a certain character, and accompanied by such signs:

  1. The acquisition of a certain shade. It can be dark yellow, brown, green, reddish. Clear discharge during pregnancy - is the norm, all others - an occasion to refer to a specialist.
  2. Changing consistency and texture. If you can see sticky discharge, frothy, Curdled or lumpy - these are signs of pathology.
  3. Unpleasant odor (rotten, sweet, fish, Milk) may indicate an infection.
  4. Pain, swelling, itching, burning, irritation, growths in the mucous membranes also show deviations are normal.
  5. Pain when urinating, pulling sensation in the abdomen, increase in body temperature can also be used as a pretext for going to the doctor.

Hygiene under intensive liquid excretions

During the childbearing woman's body is particularly vulnerable to attack infections, bacteria and germs. It is extremely important to prevent ingestion of those that most often occurs precisely through the genitals. So if you set clear discharge during this special situation, be sure to observe the following rules of hygiene:

  1. You need to take a shower at least twice a day. Since the allocation block and delay foreign organisms - they need to be washed off and remove as much as possible. If you can not use the shower, it is necessary to wash at least every 3-4 hours.
  2. How can I change underwear more often.
  3. Use special means of intimate hygiene with natural ingredients that support the ph balance of the skin and mucous membranes.
  4. Recommended daily use of sanitary napkins. However, their choice should be approached with special attention. It is necessary to choose the best quality products that do not contain artificial impregnation and synthetic materials.

By following these simple recommendations, you can avoid trouble in the form of infections.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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