Duphaston at a delay of menstruation: instruction manual, reviews, how to take to induce menses


  1. testimony
  2. Features of the drug
  3. What effect does the drug
  4. How to take Duphaston if delay
  5. Terms of use
  6. Usage duphaston instruction at a delay of menstruation
  7. length of treatment
  8. Time of receipt
  9. When will the monthly?
  10. Too early
  11. The long delay
  12. When drinking means not necessary
  13. Contraindications

Cause a failure in the menstrual cycle are capable of a variety of factors. Before you start using Duphaston at a delay of menstruation, it is necessary to ascertain the cause of the violation. This will depend on the dose and dosing regimen.

Djufaston delay at monthly


Djufaston used not only for the call menstruation, but also for treating diseases which may be associated with hormonal failures:

  • opsomenoreya (cycle days 36-43);
  • amenorrhea;
  • oligomenorrhea;
  • infertility;
  • delay polycystic ovary;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • PMS;
  • dysmenorrhea.

Duphaston is also used during delay monthly endometriosis.

With all these violations of patients there is a lack of progesterone. Hormone deficiency can be determined before pregnancy problems. This will tell during the monthly cycle.

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According to the reviews of Duphaston at a delay of menstruation, most women have experienced the following symptoms:

  1. Painful menstruation.
  2. Scant bleeding in the previous months.
  3. Frequent headaches.
  4. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Pain during sex.
  6. Increased vaginal dryness.
  7. Lack of daily discharge.
  8. Emotional destabilization.
  9. Sudden loss of hair.
  10. swelling of the extremities.
  11. Horse racing body weight.
  12. Excessive sweating or permanent sensation of cold.
  13. Insomnia.
  14. Delay or absence of menstruation.
  15. The deterioration of the skin.

In studying the comments on the forums is also noticeable that the cycle is sometimes broken without any signs, appearing only a slight delay. Without prompt medical attention the situation is worsening, which could lead to a systematic lack of ovulation and menstruation.

There are many drugs and tablets, at a delay causing monthlyWith which you can read on our website.

Features of the drug

If you have a long time and you do not have monthly appointed Duphaston should study the effect of the drug and its admission rules.

Duphaston - progestin hormonal drug is from Germany, which is the active component of dydrogesterone. This substance in all its characteristics as close as possible to natural progesterone, which is produced in the body. With this drug acts on the background of a number of advantages:

  1. It does not cause hyperplasia, cancer.
  2. Devoid of the side effects of androgenic progestogen.
  3. No effect on blood coagulation parameters.
  4. It does not affect the function of the liver.
  5. It does not cause weight gain.
  6. It is rapidly excreted from the body.
  7. A beneficial effect on reproductive function.
  8. No negative effect on other systems in the body of a woman.

What effect does the drug

In healthy women of reproductive age enhanced production of progesterone falls on the second phase of the cycle. Adequate levels of this hormone provides the necessary fluid accumulation in the mucosal layer of the uterus (endometrium). Because of this mucous membrane becomes the most ready for implantation of the ovum. If conception has not been or fertilized egg could not attach, then part of the endometrium is rejected and goes with the monthly bleeding.
If you do not have enough progesterone in the body, the reproductive system can not properly complete the cycle, and in this case applied Duphaston.

Also, menstruation may be due to lack of ovulation, ie nevyzrevshie egg. In order to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system, the drug on the background of such a breach is taken for a long time. But during this time the ovaries are resting, because the synthetic hormone performs for them all the work.

Amenorrhea may be caused precisely with drug intake. Delayed menstruation after duphaston - a rare occurrence, but it suggests that the drug is not suitable and you should consider replacing.

How to take Duphaston if delay

In case of violation Djufaston cycle is taken under medical supervision. Gynecologist individually picks:

  • dose;
  • a reception circuit;
  • duration of therapy;
  • additional medications (if necessary).

The patient is required to strictly observe professional advice to establish their menstrual cycle and get the desired result in the form of stable monthly.

Terms of use

Eating to call monthly Duphaston tablets, consider the following:

  • means only appointed doctor;
  • before treatment is necessary to make analyzes;
  • it is important to exclude pregnancy;
  • pills contain only progesterone;
  • the effectiveness of treatment depends largely on the woman;
  • can not independently increase the dose or duration of treatment;
  • contraceptive drug has no effect;
  • at excessively prolonged use efficiency decreases.

Duphaston is safe for health, because a minimum number of side effects. But any violation of instructions affects the recovery time and the stabilization of the menstrual cycle.

