Beige highlight before, after a month: in the middle of the cycle from the vagina


  1. characteristic symptoms
  2. Sign on different days of the menstrual cycle
  3. before menstruation
  4. after a month
  5. During the month
  6. In the middle of the cycle
  7. Discharges due to allergic reactions
  8. Sexual contact
  9. during pregnancy
  10. age factor
  11. Pathology and diseases

Nature of the discharge of a woman is constantly changing along with the menstrual periods. But there are physiological and pathological factors that influence their composition and quality. On what to look for and when to seek medical attention if there were beige discharge before menstruation, after them, and at any other time of the cycle, this article will explain.

beige allocation

characteristic symptoms

The definition of "beige" is a collective term. Under this category fall light brown discharge, yellowish milk, cream shade. They come in liquid, thick consistency, abundant and smearing. Those composed primarily of mucous secretion produced by glands in the genital organs, the nature of which varies depending on the hormonal fluctuations, different physiological states of the female body or pathologies.

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Beige-brown discharge occur when blood is added to the mucus. This color it acquires, if the blood is released in small quantities, and folds in the genital tract. Beige-yellowish and milky microflora is caused by changing the composition, as well as the possible presence of an inflammatory or infectious process.

Spin beige may be referred directly to menstruation, after it, in the middle cycle (at ovulation), which is a normal phenomenon that can be attributed to physiological changes. But the designation of emissions in different time without reference to Regulus or release of the egg from the follicle becomes a reason to see a doctor.

Identify several reasons describe symptoms:

  1. The course of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Hormonal and endocrinological disorders.
  3. The use of contraceptives and hormone-free.
  4. Allergic reaction.
  5. Sexual contact.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. The age factor.

The main criteria by which one can distinguish the physiological mucus beige on the symptom of the disease is the lack of in the first case, an unpleasant smell, specific sensations (burning and vaginal itching, abdominal pain, discomfort during intercourse), homogeneous texture, normal urination. The presence of at least one feature of this list should be alerted.

Sign on different days of the menstrual cycle

before menstruation

The appearance of the symptoms before menstruation due to hormonal changes. At this point, intensive work aimed at the seizure of progesterone and endometrial preparation for a new cycle. Under the influence of this hormone mucosal lining of the womb goes into full standby for a day or two before the onset of menstruation to the removal and becomes swollen and loose, let them know about this small amount of blood, which is rolled and is indicated on the output beige or brown daubs before menstruation. Following this, the critical days should begin.

When the selection of this kind have appeared earlier than two days before menstruation, or are they unpleasant smell and resonate with discomfort in the intimate area, it can be assumed disease.

after a month

Beige release after a month - it is the natural continuation of them. They are due to the fact that the blood does not disappear abruptly, and after a complete rejection of the endometrium is no longer be developed gradually, and some of it is turned off in the genital tract, eventually leaving them with mucous secretion. It is permissible norm when there is no time gap to the critical days. When smears after a month a week or two, that is, the probability of the pathological process.

During the month

The situation is often when similar allocation takes place at the beginning of the monthly or even come in their place. The main prerequisite for this is a hormonal disorder that can be associated with the following factors:

  1. Incorrectly matched hormonal contraceptives or excessive use of them.
  2. Disruptions in the endocrine system.
  3. Wrong way of life.
  4. Bad habits that are particularly detrimental effect on the female body and the reproductive system.
  5. Excessive physical and emotional stress, stress.
  6. Climax.

Beige-brown discharge instead of menstruation are identified and due to the lack of weight, a rigid diet, low hemoglobin in the blood.

In the middle of the cycle

Intermenstrual beige isolation in the middle of the cycle and their causes are of different origin. Natural factor that plays a role in their appearance, there is ovulation. At this point, mature egg from the follicle goes through its rupture. In this process there is a slight discharge of blood, denoted beige, cinnamon, pink or the secret discharge streaked with blood. Permissible slight feeling of pain in the abdomen. These symptoms are short-lived and limited to one day. On the basis of this determined period of highest probability of conception. Learn about the possible causes brown discharge in the middle of the cycle except the ovulation period in the article here.

