Is it possible to swim during menstruation: the sea, the river, the view of doctors


  1. According to doctors about swimming during menstruation
  2. Precautionary measures
  3. How to choose the right tampon for swimming and than they can be replaced
  4. Menstrual cup
  5. From any water treatment is to give to the critical days
  6. Sauna
  7. Swimming pool
  8. Lake
  9. Bath
  10. Sunbathing during menstruation

Many women do not just fall into a situation where the holiday coincides with the very period. Well, if you have the opportunity to adjust their vacation under the cycle time or change plans and go to the mountains, and not at sea. But what if this is not possible, and swim in the refreshing like water? And is it possible to swim during menstruation? Let's look at everything in order.

Swim with monthly

According to doctors about swimming during menstruation

Similar bans are associated with the peculiarities of the female reproductive system, which is subject to some changes in the critical days. Every woman in the cervical canal has a special plug of mucus. On ordinary days, she serves as a protection against ingress of various pathogens in the uterus. In the period of active uterus operation, the mother channel expands and cork comes out of it, leaving the uterus without protection.

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So, swimming in open and closed water bodies these days, increases the risk of getting infections in female sexual system. This can lead to various inflammatory processes and other troubles. That is why it is not recommended to swim during menstruation.And the opinion of gynecologists on this subject is simple - all they recommend to avoid open water body at least in the first 2-3 days of the cycle.

Precautionary measures

The risks are great enough, so you need to follow a few rules. There are recommendations that will save women's health and help not deny yourself the pleasure to enjoy water treatments to minimize the unpleasant consequences:

  1. The use of tampons. They are compact and inconspicuous. Applying them, you do not have to give up your favorite swimsuit.
  2. Before entering the pond, always insert a new tampon. Swim, immediately remove it. Leave wet swab impossible.
  3. After bathing, thoroughly wash. You can use an antiseptic soap.
  4. But do not get involved in them heavily. This can disrupt the normal vaginal microflora.
  5. After washing, be sure to replace the wet swimsuit clean and dry swimming trunks or underwear.
  6. Limit the time to stay in the water up to 20 minutes. If the water is cool, it is necessary at all to refrain from swimming.

Women and girls who have observed decrease in immunity or have any chronic genital diseases system, be sure to consult with your doctor for a swim in the open water for a period of monthly. In such cases, after cleaning the doctor may recommend further conduct vaginal douching special antiseptic solutions.

How to choose the right tampon for swimming and than they can be replaced

Best fit plugs with a high degree of absorption. Why? They will absorb any excess moisture and does not elapse. As already mentioned, the fresh swab should be inserted just before swimming, and extract - as soon as you exit the water.

When heavy menstrual period are not in the water for longer than 10 minutes. Moreover, if we have to use a tampon for the first time, it is possible to conduct a "test drive" home remedies. It's enough to try it in a water bath. If after 20 minutes in the bath nothing terrible has happened - boldly use the tool when visiting open bodies of water and on public beaches.

We should also note that there are special shortened virgins tampons. They are usually marked marked "mini". They protect the vagina and eliminate damage to the hymen.

Menstrual cup

Alternatively, women, sexually active, you can use a menstrual cup. This new facility, which will gradually supersede tampons. The cup is a silicone cap bell-shaped. It is inserted in such a way that its walls in close contact with the vaginal walls. Through this menstrual blood does not flow out, and going into the cap.

They come in disposable and reusable. Pull cup by using a special seal in the tip. Before bathing should be used or a new release of the contents of the reusable menstrual cup. After bathing, should carry out the procedure again. Buy these bowls can be on specialized sites or in pharmacies.

From any water treatment is to give to the critical days

How to bathe in the sea during menstruation every woman decides independently. But there are a number of water treatment, which doctors are strictly forbidden during the menstrual cycle:


Paired, saunas. At the time of menstruation is strictly forbidden to visit steam rooms, baths and saunas in any of their manifestations. Overheating body during menstruation period can cause strong discharge opening or internal bleeding.

Swimming pool

Abandonment of hiking in the pool. Can I swim in the pool during menstruation? Various disinfectants that are used for the pool water (chlorine) may cause irritation to skin and mucosa. Also in many public water basins special components are added, which change color upon contact with biological fluids. Menstrual blood, including. This water treatment can drive you in a very delicate situation, so do not recommend swimming in the pool.


Refusal to swim in closed waters. In standing water organisms develop much faster, because you need to eliminate swimming in the lake or estuary for the whole period of menstruation and a few days after their completion. This is to ensure that the body has had time to recover all of their protective functions.


bath reception should be replaced with a shower. During monthly wash must be at least 2-5 times a day. This will help prevent yeast infections and other unpleasant consequences. The water temperature should not exceed 39 ° C.

It is strictly forbidden to take a hot bath at monthly, which are accompanied by pain and malaise. Such a procedure may increase bleeding and cause deterioration of health.

Sunbathing during menstruation

Another sensitive issue, the answer to who knows not every woman is that of sunbathing during the critical days.

It would seem that what could be the limit? As in the case of hot water, the reception sunbathing can lead to excessive heating of the body, an increase in bleeding. tanning process is contraindicated in women with gynecological diseases, as fever may cause malaise, the discovery of internal bleeding, worsening of inflammation and other serious effects.

And also, during menstruation, hormonal changes organism reduces melanin - the main hormone which provides our skin beautiful brown hue. In connection with this feature of the female body, the hours spent on the beach, could be wasted time.

Can I swim in the sea during menstruation? This is a private matter of each woman. Anyway, the main rule should be strict adherence to safety measures, hygiene and focus on your own well-being. Do not forget that dirty water and heat are the main enemies of women these days.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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