The menstrual cycle after delivery (when recovered): irregular periods


  1. What you need to know about the menstrual cycle
  2. Allocation in the postpartum period
  3. The reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle after birth
  4. How soon after birth will recover monthly
  5. Nature of the discharge after delivery
  6. What to do to recover faster cycle

Most women have already given birth confirm that the menstrual cycle after delivery are not recovered immediately. There are certain dates in which the delay menstruation is the norm. However, hormonal disruptions and the development of certain pathologies of the weakening of the body lead to serious deviations during the cycle.

Menstruation after childbirth

What you need to know about the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a natural process in the female body. It manifests itself in the form of cyclic shift state of the reproductive organs, the nervous system and hormonal levels.

The cycle is accepted include days between the start of the next menstruation. Depending on the age, weight and other characteristics of the individual woman, its duration varies. Normal cycle length is from 3 to 5 weeks. Regular process is called in the event that it takes approximately the same number of days each time.

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Proper during menstruation and the period between them is the preparation of the reproductive system of women to conceive forthcoming. The cycle consists of several phases, coming one after the other:

  1. First. Characterized by enhanced production of estrogen appendages. The endometrium is significantly increased in size. Ovaries formation occurs formation containing egg. After maturation of the follicle ruptures. The process is known as ovulation and is accompanied by the release of an egg with its subsequent advancement in the abdominal cavity.
  2. Second. Until the fertilized cell moves through the channels of the uterus. It is fully prepared for the possibility of conception. If within 3 days of contact with the sperm does not occur, the egg dies. As hormonal changes, this phase is characterized by the active progesterone production, affecting the ability of the endometrial layer to take a zygote.
  3. Menstruation. If the cell is not fertilized, the endometrium delamination occurs because the progesterone level drops. Woman marks the start of the regulation. Monthly called isolation of bloody character with the channels of the reproductive system.

After the first bleeding begins a new cycle.

The normal duration is critical days from 3 days to a week and a loss of an average of 100 ml of blood.

If conception has occurred, the state of the body can change dramatically. Hormonal rebuilt in order to avoid interruption of gestation. These changes lead to a lack of menstruation during pregnancy and cause menstruation after childbirth.

Allocation in the postpartum period

After birth, there is a gradual recovery of the uterine structures. For about two months, the body actively reduced and returns to its normal state. Because the woman notes the discharge of bloody character. They are called lochia, and in any case does not mean the early recovery of menstruation after childbirth.

In normal resumption of body exudates vary gradually lose color and saturated shifting from red to yellow. Soon lochia should completely stop.

In the case of prolonged release (more than 50-60 days), and if the color does not change, consultation with a doctor.

The reason for deviation in the restoration can be covered in a hormonal imbalance or pathology of genitals. Diagnose the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment. When the correct treatment of the lochia stop, and soon after the birth of menstruation normal.

The reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle after birth

Normal recovery cycle after delivery characterized by a natural delay the onset of menstruation. The reason - increase in the concentration of some and the decline in other hormones. In most cases, the regularity of discharge is resumed after a couple of months.

The delay in the onset of critical days allows the body to recover mothers, increase the protective functions and return normal vitamin and mineral balance. And pause prepares a woman to the next conception and gestation.

Do moms that breastfeeding is followed constantly, it continues to actively produce the hormone prolactin. The substance inhibits ovulation and thereby prevents run natural cycle. Because the woman that is transferred to artificial feeding the baby, soon ascertain the onset of menstruation.

Irregular periods isolation after childbirth observed in many mothers. On the features of the cycle affect factors such as pathological and physiological nature. The reasons for that are regularly may be unstable and slower to recover, include:

  1. Problems with the common indicators of reproductive and endocrine systems, infection or inflammation of internal genital organs.
  2. Emotional and mental instability.
  3. Lack of rest and the number of missing sleep.
  4. Complications arising during childbirth and child-bearing.
  5. Chronic diseases are responsible for a regular cycle systems.
  6. Age mother more than 30 years.
  7. Third or more generations in a row.
  8. The errors in complying with hygiene.
  9. Unbalanced diet, lack of in the body of useful components.