Discharges due to allergic reactions

Such secretion sometimes occurs as an allergic reaction to contraceptives, intimate hygiene, synthetic underwear, lubricants and even drugs used to treat a disease that is not associated with sexual system.

To eliminate the allergic symptoms need to remove stimulus.

Common cases where a similar way react female organs on the installation of an intrauterine device. The first few days after its introduction allowed minor deviations from the usual selections. But if they changed its color to brown, beige, pink and bloody and lasted a long time, you should consult your gynecologist about the removal of a contraceptive.

Sexual contact

During intercourse, vaginal glands secrete more usual mucous secretion, which may be hazy light color.

When the sexual encounter ended with ejaculation, after the woman is sometimes seen at the thick vaginal discharge, resembling egg yolk, cream or beige shades. It has got the sperm and female lubrication go outside.

The normal discharge after intercourse should not have a specific smell and accompanied by itching.

during pregnancy

Beige vaginal discharge may help women learn about pregnancy. Such a feature at the beginning of interesting natural position and denotes the moment of conception, when introduced into the uterine cavity of a fertilized egg. Thus responding to the main female organ is still a foreign body for her. Often for a few additional days of beige, light brown and even sukrovichnye selection at early pregnancy.

In the first month gestation period, a sharp hormonal changes begin in the body of the future mother, but because the nature of allocated secret may vary in color and quantity. Permissible white, yellow, beige, greenish vaginal dischargeBut on the condition that they normally smell, do not contain blood and pus, do not cause discomfort and pain.

Any change of these characteristics should be immediately followed by a campaign to the gynecologist.

age factor

Age-related changes play an important role as a secretion produced. Since puberty and up to the completion of reproductive function of the fair floor observed at various discharge.

With the onset of menstruation in girls 1-2 years sex composition of mucus is constantly changing under the influence of fluctuations in the level of hormones. Unstable hormones at this time is able to manifest beige intermenstrual secretions, and this symptom instead of monthly.

A similar picture emerges, and with the beginning of menopause. Failures in the menstrual cycle, unusual discharge and other changes were observed at woman due to lack of estrogen at menopause. This may explain the similar symptoms to the menopausal stage. After him any specific secretion of blood should be cause for concern.

Pathology and diseases

When the described secretion is complemented by other, cause discomfort symptoms, then it is a violation. This may be an inflammatory, infectious process, venereal disease, neoplasm.

  • Endometritis - inflammation of the surface layer of the endometrium.
  • Adnexitis - inflammation of the fallopian tube, and ovary.
  • Coleitis - vaginal infections and damage due to violation of its microflora.

uterine inflammation often make themselves felt before and after menstruation. They characterize the beige and brown discharge accompanied tenderness, fever, unpleasant odor.

inflammation of the vagina develop against ingress of pathogens. These include:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis, wherein the designated beige dirty-yellow mucus, interface with itching, burning, smelling of rotten fish and amplifying after sexual contact.
  2. Thrush - a fungal disease called candidiasis. By the symptoms are white, cream and beige curdled allocation with the smell of sour milk. Sometimes observed yellow discharge thrush.

Such tint of mucus nature of many infectious diseases. To ascertain their origin, should pass a smear and describe the features of the doctor.

Spin with the same tint sometimes indicate endometriosis, myomas, polyps, neoplasms of the cervix, its cavities and pipes. Symptomatology of these diseases appear at any time of the menstrual cycle, but more - closer to the top, or a few days after menstruation.

Independently determine the cause of symptoms characterized by quite hard, especially if he is a pathological basis. When the connection with the cycle is excluded, the best seem to the gynecologist and get advice and competent treatment.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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