Usage duphaston instruction at a delay of menstruation

How to take Duphaston to induce menses? There is an important place is given to a daily dose. The amount of the drug is chosen based on the underlying causes of failure:

  • Dysmenorrhea. One tablet twice a day for a 5 to 25-day cycle.
  • Irregular periods. Two tablets a day during the period from the fifth to the twenty-fifth day.
  • Amenorrhea. Along with estrogen should take 20 mg per day for 11 th to 25 th day.
  • Hormone deficiency. One tablet a day from the 14th to the 28th day of the cycle on the background of continuously receiving estrogens.
  • When cyclic therapy with estrogen. 10 mg per day in the last two weeks of estrogensoderjath preparations.
  • Stimulation of ovulation. One tablet per day (10 mg), begin the course stands on the 10th or 16th day. Complete intake worth a few days before the end of the cycle.

Gynecologist individually can increase or decrease the daily dose based on the survey results and the patient's condition. Independently appoint a drug, starting from the experience of other women, it is extremely dangerous to health.

see also Usage Norkolut instruction to call monthly on our website.

length of treatment

Most often, a drug prescribed for minor hormonal failures. The course of treatment in order to stimulate short duration. The woman starts to drink the drug from the middle of the cycle and ends a few days before the expected menstruation.

When serious problems of hormonal therapy can last for months, and sometimes as high as a year. But the drug can not be used continuously. Because of long-term treatment means the efficiency decreases, and progesterone is not restored in the blood alone.

Reviews of patients with delayed Djufaston demonstrate the need for a gradual reduction of the dose. If the woman abruptly stops treatment, there is a risk of strong uterine bleeding, or, on the contrary, prolonged absence of menstruation.
While respecting the discontinuation reproductive system optimally adjusts to the changes and hormones back to normal.

Time of receipt

In addition to the dose and duration of therapy, it is important to correctly choose the time intervals for the next reception. It is best to use tablets in the morning and evening, recording hours, when I was drunk the next dose. This should be done to ensure maximum effectiveness of therapy.

If the first tablet has been drunk at 8-00, and the second at 20-00, then the next day the drug should enter the body at the same time. Deviations in this index are allowed, but no more than 30 minutes or an hour. Otherwise not be able to achieve the desired level and assimilation hormone.

When will the monthly?

the rate of recovery of the menstrual cycle during therapy is an individual. Relying only on reviews of Duphaston in case of delay, to determine how many will come monthly specifically you can not be. But experts say that the expected normalization of menstruation, subject to instructions, a few days after discontinuation of the agent.

Doctors allowed deviation of a week, and then have to start menstruating. They can be heavy because of the compaction of the endometrium layer. Also it is changing and shade that is close to dark brown. Some patients after pills with progesterone begins scanty menstruation, which is also quite normal in the first month after treatment.

Too early

Sometimes menstrual bleeding after duphaston not linger, and start early. It can provoke:

  1. Reaction. The medicine is rare, but can still cause side effects. Because of this, there is bleeding, not menstruation. Woman should immediately visit a hospital and consult a doctor.
  2. Low dosage. Restoring hormonal balance insufficient amount of progesterone, a woman can get earlier menstruation. To solve the problem is only capable of a dose adjustment.
  3. Receiving wrong time. Luteal phase of each woman varies. But Djufaston need to take it in its time. If therapy has affected the follicular period, the increased risk of early bleeding.

The long delay

Duphaston in the absence of menstruation in women may not fix the problem. A long delay after the treatment is most often associated with the following factors:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Low estrogen levels.
  3. Delay ovulation period.
  4. Pathology hormone producing organs.

That is why we must pass a comprehensive examination that the drug helped before starting therapy, and treatment over the onset of menstruation.

When drinking means not necessary

Duphaston does not need to be taken if there are no less than a week of menstruation. The reason may be hiding in the following:

  1. Increased physical activity.
  2. Transferred stressful situations.
  3. Too much or underweight.
  4. Improper diet and strict diet.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Abrupt change of climate zone.
  7. The use of hormonal contraceptives.

A single cycle delay not regular and a deviation can be dispensed medication. Suffice it to reveal a negative factor and eliminate it. However, if a long delay - more than seven days, it is better to visit a doctor. An expert survey to be conducted on the basis of test results, will be an appointment duphaston to prevent more serious violations.


Duphaston for monthly call can not be accepted:

  • if you are hypersensitive;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • diabetes;
  • on the background of the problems with the liver;
  • in chronic indigestion.

With careful use a medicine necessary for women who suffer:

  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • frequent dizziness and migraines.

Side effect

  • headache;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • general weakness;
  • Allergic reactions on the skin;
  • vomiting;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • swelling of the extremities.

If any negative reaction on the part of the body need to see a doctor. With strong malaise specialist cancel therapy and prescribe additional testing with the subsequent selection of alternative means.

You need to know how to take Duphaston if delayed menstruation, to avoid exacerbating hormonal failure. The medicine helps only those patients who drink the correct dose and comply with all recommendations of a gynecologist. If the monthly and do not start, you must retake tests or replace Djufaston on other means.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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