How soon after birth will recover monthly

When the cycle begins menstruatsionny after delivery depends on a huge amount of influence on the state of the woman's body factors. Considered normal following dates resumption of healthy menstruation:

  1. If you are breastfeeding and complementary feeding are absent menses do not occur until the cessation of lactation.
  2. In case of prolonged breastfeeding (more than a year) is possible onset of menstruation and lactation. Fully artificial feeding the baby and the absence of HS leads to ovulation after 2-3 months. That is, on average, menstruation after birth through breastfeeding It begins at 12 weeks after birth. Perhaps offensive anovulatory critical days.
  3. In case of shortage of breast milk of mother and baby partial introduction of diet selection mixtures blood comes after 4 or 5 months, or even six months after birth.
  4. Caesarean or natural product of the baby into the world do not have a significant effect on the duration of the recovery. And in the first and in the second case Regula begin approximately at the same time when the other conditions of equality.
  5. Genera complications, instability lochia, endometritis and sepsis development will lead to dulling of natural recovery processes. In this case, the woman will be a delay of the first month.

Although the data periods are the norm when restored menstrual cycle after birth depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. However, with a strong deviation of the delay from the usual indicators go to the gynecologist and establish the reasons for the failure.

Nature of the discharge after delivery

In most cases, the restoration of a monthly period after birth occurs after 2 or 3 cycles. Critical days are held regularly, otherwise you need to seek help from a doctor.

Lead to irregular menstruation can:

  • inflammation of the uterus and ovaries;
  • development of endometriosis and adenomyosis;
  • growths on the genitals structures;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Another factor, in which month did not come - a new pregnancy. Although prolactin is produced during lactation in large quantities, it is not warranted to be free of conception possibilities.

For most women, the renewed regulation characterized by a large volume of liquid is torn away. Copious not critical with the duration of menstruation at least 7 days. The reason for consulting a doctor can serve accompanied by bleeding malaise: loss of orientation in space, the total weakness during menses, An increased heart rate.

It does not matter if a woman has increased or decreased during the menstrual cycle and separately. However, when the days between the first discharge takes place more than 35 or less than 21 days and separation occur 1-2 days, or for a long time (more than a week), it is an occasion guard.

Can go monthly after birth every month? Yes, it happens in the first times of menstruation in the recovery period. But in the case of the frequent absence of discharge or occurrence them unsuitable days is better to check for the presence of abnormalities of the reproductive system.

Symptoms of PMS and cramps during menstruation in some young mothers can pass, while others, on the contrary, appear. In the case of pain before birth, when the mother breached a bend, a sign may disappear. This is due to the fact that the body condition of normalization due to the product of the child into the world.

Menstruation becomes painful due to:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.
  2. Contractions of the uterus large force.
  3. Unavailability of the body for childbirth.

strengthening the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is often observed, and even the appearance of it from those who had no such problems experienced. Women after giving birth before menstruation suffer from excessive emotionality, constant mood swings without causes addiction to insults and tears, pain in the breast, headaches, swelling, sleep problems, differences pressure.

What to do to recover faster cycle

There are rules to quickly normalize the number of days as the monthly cycle is restored after birth, bleeding and make stable:

  1. Provide the body with useful substances. After 9 months of gestation amount of vitamins and minerals mother considerably reduced. During lactation, the need for these components increases. In addition, the lack of useful elements slow recovery of the reproductive system and hormonal levels. As a result, a small amount of blood is different selections, comes at the wrong time and provokes pain in the abdomen.
  2. Eat right. Their new-found mother should eat healthy foods and to monitor the balance of food. It is important to have plenty of milk, meat, fruit and vegetables in season, without chemical additives. Dieting to lose weight for the purpose of, interferes with the body's natural regeneration functions and month can not go.
  3. Enough rest. Constant fatigue and poor sleep, depression interfere monthly resumed. It is important to follow the mode of the day and ask the husband and parents spend time with a child, arranging themselves proper rest or sleep, if necessary.
  4. Timely treatment. Complications of childbirth and chronic diseases require correction or quality care.

Affect the normalization cycle may lactation, nutrition, the emotional component of health and the presence or absence of disease states.

Conventional timing menarche are not binding. Many women are changing in the absence of any disturbance state genitalia or hormone production.

There are frequent menses bleeding postpartum menses late and intermittently, not typical prior reduction or increase in the duration. But if the cycle is correct, and allocating have acceptable color and volume, can not survive.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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